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US congresswoman gabrielle gifford shot in arizona


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Guest disparaissant

The craziest part of this whole event is that I woke up with this song in my head today...



It's all about shooting people in the brain.



ahaha oh god even crazier, i just listed that as all 5 of my top 5 ceephax acid songs before checking this thread. and without thinking about that aspect of it.

i guess it's cold comfort that there probably isn't such a thing as a 48 slug? i've never heard of one, anyways.

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He's fucking nuts, but I can't imagine he wasn't influenced by Beck and Palin when it comes to immigration reform in Arizona.


"Secondly, my hope - is for you to be literate! If you're literate in English grammar, then you comprehend English grammar. The majority of people, who reside in District-8, are illiterate - hilarious. I don't control your English grammar structure, but you control your English grammar structure."



There is not one emoticon here on the webz to describe my emotions toward this.



Even if the guy is nuts (which he probably is, let's face it) some of the blame still falls on those who use violent rhetoric to make their points. Unfortunately, the mainstream media will never run with this idea. Aside from maybe Maddow and Olbermann.




i actually think he's been influenced by his own interpretation of robocop 2.

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This is very sad and crazy info about the little girl that died...


The 9-year-old girl who died was the granddaughter of former Phidadelphia Phillies manager Dallas Green, who is now an executive advisor for the team he managed to the World Series championship in 1980.


"She was a talented young girl with a bright promising future. Her untimely death weighs heavily on our hearts," team president David Montgomery said Sunday. The Phillies said the girl's name was spelled Christina-Taylor Green; Arizona authorities provided a different spelling, Christina Greene.


Greg Segalini, an uncle of the girl, told the Arizona Republic that a neighbor was going to the event and invited her along because she had just been elected to the student council and was interested in government.


Christina, who was born on Sept. 11, 2001, was involved in various activities, from ballet to baseball, and had just received her first Holy Communion at St. Odilia's Catholic Church in Tucson, Catholic Diocese of Tucson officials told The Arizona Daily Star.


Her birth date no doubt helped prod the girl's interest in politics, her mother, Roxanna Green, told the Star. She was one of 50 babies born on Sept. 11 featured in a book called "Faces of Hope."


"She was born back East and Sept. 11 affected everyone there, and Christina-Taylor was always very aware of it. She was very patriotic and wearing red, white and blue was really special to her," her mother said.





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Norwegian media is reporting her alive and communicating.



k. checked some other sources.


Her chances of survival and recovery would be much worse if the bullet had passed through both parts of the brain or hit vital parts.


"Crossing both halves of the brain, involving more lobes of the brain, traversing the fluid-filled spaces of the brain, or injuring the major blood vessels at the base of the brain are all indicators of a worse prognosis," said Dr. Atif Haque, a neurosurgeon at the Fort Worth Brain & Spine Institute. "Crossing the 'geographic' center of the brain is essentially non-survivable."


Over the next few months, doctors hope to get a better idea of her cognitive deficits. Her recovery could take years, and she could be in the hospital for several months.


"The faster your recovery, the better your recovery will be. That's a general rule of thumb," said Lemole.


Rhee said he is optimistic based on what he has seen so far.


"When you get shot through the head and the bullet goes through your brain, the chance of your living is very small and the chance of you waking up and following commands is small."

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good article about the incredibly efficient 'moderation' of palin's fb page: http://obamalondon.blogspot.com/2011/01/inexplicable-edits-on-sarah-palins.html


"It's ok. Christina Taylor Green was probably going to end up a left wing bleeding heart liberal anyway. Hey, as 'they' say, what would you do if you had the chance to kill Hitler as a kid? Exactly."


That shit is super fucked up.


It's also 100% true that all of these crazies are posting horrific shit on Palin's FB page and it is instantly getting deleted.

She has more sick/disturbed followers than I thought.

If you follow and keep refreshing, you'll see some disturbing stuff....





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At this point, im concluding that Fox News and Palin do actually want violent acts to be executed... and so I think there is a strong possibility Palin will run for president in 2012, but opt to lose. Cause she gains more money and fame from not being President but by running she remains in the public's eye. The problem is, Palin is stupid and she will do and say things that will get her mocked by the left... which continues to encourage the far right to act out because mocking Palin is essentially mocking "their" beliefs. So basically what we have here is the beginning of some kind of civil war.




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Mr Loughner, who is due to appear in court, could face the death penalty.


The existence of the death penalty is a clear sign we are not civilised yet. Only a group or society who lack knowledge in psychology/sociology and malfunctioning mirror neurons would condone such a thing.

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I hesitate to equate some of these right wingers calling for '2nd amendment solutions' terrorists, because it's become such a meaningless word but how are they much different from muslim clerics that put out fatwas on people?

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Guest analogue wings

"Terrorist" has a very literal meaning - person who uses fear to get others to act according to their beliefs

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good article about the incredibly efficient 'moderation' of palin's fb page: http://obamalondon.blogspot.com/2011/01/inexplicable-edits-on-sarah-palins.html


"It's ok. Christina Taylor Green was probably going to end up a left wing bleeding heart liberal anyway. Hey, as 'they' say, what would you do if you had the chance to kill Hitler as a kid? Exactly."


That shit is super fucked up.


It's also 100% true that all of these crazies are posting horrific shit on Palin's FB page and it is instantly getting deleted.

She has more sick/disturbed followers than I thought.

If you follow and keep refreshing, you'll see some disturbing stuff....






That facebook page is fucking scary.

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"Terrorist" has a very literal meaning - person who uses fear to get others to act according to their beliefs


i was referring to the way it's widely been used since 9/11. in this case i suppose the actual dictionary of terrorist would be applicable but i'm not really sure on what his beliefs were. from his youtube videos he seems actually just crazy, not the typical tea partier or right wing rapture believing christian. He seems no more a 'terrorist' than the kids who shot up the school in Columbine.

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I hesitate to equate some of these right wingers calling for '2nd amendment solutions' terrorists, because it's become such a meaningless word but how are they much different from muslim clerics that put out fatwas on people?

Well, they are behaving similarly, but they stand for something else.

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"Terrorist" has a very literal meaning - person who uses fear to get others to act according to their beliefs


i was referring to the way it's widely been used since 9/11. in this case i suppose the actual dictionary of terrorist would be applicable but i'm not really sure on what his beliefs were. from his youtube videos he seems actually just crazy, not the typical tea partier or right wing rapture believing christian. He seems no more a 'terrorist' than the kids who shot up the school in Columbine.


Pretty good summary of his known beliefs and recent behavior (I apologize that it's a yahoo link)


The Columbine comparison is a good one.

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"Terrorist" has a very literal meaning - person who uses fear to get others to act according to their beliefs


really? then why are we calling the IRA terrorists? or the Basque separatists?

Part of the problem with the word "terrorism" is that there is no clear definition of it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_terrorism

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Mr Loughner, who is due to appear in court, could face the death penalty.


The existence of the death penalty is a clear sign we are not civilised yet. Only a group or society who lack knowledge in psychology/sociology and malfunctioning mirror neurons would condone such a thing.


i totally agree. our justice system functions on hate and revenge, not facts.

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