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Do you love yourself?

Tessier Ashpool

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you're too hard on yourself osc. a prolonged dose of 'you are you' combined with a daily dose of 'haters gonna hate' should help.

that's the problem though - too much of a dose of 'i am me' has left me with the conclusion that i am, in fact, shit. as was always told to me beforehand.





in other news, music shall be coming henceforth from my cavities soon.


it better sound like


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you know i wanted to make a thread about this, alot of times people will say "you can't love someone if you don't love yourself" and i find it true. but i find myself falling in and out of love with myself, if someone shows love then i love the fact that i am loved, but that wares off and the inevitable self loathe soon seeps in, now i i don't hate myself or anyone else for that matter. i want to make a change and i would love to love myself, but sometimes i feel like i am unlovable, granted i have friends and family that love me, but it's never "TV" love or maybe i expect to much?

but it got me thinking the other day one lonely night, is there anyone that yearns to hug me?

if not i wanna change that. i come from a family that doesn't really show any love, hugs and kisses feel like a lie and guilty. telling someone that you love them feels embarrassing or ashamed to do so.

i don't like that . . . not one bit, i often seek love but like they say, you can't love anyone nless you love yourself.


how do i love myself without feeling cheap?


i want to change.





Producer Snafu, is he a cool guy? Does he eat his veggies and brushes his teeths before bed? Does he straighten his bed without being told to and cleans up his messes?












^^this bitch







(unless snafu is truly heather mills, my apologies)




Thus, Mr. Producer Snafu,





















I entreat ye not to lament thyself.



(Not just to producer snafu, but to all you negative nancies as well)

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Mainly yes. But I often feel really let down by myself.


im in this boat as well.



and yea osc you are way too hard on yourself man. i was wondering how many posts in i would see you say no. damn it bro.

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some days I like me, some days i think im an absolute failure at life. There are things I like and things I don't. Eh, depends on the specific thing you ask about i guess

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Guest fiznuthian

my sense of self has been tangled up by years feeling uncomfortable with my body.

strange really, because i can acknowledge it is irrational and everyone else says i see a problem that isn't there.


i'm just now discovering that it has more to do with assimilated family behavior and childhood than anything else.

yet there's this grating feeling that is constant in my mind, some brick wall hypothalamic fuck-up.

that keeps me from feeling more comfortable than i should at any given moment. anxiety has infiltrated every aspect of my life.


but i do enjoy myself sometimes, and there is a lot about myself i do love.

not always, emotional lows seem to spawn from the dark corridors of the labrynthian mind.

it's hard to shake 'em, negative thoughts can spiral quick and wreak synaptic havok on what otherwise would be a will to fight on through whatever.

i guess its depression, i don't know. i imagine some people experience worse, i'm not that bad off i'm just not functioning properly.

its hard to feel good about yourself when you are sad.


all in all i do love myself.

are there people who truly do not? it's a hard thing to comprehend.

there are so many things to being a human being.

i see many people who in my mind are much worse off than I am or in desperate situations,

yet many of them are very happy with themselves, and often more than I am.

i've often wondered whether some people are just born this way,

or raised in some fashion to have a strong sense of self and love themselves despite their shortcomings.

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Guest Ricky Downtown

if you want to love yourself, the first step is loving your body, before you love your personality or anything else. like my 8th grad TA said, "love your body, you only get one."

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in a way, i'm at a crossroads, watmm;


i finished with my woman, because i felt she couldn't help me with my mind, y'know

it's got to the stage where i've heard people muttering about this frown i'm not even aware i have!

watmm, i hope you can help. i can't find my brain. ladies and gentlemen, ronnie james dio!

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I like big butts and I can not lie

You other brothers can't deny

That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist

And a round thing in your face

You get sprung

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Yes in fact I do at the moment but I also fucked your sister so I don't know what that says about that.

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