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snow day


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It's been snowing all day here, sudden massive winter. I gotta reschedule a little regarding my film project, I was gonna have late-autumn atmosphere, can't really do that now. I don't think it's gonna melt any time soon. Maybe I'll just go with it.

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took 2 and a half hours to get home last night on the train so i risked the car today and just got to work after a hellish 3 hour journey through blizzards and snow swept motorway. the gritters can't keep up with the amount of snow falling.


i love snow normally but this sucks the fat one.



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i threw snowballs at a fucking raccoon last night. the raccoon was tryin to dodge em but the snowballs kept hittin him in the face. finally he just got on his hind legs, stood up, and was like what the fuck guy?


oh and i hate snow.

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Snow days make me lol.

Self employed people *have* to get to work otherwise they dont get paid.


My grandad's generation have a completely different mentality over work. He took a week off work 45 years ago when he broke his leg playing football. Since then he only had time off work when he got his hip replaced. Hardcore.

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snowed a bit in Sheffield, but no snow day. Heating isn't working either... but uni's tend not to shut down because of all the problems cancelling teaching and stuff. quite a few people aint made it in.

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Got a pussy amount of snow today. Not enough to have much fun in the car, but enough to terrorise the locals around my work (who are all unemployed, overweight Jeramy Kyle subjects).

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Lots of drunken antics in the snow over the weekend... lots of sliding, falling, snowballfights, and snow-phallus's




also, I took the day off college today cause my lecturers are snowed in, HI-FAIVE

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Here we are used to the snow (it takes a major dump to shut the city down, which is rare).. but we do tend to get schizophrenic winters.. -20, snow, then suddenly a few warm days of rain, then a deep freeze again. So we get 'ice days' as well once every few years.. last time it happened to me I couldn't leave the apartment and walk down the street, everything was covered in a sheen of slippery, smooth, rainy, ice. The best part was when I could hardly stand up in the middle of the street let alone get anywhere, a big fat skunk decides to take a walk past me..

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Lots of drunken antics in the snow over the weekend... lots of sliding, falling, snowballfights, and snow-phallus's




also, I took the day off college today cause my lecturers are snowed in, HI-FAIVE


It is interesting to see how ms-paint threads have changed people's lives.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Snowed a bit last night and a bit today. I decided to go home early even though I walk in and so I don't have any excuse really

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scotland is apparently looking at a two week siberian wind floating over and creating intense amounts more snows. im enjoying the snow in glasgow, i walk everywhere anyway so its fine.

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scotland is apparently looking at a two week siberian wind floating over and creating intense amounts more snows. im enjoying the snow in glasgow, i walk everywhere anyway so its fine.

i know right.

yet the idiots who run my college, seem to think that it was ok to cancel monday and tuesday, but tomorrow (now that it's even worse) college is going to be on.


think i'm just mad because i haven't done my work that's due in tomorrow...

but srsly how does that make sense?

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It is interesting to see how ms-paint threads have changed people's lives.

We need some xxxmas MSpaint-ings for the holiday season, I'm up for getting creative once I'm off college. I hope to see some more Gaarg masterpieces :)

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