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Guest Wergle The Proud

I only recently took the digital plunge. After buying 11 12"'s I felt a little used and toyed with when the mp3's came about. But another £38.50 in his coffers and I don't regret a thing. More than any of his other work, I think the series is a great bed for existing. Just playing under life as it ticks along, commuting and walking. The textures, melodies and propulsion washing around you like a lapping lagoon. Stand out tracks and flitting, fleeting diversions, it's a wonderful body of work. Even now I can't pin down my favourite tracks, they're always in flux.

It seems a fair point in ways that it only gets so much attention because its RDJ, but that attention is earned. The trust accrued after years of wonderful music. I've stopped myself reaching for the skip before, when his music is at its most caustic and abrasive, knowing that there'll likely be a payoff. Also, I'm sure it's true that it bears this much analysis because we've been somewhat starved of new material in the past few years. But, as a soundtrack to my life, it's unrivaled. And I'd imagine I'm not alone in that sentiment. Analogue love to you all.

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I only recently took the digital plunge. After buying 11 12"'s I felt a little used and toyed with when the mp3's came about. But another £38.50 in his coffers and I don't regret a thing. More than any of his other work, I think the series is a great bed for existing. Just playing under life as it ticks along, commuting and walking. The textures, melodies and propulsion washing around you like a lapping lagoon. Stand out tracks and flitting, fleeting diversions, it's a wonderful body of work. Even now I can't pin down my favourite tracks, they're always in flux.

It seems a fair point in ways that it only gets so much attention because its RDJ, but that attention is earned. The trust accrued after years of wonderful music. I've stopped myself reaching for the skip before, when his music is at its most caustic and abrasive, knowing that there'll likely be a payoff. Also, I'm sure it's true that it bears this much analysis because we've been somewhat starved of new material in the past few years. But, as a soundtrack to my life, it's unrivaled. And I'd imagine I'm not alone in that sentiment. Analogue love to you all.


yes yes yes

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  • 7 months later...

I still think that would Analord have been done by anyone else than Aphex, you lot wouldn't be gushing over it as much you do. Most of you would have probably never even heard of it.

the amount of shit that is happening ALL the time in tracks like Pissed up make me think otherwise. but that's one of the "chillest" tracks in the series....

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Not as into it as the rest of you. I think it's more for a casual listen, and I'm not really into that sort of thing. I feel the same way about Ambient Works 85-92.


Analogue 10 is fantastic though. I was disappointed in the Analords before I heard those two tracks. There's a couple other goodies but those two stick out for me.

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If it is all made with Reason he is using really good samples or layering 100 synths at a time. He could do the drums with Reason though as all he would need is to have the samples. I will say it is documented that Aphex showed Luke Vibert beta versions of Reason and I imagine that he uses it to some extent even if it is just when he is traveling. I find time-stretching to be a little challenging with Reason though and Aphex is spot on with that.


As far the series goes, I find interesting things about it the more I listen. It is really important to listen to Aphex with a good set of headphones as I have discovered a lot of sounds that I wouldn't normally be able to hear. There are layers in many of his songs that might be mixed just low enough to be almost inaudible. I think the series does a good job of balancing the hook with the experimental, but Aphex has always done a good job of walking that fine line. Comparing it to his other works I couldn't say that I think it is better or worse. I think he continually gets better at what he does, but for me Analord was him both showing us his roots and taking it a step further. He made these spectacularly poppy acid songs and avoided being cheesy, and that on top of the lush analogue sounds is what the series was all about.

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I seriously am disgusted by old pitchfork reviews of classic electronic releases




what scumbags!






anyway, Analord series is meant to be heard in Ep format from 1 to 11 in my opinion. Chosen Lords just isn't the same

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I have most of them on vinyl (they're GREAT)


But I recently bought some Analord from the rephlex site, and that was some 3,4 weeks ago and my order still reads ''NEW waiting to be proceeded''


That is Weird :wtf: I think they're all dead because no one answers

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also analord is the perfect music for listening to while crafting, painting, etc.

at least for me it really helps to set a good mood and groove, while my hands work.

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But I recently bought some Analord from the rephlex site, and that was some 3,4 weeks ago and my order still reads ''NEW waiting to be proceeded''

wait a second! are you saying you tried to buy digital copies from the rephlex site and it's not letting you download them yet?! :cerious:

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But I recently bought some Analord from the rephlex site, and that was some 3,4 weeks ago and my order still reads ''NEW waiting to be proceeded''

wait a second! are you saying you tried to buy digital copies from the rephlex site and it's not letting you download them yet?! :cerious:


I have already payed, for nothing as it turns out. I can't download them

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