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Do people think you're a pretentious music asshole?

Guest esstevancarlos

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idm nerds always think they have the best, most obscure taste in music. they also think that people are very interested to learn about IDM because they assume people are as curious about it as they are. can you imagine being the kind of person who sits in a quiet library or coffeeshop, blasting your stupid computer bleeps through your outrageously huge headphones just to try and elicit a response from someone? "OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO? IT SOUNDS LIKE A MATRIX!" i think a lot of idm nerds fantasize about these kinds of scenarios.


Hahahaha, so true.

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i've kind of noticed a lot of the people who don't 'get it' lack creativity or imagination, in general. it's something about the ability to notice and perceive details either in site or sound and to appreciate it as an artform.

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It happens sometimes when I force Steve Reich and similar composers to "people". Idm isn't that big of a problem most of the time (at least until you start some acidness ha!)

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PSST.. a little secret about music. Everyone is a pretentious asshole, because everyone is the only person who is right, and everyone else is wrong.


(OK, some people are more pretentious than others. IMO they are the ones who use the word 'pretentious' in a pretentious manner)

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i've kind of noticed a lot of the people who don't 'get it' lack creativity or imagination, in general. it's something about the ability to notice and perceive details either in site or sound and to appreciate it as an artform.


Ehm... no. You can't discuss taste in music/movie/art. Saying that people lack the ability to notice and perceive details and that they lack creativity is just you being pretentious. It would be the same if I went out and said, 'none of you assholes understand just how great and imaginative it is that

fails to use a can opener. It's ingenious! You don't appreciate fine art, you apes!'
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i've kind of noticed a lot of the people who don't 'get it' lack creativity or imagination, in general. it's something about the ability to notice and perceive details either in site or sound and to appreciate it as an artform.


Ehm... no. You can't discuss taste in music/movie/art. Saying that people lack the ability to notice and perceive details and that they lack creativity is just you being pretentious. It would be the same if I went out and said, 'none of you assholes understand just how great and imaginative it is that

fails to use a can opener. It's ingenious! You don't appreciate fine art, you apes!'


what i meant is they don't even see it as an 'art'.. like, they don't perceive it the same why. i mean, i realize people have different tastes, but if you can't simply recognize artistry - there's a lack of something there. like, i would never listen to Kenny G simply bc of taste but i can definitely appreciate the talent he has. it's just from my experience, and probably due to my area of the country or whatever. as an example; a friend of mine just moved to my city from Sweden and he brought this exact topic up the other day - about how closed minded Americans seem with music.

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Saying that people lack the ability to notice and perceive details and that they lack creativity is just you being pretentious.


No, it is not. It takes a lifetime to develop pattern recognition skills. People aren't born speaking university-level english, and people aren't born with the ability to write musical notation, or parse heavy polyphonic music in all its' parts.


If I played a piece of raga for somebody who had never heard raga before, they would probably not be able to follow it. It's a foreign language. Same with Ghanaian drumming, for example (probably the most absurdly complex fucking rhythms you'll ever hear). When I took four-voice classical harmony in school, a lot of the students were unable to distinguish the parts, they just heard a weird gestalt. It takes years to develop these skills for most people, and hard work.


Personal taste is a huge part of the equation. But there's a difference between disliking a piece of music because you get it, and disliking it because it's forcing your brain to grow some new connections. Sometimes this boundary does get fuzzy. When you query someone and they cannot even tell what is happening in a piece of music, they cannot actually hear the shifting hihat line, it's fair to say it's partially a matter of not getting what's going on or hearing the details. Because they aren't.

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its the dictatorship of the narrowminded though.


i play my music in my house, dont try to force it on others or anything, i walk out, someone comments on how stupid it is, and how pretentious it is.


now, if i argue that it isnt, it reinforces my pretentiousness.


yet on the other hand, aren't THEY the pretentious ones for having a preconceived notion of what good music sounds like? it baffles the mind that this hasn't been considered.

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its the dictatorship of the narrowminded though.


unfortunately you get that anywhere, even amongst the musically edjuumacated.


Anyway what you're talking about is exactly what I mean with the word pretentious. The word does have a meaning. Using it merely to describe something you don't like.. well, that's pretentious :P

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Guest David R James


i don't think people care about your musical tastes as much as you think they do.


yep nobody really cares at all...


you shouldn't worry about it

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Guest esstevancarlos

Often times I try introduce Autechre to people. Why? 'Cause I fucking love Autechre. Anyway, it's tough because the casual listener* assumes I'm pretentious for even humoring the idea of Autechre's music. It's disappointing because, like many here, i'm quite serious about their work. Anyway does this happen to anyone else? Has anyone ever successfully introduced Autechre, or similar, work to casual listeners? One complaint I hear pretty consistently from casual listeners is that Autechre sounds "boring". WTF?



*Listeners who would never come to this forum


i don't think people care about your musical tastes as much as you think they do. you should also possibly take this as a sign to stop evangelising your music to people who are indifferent at best. keep them as your own dirty little secret. IDM club.



I don't think you understand. For years I've just wanted to meet people who share my same musical interests. I had no idea this forum existed so now I feel better but for years I couldn't have a conversation with any human being in person about some shared musical interests. For a musician, it sucks. So I do like to introduce Autechre for those few or rare possibilities someone might jump up and say, "This is great."

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I don't think I've ever been called pretentious to my face. Fuck 'em if they think that. I've never felt the need to plaster my exact tastes over people I know. I like to think that there are musical sections of myself that are hidden away from the closest people to me. I like it that way. I found the music I listen to and enjoy myself. Whether it be crate digging up London or from you lovely internet people. If they want something different they should do the same. They don't need my help.

