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UFO's over El Paso, Bronx ,and Brazil


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Eh... make a thread when they make contact. I'm tired of them just flashing us, they just want attention. Ignore them.

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Eh... make a thread when they make contact. I'm tired of them just flashing us, they just want attention. Ignore them.

"What if the alien encounter phenomenon were subtle in the sense that it may manifest in the physical world but derives from a source which by its very nature could not provide the kind of hard evidence that would satisfy skeptics for whom reality is limited to the material? What if we were to acknowledge that the phenomenon is beyond our present framework of knowledge? Might not such an attitude of humility become, paradoxically, a way to enlarge upon what could then be learned? Is it possible that adopting an open attitude toward the testimony of witnesses could enable us to learn of unseen realities now obscured by our too limited epistemology, allowing us to rediscover the sacred and the divinity in nature and in ourselves?"

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Eh... make a thread when they make contact. I'm tired of them just flashing us, they just want attention. Ignore them.

"What if the alien encounter phenomenon were subtle in the sense that it may manifest in the physical world but derives from a source which by its very nature could not provide the kind of hard evidence that would satisfy skeptics for whom reality is limited to the material? What if we were to acknowledge that the phenomenon is beyond our present framework of knowledge? Might not such an attitude of humility become, paradoxically, a way to enlarge upon what could then be learned? Is it possible that adopting an open attitude toward the testimony of witnesses could enable us to learn of unseen realities now obscured by our too limited epistemology, allowing us to rediscover the sacred and the divinity in nature and in ourselves?"


Sure. But if they never make contact to share their knowledge what good is it doing us by them just flying over us. STOP STALKING ME ALIENS!


I'm not denying them if thats what you think, I don't need to see them or hear witnesses (I like to think I'm an open-minded individual to begin with). I know that in this vast universe other beings who have had more time to evolve exist out there.


Personally what I think is that the advance civilizations (Ones who have had more time to evolve) exist in the galaxies toward the center of the universe and would work their way out from the center to us.


Why? Well assuming the Big Bang is true then the first space that would exist and thus the planets and galaxies that would form first would be the ones following right after the explosion. The bit that expanded last and is expanding would be the last to start developing.


So if we knew our place in the universe we could look toward the center of the universe and expect to find the advanced life we all long for and also take note in our ring what should be as developed as us as well as where we stand amongst it all.

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i've got something important to say.



i really think that it's quite obvious ETs have been here before, many times, if not at all times. do you really expect some advanced civilization to be visible? i really do think that the possibilities are endless, and that the most absurd ones are actually the most reasonable.


the best way to imagine an extraterrestrial encounter would be to understand that the aliens themselves might as well be Gods to us.


of course, contact is a completely different subject.

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So if we knew our place in the universe we could look toward the center of the universe and expect to find the advanced life we all long for and also take note in our ring what should be as developed as us as well as where we stand amongst it all.


But if the universe is infinite then there is no centre, I could be the centre of the universe, you or any other arbitrary point.

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i'm pretty sure those early civilizations would be at the edge of the universe. what we currently see at the center are images from the distant past. it's a big bang, right? there's not much there anymore.

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Eh... make a thread when there's actually a decent video. I'm tired of watching shaky out of focus white dots, scammers just want attention. Ignore them.

These are my feelings towards the issue at hand.

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impotent : there are sighting like this every day. And those are quite boring/typical.


Remember that photographer that was employed by the air force to film missiles ? I searched for "informations" about this case and it seems that his superior (who had asked him not to speak about it) confirmed what he said. crazy !

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ive seen those exact ufos in the first bit of the first video... me and my friend were just talking bout them tonight


there were 4 of them in that vertical pattern. we didnt see them appear but we watched them hover around each other for about 15 minutes and then disappear (fade out) one by one..

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So if we knew our place in the universe we could look toward the center of the universe and expect to find the advanced life we all long for and also take note in our ring what should be as developed as us as well as where we stand amongst it all.


But if the universe is infinite then there is no centre, I could be the centre of the universe, you or any other arbitrary point.


universe isn't infinite.

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So if we knew our place in the universe we could look toward the center of the universe and expect to find the advanced life we all long for and also take note in our ring what should be as developed as us as well as where we stand amongst it all.


But if the universe is infinite then there is no centre, I could be the centre of the universe, you or any other arbitrary point.


universe isn't infinite.


AFAIK we don't really know one way or another.

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Guest ruiagnelo


So if we knew our place in the universe we could look toward the center of the universe and expect to find the advanced life we all long for and also take note in our ring what should be as developed as us as well as where we stand amongst it all.


But if the universe is infinite then there is no centre, I could be the centre of the universe, you or any other arbitrary point.


universe isn't infinite.


says who? you?

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I dont think the universe is infinite. But I dont think there would be anything at the centre of the universe. Just like you dont usual find anything at the centre of the blast radius of an explosive.

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