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The Dark Knight Rises

Rubin Farr

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Just thought today how the hell did Bruce Waynes knees fix themselves enough to climb that wall? Is he Wolverine now?


He did get some fancy knee brace that allowed him to break a brick wall.


so bane was harsh enough to break his back in two but leave his leg brace on?

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Here we go again with all the nitpicking. Does everything really have to be realistic and explained to details? It's a superhero movie for christ sake.


I feel like this nitpicking is happening with everything these days. I wonder how you guys find the energy to get caught up in such details. Would you really want Batman to be a cripple for the rest of the film?


I might sound like a stupid phanboi or something.. But c'mon now..

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Here we go again with all the nitpicking. Does everything really have to be realistic and explained to details? It's a superhero movie for christ sake.


I feel like this nitpicking is happening with everything these days. I wonder how you guys find the energy to get caught up in such details. Would you really want Batman to be a cripple for the rest of the film?


I might sound like a stupid phanboi or something.. But c'mon now..

Literally everything in a movie is there because someone working on the film choose it to be there. Nothing happens my accident. If the director focuses on these minute-details, we as the audience should be able to rip them apart :)

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Fair point.. But I just don't get it. Some recent examples for me is like Mass Effect 3 (video game) and Prometheus. I enjoyed both those (Prometheus wasn't the greatest movie, but still). I've heard people who had those experiences ruined because of small details. It's like people can't enjoy anything anymore without they have to pick everything apart for minor flaws.


Internetz, I guess...

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Fair point.. But I just don't get it. Some recent examples for me is like Mass Effect 3 (video game) and Prometheus. I enjoyed both those (Prometheus wasn't the greatest movie, but still). I've heard people who had those experiences ruined because of small details. It's like people can't enjoy anything anymore without they have to pick everything apart for minor flaws.


WATTEM, I guess...

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I just watched it for the second time and i thought this is by far the best in the trilogy. Everything that i found wrong and boring with the other two this one didn't have. It was almost 3 hours long but it didn't feel long at all. Bane was awesome in this movie.


9.5/10 (I'll give Batman Begins a 5/10 and Dark Knight a 7/10)

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Best line in the movie:





that was so fucking random when that happened....I don't even think it was on screen long enough to figure out who said it.


plus my favorite Batman is Cookie Monster growl was when they managed to stop the truck and everyone was trying to figure out how to deal with the bomb.


Batman literally flies towards it and just barrels out "BUHREHRUHREHBUHREHRUH"

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Guest Araungzeb

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and thought it was a very fitting conclusion to the best superhero film series of all time. There was, however, one part that nearly ruined it for me...




I understand the whole Talia plot-point was part of the comics and that people were really looking forward to/expecting that twist towards the end, but I feel that it was completely overly-convoluted, shattered all suspension of disbelief, and added absolutely nothing to the plot. There was nothing about the final scenes that was contingent on Miranda Tate secretly being Talia, so I don't see how anyone can argue that it was a necessary addition. In fact, I feel it not only completely destroyed the dramatic tension between Bane and Batman in their final scene together, but defeated the entire purpose of the film. Up until then "Dark Knight Rises" was a fantastic "old, semi-retired Batman vs new, purpose-driven supervillian" narrative that recalled the best aspects of "The Dark Knight Returns." Everything in the entire movie was setting up to a final confrontation between the nearly-broken Bruce Wayne and the seemingly unstoppable Bane, especially the longer-than-necessary prison scenes. The entire point of Bruce Wayne needing to climb out of the pit in the first place was that Bane was the only other person to ever do it, so that entire plot arc feels cheapened when Talia reveals it was actually her. Also, if Bane was Talia's protector when Talia was a small child, wouldn't that make Bane much older than Bruce Wayne? Likely in his 50s or early 60s? What could have been a fantastic, meaningful final scene between Batman and Bane was cheapened by Nolan's apparent need to throw in an "unexpected twist," no matter how impractical and tacked-on it might have felt.





Aside from that, I felt that the pacing, character interactions, and acting performances were top-knotch and worthy of the high bar that Nolan set for the rest of the series. If I were to rate it along with the rest of the movies, I'd go:


Batman Begins: 8/10, The Dark Knight: 9/10, The Dark Knight Rises: 7.5/10


Then again this is coming from someone who thoroughly loved the new Spider-Man and would probably rank it as their second or third favorite superhero movie, so I understand that people are going to see things differently.

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just curious, what was taken from the Dark Knight Returns besides the concept of batman coming out of retirement? Im not familiar with the Long Halloween, does Gotham turn into a riot zone or something?


I thought one of the best aspects of it was the whole prison banishment plot, i wonder if that came specifically from any of the comic books . It seemed like the Knightquest storyline from the comic books was already quasi utilized in Batman Begins during his training sessions


the only thing 'wrong' about this new movie was the sound mixing of Bane's voice (not it being understandable or not, but the loudness seemed completely irregular compared to all the other audio in the movie) and Batman's strangely unmenacing anime inspired costume. I just finished watching Begins, in this movie he actually looks scary and intimidating. In Dark Knight Rises he looks like a korean fan doing cosplay at Comic Con


edit: anybody else catch the Killer Croc nod in the middle of the film?


edit2: not that the bar is very high for a 3rd installment in a trilogy, but i was trying to think of any original movie trilogy where the 3rd was this strong. I can't think of a single one

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Guest Mirezzi

Yeah, I'm curious, too. I was recently chastised for merely suggesting that Frank Miller's source had anything to do with TDKR, which struck me as strange.

