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Rand Paul supporters stomp woman while she's down

Rubin Farr

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nothing says family values like pushing a young woman to the ground and stomping on her head bc she's wearing a blonde wig and protesting your crazy as fuck candidate.



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Is the high number of comments that says 'she had it coming' representative of the mentality of Rand Paul supporters? I assume they all are OK with beating their wives or something every time they 'have it coming', and conversely all their female supporters are repressed submissives who haven't realized that topping is not..quite..the same as abuse.

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I wouldn't extrapolate anything from one extreme prick stomping a girl, but you can extrapolate plenty from the consistent willful ignorance displayed by pro-teabagger yahoo commentators. Especially the ones with iron-cross style avatars.

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i wonder what she did to get that reaction? strange how the clip starts with people shouting (call the cops!), but didn't show what had happened. either way, it was hardly her head, more like her shoulder. still doesn't warrant the behavior, but it's a little less sensationalist.

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Guest JW Modestburns

i wonder what she did to get that reaction? strange how the clip starts with people shouting (call the cops!), but didn't show what had happened. either way, it was hardly her head, more like her shoulder. still doesn't warrant the behavior, but it's a little less sensationalist.


We have a republican in our midst.

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To be fair, there were others saying "no, no, no" there.

However, you don't need to judge teabaggers on this guy alone, they do a pretty good job of making idiots of themselves without any help.

And the comments on the Yahoo piece are quite sickening for two reasons. The first obviously being the content. Anyone trying to justify that needs a little curb stomping themselves. Secondly, are the American people that bad at spelling and composition? There are posts there that look like they were written by non-native English speakers aged 10 or under. Actually, that's not being fair to many of the kids I taught under 10 who could make very good sentences and at least put some effort into spelling.



whole mess == :facepalm:

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To be fair, there were others saying "no, no, no" there.

However, you don't need to judge teabaggers on this guy alone, they do a pretty good job of making idiots of themselves without any help.

And the comments on the Yahoo piece are quite sickening for two reasons. The first obviously being the content. Anyone trying to justify that needs a little curb stomping themselves. Secondly, are the American people that bad at spelling and composition? There are posts there that look like they were written by non-native English speakers aged 10 or under. Actually, that's not being fair to many of the kids I taught under 10 who could make very good sentences and at least put some effort into spelling.



whole mess == :facepalm:


My favorite comments are those calling out the liberal media for characterizing this as a curb stomp, when in fact (they'll have you know) a true curb stomp is almost always intended as a lethal act, or at least one designed to cause serious dental injury.

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LOL "I couldn't take my foot off her because of the pain in my back!"


Later, in court.


".......ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense!"

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If I was to see that bloke doing that I would beat the living daylights out of him.


Stamp on a woman ON THE FLOOR because of your different views?


This guy should be hung, drawn and fucking quartered. SLOWLY

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i wonder what she did to get that reaction? strange how the clip starts with people shouting (call the cops!), but didn't show what had happened. either way, it was hardly her head, more like her shoulder. still doesn't warrant the behavior, but it's a little less sensationalist.


We have a republican in our midst.

By the looks of her, I'm sure she was being quite violent.


I'm not surprised btw.

Republicans are fucktards... no offense.

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ayn rand was a retard

rand paul is a retard

rand paul's goon scored a massive own goal

the short haired dyke victim looked quite pleased with the attention and opportunity to hurt rand paul's image in later interviews...


sod their rabid-left rabid-libertarian dog&pony show

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