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I don't think you understand. For years I've just wanted to meet people who share my same musical interests. I had no idea this forum existed so now I feel better but for years I couldn't have a conversation with any human being in person about some shared musical interests. For a musician, it sucks. So I do like to introduce Autechre for those few or rare possibilities someone might jump up and say, "This is great."


I agree.. music isn't some weird repressed obscure fetish you have to hide lest you be sent off to the asylum.. seems awfully silly to me. Well, I guess whatever works for you..


Where do you live though? Surely if you live in a major center, if you hit up some electronic events you'll run into fellow fans eventually. I can't even count the number of people I know who appreciate a bit of weird electronic music now and then, Autechre included.. I never have trouble finding them.


If you seek out people who are are open-minded about music in general, you're more likely to find people who will be into some of that stuff too. Most people I know who like Autechre are into a LOT of music, not just IDM

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Often times I try introduce Autechre to people. Why? 'Cause I fucking love Autechre. Anyway, it's tough because the casual listener* assumes I'm pretentious for even humoring the idea of Autechre's music. It's disappointing because, like many here, i'm quite serious about their work. Anyway does this happen to anyone else? Has anyone ever successfully introduced Autechre, or similar, work to casual listeners? One complaint I hear pretty consistently from casual listeners is that Autechre sounds "boring". WTF?



*Listeners who would never come to this forum


i don't think people care about your musical tastes as much as you think they do. you should also possibly take this as a sign to stop evangelising your music to people who are indifferent at best. keep them as your own dirty little secret. IDM club.



I don't think you understand. For years I've just wanted to meet people who share my same musical interests. I had no idea this forum existed so now I feel better but for years I couldn't have a conversation with any human being in person about some shared musical interests. For a musician, it sucks. So I do like to introduce Autechre for those few or rare possibilities someone might jump up and say, "This is great."


my heart bleeds dude. luckily you've found us. welcome... to IDM club.

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i agree that people don't really care, as long as you don't push your tastes on others, and are empathetic enough to not do to others that which you don't want done to you, like assuming predominance over someone for any reason whatsoever.

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Guest esstevancarlos


I agree.. music isn't some weird repressed obscure fetish you have to hide lest you be sent off to the asylum.. seems awfully silly to me. Well, I guess whatever works for you..


Where do you live though? Surely if you live in a major center, if you hit up some electronic events you'll run into fellow fans eventually. I can't even count the number of people I know who appreciate a bit of weird electronic music now and then, Autechre included.. I never have trouble finding them.


If you seek out people who are are open-minded about music in general, you're more likely to find people who will be into some of that stuff too. Most people I know who like Autechre are into a LOT of music, not just IDM



I'm originally from a country-styled place in Texas. I had a couple friends interested in music there. Eventually I've landed in Los Angeles and it's just taken me some time to figure out the scene here. I went to art school and strangely enough no one there was down with the IDM. So yeah, I try to be proactive so I can figure out who's into this.

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i've kind of noticed a lot of the people who don't 'get it' lack creativity or imagination, in general. it's something about the ability to notice and perceive details either in site or sound and to appreciate it as an artform.


Ehm... no. You can't discuss taste in music/movie/art. Saying that people lack the ability to notice and perceive details and that they lack creativity is just you being pretentious. It would be the same if I went out and said, 'none of you assholes understand just how great and imaginative it is that

fails to use a can opener. It's ingenious! You don't appreciate fine art, you apes!'


While I don't necessarily disagree with the second part of this bold sentence, the first one strikes me as really weird coming from someone on this forum. While I don't think anyone lacks the ability to eventually be able to seperate elements of a track it's not something at least that I personally was born with. There are certain tracks by certain subforum artists that to this day continue to reveal more of themselves the more I listen. Do you disagree with this?


If my habits of listening hadn't developed the way they did, perhaps if I went the same way my brother had with rock music and etc. I don't think I'd be able to appreciate the things I listen to as much or at least in certain ways that give my listening experience much more (imo) depth.


I think the best example I can come up with is gantz graf. The first impression for me and I think for lot's of people is "wow, this is a lot of incoherent noise packed into a small amount of time." But as I've heard it more it seems like an inherently logical piece of music.

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i don't think people care about your musical tastes as much as you think they do. you should also possibly take this as a sign to stop evangelising your music to people who are indifferent at best. keep them as your own dirty little secret. IDM club.


most intelligent thing i've read on this board


i've kind of noticed a lot of the people who don't 'get it' lack creativity or imagination, in general. it's something about the ability to notice and perceive details either in site or sound and to appreciate it as an artform.


perhaps the most obnoxious.


my friends don't avoid idm because they don't "get it", they avoid it because they don't "like it". i've seen this thread a thousand times -- every time, it's just as pretentious. i think a lot of people don't enjoy the sound palette.

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i think most people just want to listen to something nice.


i want to listen to something interesting.



side note: i went on a work road trip, 16+ hours straight driving from home to location. on the way back i put on ae glasgow and the dood i was driving with fell asleep. it was pretty loud too lol

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IDM Club


#1 - The first rule of IDM Club is, you do not talk about IDM Club.


#2 - The second rule of IDM Club is, you DO NOT talk about IDM Club.


#3 - If someone says stop, goes limp, taps out, the IDM is working.


#4 - Two guys to a IDM.


#5 - One IDM at a time.


#6 - No shirts, no shoes.


#7 - IDMs will go on as long as they have to.


#8 - If this is your first night at IDM Club, you have to listen to IDM.

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Y'all sound like you should move to Montreal I think. My first week I moved here the mall was playing 'blue room' by the orb and a random cafe was playing Bola Soup. I've walked into small record shops and lounged out because they were playing Chiastic Slide.


OK it's not an IDM wunderland, but at the same time there's a substantial fan base. Plus we've got joie de vivre and all of that. And plenty of poutine for all.

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