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The Dark Knight Rises

Rubin Farr

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I've a feeling I'm going to find this film upsetting and depressing, kind of like when I saw Superman II as a kid. I only hope Bane ends up getting an Azrael-level arsekicking before the film's out. And gobbed on afterwards a la Dark Knight Returns.

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It would be cool if in the ending they both ended up canceling each other out.




but its probably going to have some in-movie teaser at the end for The Avengers II

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After seeing the trailer again before Prometheus today I am still not at all excited for this. And the chanting towards the end of the trailer still sounds like FISH FISH PASTA PASTA!

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Guest Gary C

Agreed. A massive ensemble piece with ~10 villains leading up to Bane would have been amazing regardless of theme, pacing and plot. Put a super-famous name in each role, and fans might say that Nolan sold out, but damn it'd be the most watchable film ever.

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it's too bad nolan didn't have the balls to just do a proper knightfall story line


thats the weird thing, and I think I am finally starting to realize the inherent corner Nolan wrote himself into when he went for this "realism" angle. I guess ultimately I loved the first two Nolan Batman movies because they seemed like the closest "gritty realism" reflection on the big screen adaptation of the Animated Series, which IMHO, was fucking amazing and untouchable in how perfect it was. I have read a few Batman comics, never a huge comic fan, but that series still screams "THIS IS BATMAN" to me. I mean, goddamn,




that just set the tone for Batman for the rest of my goddamn life, and it was a privilege to witness it. That's about as perfect a cartoon superhero adaptation as you could possibly hope for.

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this shit still makes me emotional



i mean, goddamn...Nolan can never top shit like this





The Greeks didn't teach me what an antihero is....Batman TAS did. Maybe that's pathetic, but it still means a hell of a lot. You don't get many cartoons like these anymore.

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Guest zaphod

there's an episode of cowboy bebop called "pierrot le fou" that always reminded me of batman the animated series. like, the tone of that particular episode is exactly what i want a batman film to feel like.


here we go:



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there's an episode of cowboy bebop called "pierrot le fou" that always reminded me of batman the animated series. like, the tone of that particular episode is exactly what i want a batman film to feel like.


here we go:




A man can dream.



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It looks like what's currently happening in Quebec, lawl.

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there's an episode of cowboy bebop called "pierrot le fou" that always reminded me of batman the animated series. like, the tone of that particular episode is exactly what i want a batman film to feel like.


here we go:




A man can dream.



that was one of my least favourite cowboy bebop episodes, because it seemed too much like a shit film.. so for me, it's weird seeing someone say they'd like a film to be like that episode. however, i'm rewatching the whole series now, and i'll return (maybe) with my opinion (i probably won't tho).




It looks like what's currently happening in Quebec, lawl.

steal some trainers man

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has anyone seen the fan made animated series short of knightfall? it looks really fucking good and was syced up with some excellent musical score from Mask of the Phantasm, which again totally obliterates the shite Hanz Zimmer and Howard think they are doing.





he got copyright letter, so you have to now sync up the music manually


if you want the full effect start the above video at exactly 1:50 in this song





the part with bruce in the wheelchair at the end of this short is 5x more emotionally epic than anything Nolan will do in this film haha

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I don't mean to say the Nolan Batman sucks, Batman Begins is by far my fave origin story set to a movie, and what else can you say about Ledger's performance?


I actually really, really dig the Zimmer theme...because it pumps you up without being too ridiculously bombastic. I think Zimmer gets way too much hate; sure he's a one-trick pony, but you can't tell me his work is ineffective. His scores for Inception, the batman series, and a couple other films are practically carbon copies of each other, but they work in the movies hes hired for. (Also his score for The Ring was pretty damn good, and had quite a few tracks that at times bordered on Silent Hill noisefests).


I think what I like most about these movies is that I grew up during the time when Batman Forever and Batman and Robin were the summer blockbuster movies you looked forward too. You would spend every afternoon watching the kickass cartoon series, further building up your expectations. Then you go to the cinema with friends and leave incredibly disappointed and disillusioned.


Now Batman Begins comes out when Im almost through undergrad, and I go to see it in the theater. I actually come out satisfied with the experience, and it ended up reinvigorating my love for the old animated series, the first two Tim Burton films, the comics, etc. I remembered when Batman wasn't old man Clooney and Paperface O' Donnell.


So I guess people want to hate on it because its not a great film, and they are probably right. But I wouldn't say its a horrible film. Maybe average? And the fact that it had been so long since a half decent superhero movie came out, the impact was larger than expected?


I can't fault Nolan for these movies, because without them I think I would still have a passing interest in Batman and other comic book heroes.

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Agreed. A massive ensemble piece with ~10 villains leading up to Bane would have been amazing regardless of theme, pacing and plot. Put a super-famous name in each role, and fans might say that Nolan sold out, but damn it'd be the most watchable film ever.


ORLY? Go rewatch 1997's "Batman & Robin"

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Batman Forever / Batman and Robin are genuine atrocities. And I'm fine with Adam West level campy Batman: those two films are just objectively worse than Hitler.

I'm not even particularly excited for the new movie, but I'm pretty sure it won't make me want to gouge out my eyes the way Batman and Robin did.


I wasn't even a huge fan of Batman when those earlier films came out, and I still felt like a part of my childhood was being locked in an Austrian basement and raped while I watched Batman and Robin with my father in the theater. I can't talk to my father anymore. It wasn't his fault. But I can't. Too painful.


I saw a black homeless dude walking shirtless, nipples hard in the brisk morning air, and threw up because it reminded me of that generation batsuit. He asked if I was ok. He seemed genuinely concerned, but I couldn't talk to him. I felt my anus pucker in fear, ran home, and called in a sick day.


I'm thinking of cutting my dick off right now just to distract me from the pain of these recollections.


I get diarrhea now whenever I see a large bald man lit with blue LEDs.



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Guest Gary C

Agreed. A massive ensemble piece with ~10 villains leading up to Bane would have been amazing regardless of theme, pacing and plot. Put a super-famous name in each role, and fans might say that Nolan sold out, but damn it'd be the most watchable film ever.


ORLY? Go rewatch 1997's "Batman & Robin"


I guess you're highlighting the 'big names' bit, and whilst I'm not defending B&R, it doesn't have anywhere near the quantity or quality of the roster of villains in Knightfall.

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Guest Gary C

Also, Forever isn't that bad. Carrey is on-form, but Two Face was pushed into the background as a result.

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Guest Wall Bird

Batman Forever / Batman and Robin are genuine atrocities.


I saw a black homeless dude walking shirtless, nipples hard in the brisk morning air, and threw up because it reminded me of that generation batsuit. He asked if I was ok. He seemed genuinely concerned, but I couldn't talk to him. I felt my anus pucker in fear, ran home, and called in a sick day.


I just stopped in to say:



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