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snow day


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I was going to write something on my wall along the lines of "something something something something snow" just to piss people off :emotawesomepm9:

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My lectures for today were cancelled so I'm at home reading, pretty glad I didn't have to brave the weather and the tube.

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loads of snow in london last night, unfortunatley the tube was working fine this morning so i'm at work :(


this. half of my office didn't make it. fml.


My lectures for today were cancelled so I'm at home reading, pretty glad I didn't have to brave the weather and the tube.


f u dude.

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loads of snow in london last night, unfortunatley the tube was working fine this morning so i'm at work :(


this. half of my office didn't make it.


same here, I reckon I could easily have gotten away with not coming in as about half my office haven't turned up either....fml.

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loads of snow in london last night, unfortunatley the tube was working fine this morning so i'm at work :(


this. half of my office didn't make it.


same here, I reckon I could easily have gotten away with not coming in as about half my office haven't turned up either....fml.


where is it you work again, west end? i'm here on the sunny south bank, just next to blackfriar's bridge.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

awesome photo, mildew


the conditions here would have to be ungodly to make anyone cancel anything. high school was just as bad. it has to be like -40 with winds that alter G-forces by the double digits


then it snows 2 inches in Florida and they get a day off or some shit

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My lectures for today were cancelled so I'm at home reading, pretty glad I didn't have to brave the weather and the tube.


Oh man, there's nothing better than going to school only to find out that the lecture has been cancelled because then when you get home you find out how fucking amazing it is to have gotten up way earlier than you usually would. All of a sudden the day is a lot longer than usual and you have so much time to spare on certain little things that always gets rushed. Aaaahh...!

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day off tomorrow. but i'm meeting a girl for coffee in the afternoon. if i'm able to get to work all week, but get screwed when it's time to go on a date, i am going to kill myself.

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it's snowing here now. not gonna be a puss about it though



So strange. Roads closed in Buffalo, mounds of snow. Not a single flake in Niagara. Really don't understand it.


driving home from rochester was an adventure. everyone going 25mph with flashers on from batavia to depew on the 90. could see maybe 15 ft ahead. as soon as i got to the 290 BAM nothing.


very weird.


also, only a light dusting at home.

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