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Best line in the movie:





that was so fucking random when that happened....I don't even think it was on screen long enough to figure out who said it.


plus my favorite Batman is Cookie Monster growl was when they managed to stop the truck and everyone was trying to figure out how to deal with the bomb.


Batman literally flies towards it and just barrels out "BUHREHRUHREHBUHREHRUH"


Huh, I don't actually remember that second one. Fox says the first one though, I think. Which is why it's so strange, because I didn't even realize he was in the scene until then. It was just some guy out of nowhere saying something strange for no reason. My friend and I laughed for like five minutes after that line. If those moments were close together I might've been too distracted by the first one to notice the second.

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In my opinion the quality meter goes: The Dark Knight>The Dark Knight Rises>Batman Begins ...however I really enjoyed all three

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just curious, what was taken from the Dark Knight Returns besides the concept of batman coming out of retirement? Im not familiar with the Long Halloween, does Gotham turn into a riot zone or something?


I thought one of the best aspects of it was the whole prison banishment plot, i wonder if that came specifically from any of the comic books . It seemed like the Knightquest storyline from the comic books was already quasi utilized in Batman Begins during his training sessions


the only thing 'wrong' about this new movie was the sound mixing of Bane's voice (not it being understandable or not, but the loudness seemed completely irregular compared to all the other audio in the movie) and Batman's strangely unmenacing anime inspired costume. I just finished watching Begins, in this movie he actually looks scary and intimidating. In Dark Knight Rises he looks like a korean fan doing cosplay at Comic Con


edit: anybody else catch the Killer Croc nod in the middle of the film?


edit2: not that the bar is very high for a 3rd installment in a trilogy, but i was trying to think of any original movie trilogy where the 3rd was this strong. I can't think of a single one


The city as a warzone ides comes from "No Man's Land", I think. How the city becomes cut off and the villains start to move in etc. I think the prison plot, while tied to Bane for his backstory in the comics (except in those, it was in South America or something) has a bit to do with "Legacy".. the whole middle eastern like setting where the prison was located, and having to leave Gotham to be able to save it etc. I didn't read all of Legacy to see any more similarities, so I can't speak much on that.

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It is pretty clever how much he really did pull from the comics without losing it. I mean...any one who takes this shit seriously as having a "dark" edge..hmm. Not so much, I think. It was VERY comic book like in the end. But it resolved it self really well, I think. But there is still so much absurdity, just disguised in a satisfying way. Why does every comic villain want to blow things up? The whole bomb chase scene reminded me of this:




Movies like The Avengers/Iron Man/Incredible Hulk, while I can sort of appreciate them for their popcorn qualities, make me walk away feeling like I ate a Twix candy bar or something. That shit makes my teeth hurt. Maybe I ate a Twix and washed it down with some Tahitian Treat. I don't know. That said, I don't get that feeling as much after these movies. I still can't help but flat out lol at some of the stuff (Bane's absurd voice/Batman sounding like a smoker/the outright saturday morning cartoon villain aura of it all), but I can accept it as a part of the source material and enjoy it.


*fires missles at truck in hopes of getting it to move east*

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Just came back from watching it. Totally fun, and for the first time in a long time, I came out of a movie theater not feeling ripped off.

Also, Anne Hathaway's ass when she was riding the batcycle was worth the ticket price by itself.


This has probably been said before, but did anyone else think that Bane sounded like Sean Connery?

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I hope the makers were thinking about this scene when making those last scenes in TDKR. They should have also had Batman saying "some days you just can't get rid of a bomb".

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard



the prison climb escape scene - when he missed he flung himself and still missed but when he made the jump he was barely trying. didnt make any sense.


if you an actress in leather and stick her ass in the air riding a bat bike and it's not sexy then you doen bad casting. anne hathaway looks like my sister and I don't have a sister.


my ass went numb too


batman begins worked because it was fresh

dark knight worked because of the joker

this doesn't have anything to say except wrapping up





but i did like some stuff. i was just disappointed/underwhelmed but like most fanboys i'll probably pay to see it again so obv didnt hate it.


i liked bane. he was badass. i liked......nope thats all I got. they tried to cram too much in and everything suffered for it including bane.


edit: i liked the opening scene but it wasn't really related to anything else. so they got the scientist... and the one guy agreed to stay in the plane without any argument?

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

does that make sense though? she looks completely asexual to me like i imagine my sister would.


thinking about it now - maybe it was the lipstick, i cannot stand bright red lipstick. i guess i just don't find her attractive and everyone else does so problem is mine



I would also like to admit that I thought Katie Holmes was a much better Rachael than maggie gylenhal. after watching both films over the weekend

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