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Your oldest teeshirt...

Guest Conor74

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Guest Conor74

...or item of clothing. I went for the teeshirt as its the one we seem to still fit into after many years.


Have a Cure "Boys Don't Cry" one from the late 80s. I have managed to erase any memory of ever liking the Cure so can't put a year on it.


Have a Simple Minds "Ballad of the Streets EP" one from the late 80s, but I bought it in a bargain bin in 1993 so not sure how old that one counts as.


And have a Century FM "Breaking Waves This Summer" one which I got by jumping highest when they were throwing them out of an outside broadcaster at the Rose of Tralee 1991.

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I have a brown/green Billabong hoodie from 2002. It has the word BONG emblazoned across the front. I wore it religiously for probably 4 years and now I'm embarassed to wear it in the real world, so I only wear it when I can't be arsed to get properly dressed on a Sunday.

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Guest Al Hounos

a nancy reagan-era JUST SAY NO shirt that I got in school about age 10. most of the print has flaked off, but i still wear it on special occasions.

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my aphex twin tshirt is from like 2000 but i think i've got one or two other shirts i never wear that are a year or two older than that. but i was basically growing during that period in my life.

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got a Aphex t with the writing on the back from 2000ish, the symbol is worn out a bit like saw2 but it the best quality shirt i've owned tbat has still kept its shape


got an old Jedi logo t from when the Phantom Menace came out but thats for bedtime only now


my bro has an original 80's jesus n marychain t-shirt that he knicked off our mum, looks very rock n roll being worn out to fuck

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Guest disparaissant

i have a Braid (the band not the video game) shirt from my emo scenester days. prolly 1998 or so. never fit me very well so it just languished in a closet.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I have a very old Nike T shirt which my dad claims to have purchased around 1979. I can barely believe it is still functional, I have had it as long as I can remember. It doesn't have the swoosh on it and I think it predates that being a proper logo. It is still valid for public wear. They don't make 'em like they used to.

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I have a lot and I'm going to brag about them now.


My oldest is from the around 1979.

It's a tight white t with a green tree that says "save the rice farm" on it. It used to belong to my mom. It's definitely see-thru but is softer than any of my other shirts. It barely weighs anything at this point.


I have a really old one of these bad boys. I stole it from someone in around 1993 but it was old when they had it. My guess is it is from the 80s. I'm sure it's worth something.

Mine looks a lot older than the one in the pic.


Mary Kate has the same one, btw... mary-kate-olsen-and-metallica-damage-inc-gallery.jpg



Somewhere at my mom's house, this shirt might be floating around. I look for it every time I go home. It is definitely an original (from 81). My cousin gave it to me. You could see through the fabric in most places. Mom probably sold it at a garage sale... like she did with a lot of my other old, valuable, un-replaceable rock tees...




here is a picture of me in an old INXS shirt of mine...

4325_781470529639_820414_45727636_420889_n.jpg the back looks like this ... inxs_kick_tour_back__2_.JPG


This one is really old. Definitely from the 80s. I scored it at a thrift shop for $5.

n820414_44604458_5390943.jpg ... The back looks like someone spray painted "GUNS N ROSES WAS HERE" in pink.


My friend gave me this Slayer shirt a looong time ago. It's definitely rare and from the 80s.



I couldn't find a pic of the shirt, but I have an old megadeth one that I also scored cheep whilst thrifting that is labeled ©1987 that is also a bit see-tru. On the back, it has the definition of Megadeth;

(meg-a-deth), n. (1) a unit of measure equal to the death of a million people by nuclear explosion. (2) Megadeth, n. The world's state-of-the-art speed metal band.
and a radioactive symbol. The image on the front looks a little like this pic.



I have a white one of these from probably 89 or 90 (thereabouts)


on the back it says



It has nearly gotten me in a few fights.


I also have one of these. The image on the front is much larger than the one in the pic. The printed parts are near falling out.



I also have one similar to this zorlac shirt from the 80s. The skull's bandanna on mine is red and the image is printed on the back of the shirt.


The front has this small logo in reverse ... 140.jpg ... The sleeves are cut off and it is definitely falling apart.


Also, this old bungle t (mine is super duper old though)bsi_mbun14.gif

a really old one of these that's falling apart... 140.jpg ... the back design says "REaLItY COMeS CRAWLING" around a bunch of crazy tarot cards.


I have more but I better post this before I accidentally erase it and lose 2 hours of my life for nothing.

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the oldest I have is a public enemy shirt I bought outside of a concert venue in 1991. it wasn't official. I doesn't even say public enemy anywhere on the shirt. Just the shape of Africa with an uzi and S1W. the Public Enemy logo on the back. A few years ago i thought i lost it and i went to cafe press to recreate it but then i found it. I made a poster version of it and i'm going to put it in my office.




another old shirt I have is a New Order one from the Republic days. I've had it since 93. It's oversized though so I never wear it. It has a colorful barcode on the front and tour dates on the back.

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Guest disparaissant

OH i still have the tattered remains of a shirt that was given to me by the oldies station in milwaukee when i was 5. so 1989-1990. that is my oldest shirt.

unless you count second hand. in which case i have a judas priest tour shirt from sometime in the early to mid-80s.

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nice collection jefferoo...


I forgot to mention a Meat Beat Manifesto shirt I still have but never wear because it is super holy now that one was from 1991 too. and a joy division shirt I bought at a thrift shop in the mid 90s I still have.


I had a Public Image Limited shirt from the Happy tour around 1988 that i used to work out with back in the early 2000s but my wife threw it out... gave her a talk after that... that's why the meat beat manifesto shirt is still around.

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and i have an "acid jazz" shirt that's in the style of the adidas flower. It's still in newish condition because i haven't worn it for almost 15 years... and a Moby shirt from every thing is wrong days... I cut the sleeves off that one because of the underarm stains.

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