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Tell me about the USA


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a lot of us don't even say BYE in person

this is how an American says bye: *turns around, walks away*


Deniro does that all the time!.. that's why i prefer Pachino.

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Double down's are pretty terrifying.

It's the truth. I contemplated one once, and was in mortal peril for the next 5 days.



All children's bedtime stories start out "Pre-9/11..."



verily, I LOLed.

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i genuinely love america.


that being said, i do NOT go out much. i go to work, come home to my family, work on music and run the label. i don't watch tv, read newspapers, or pay attention to any media outlet whatsoever. it's not that i'm against it, it just doesn't interest me. i tend to stick to the mountains and keep fairly isolated. it's what has kept me happy my entire life.


i love to travel and see this great country. mostly because i can afford a tank of gas and love to drive with some good music on and a full roll of film.


i feel like a true american.

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Guest fiznuthian

when shopping for food in america, stick to the vegetables/fruit/nuts/meat isles and don't venture elsewhere..

90% of the store will kill you by means of chronic consumption.


"southern" people are nice but if they identify with the culture they more than likely hate hippies/gay people/communists for no reason.


we have a LOT of nice land here, so if you love to wander its great.


working in america is hit or miss.. probably like anywhere.

but there's lots of opportunities for work if you know where to look.

and temp agencies help in a pinch..


i genuinely love america.


that being said, i do NOT go out much. i go to work, come home to my family, work on music and run the label. i don't watch tv, read newspapers, or pay attention to any media outlet whatsoever. it's not that i'm against it, it just doesn't interest me. i tend to stick to the mountains and keep fairly isolated. it's what has kept me happy my entire life.


i love to travel and see this great country. mostly because i can afford a tank of gas and love to drive with some good music on and a full roll of film.


i feel like a true american.


the life. :wub:

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Guest Franklin

I will say this about the states:


I love small-town america. the quaint little villages with the committees that decide whether or not a business sign scheme or paint scheme fits with the overall aesthetic of the town really lends itself well to genuinely beautiful places. wish they would do that up here.


states is wildly different. I've seen the fucking detroit ghetto. I've seen the rich towns and private schools in vermont. I've seen the mid-west people in the cities (normal) and the mid-west people in the county ( gap mouth creationists) and a lot in between.


it's ok I guess except the shitty health care and inflated sense of import as a culture.

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

Tell me about the waters of your homeworld, Usul.


I hate small towns.


The northwest is a paradise.

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

:: insert parody here ::


What is the culture like? Uptight? Laid back?


Compared to what exactly?


Where would be the best place to stay for a prolonged period?

New York City

San Francisco.

Austin, TX.





Portland, ME.

Portland, OR.




What is the electronic music scene like?




Is it difficult to find a job?


Easier than most places on earth.


How is the night life?


I don't think you appreciate how large the US is. It's basically like saying "how is the night life in Eurasia". There is the gamut from NYC to Winnemucca. The USA is twice as large as Europe and yet, almost 90% of Americans are circumsized compared with 5% for Euro... wtf


I appreciate all the useful info you can share with me, watmm

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Guest morphis2525

for better or worse i can function in the US with a measure of success and happiness. i am not a particularly agreeable person and find much humor in the absurdity that surrounds me(politically, economically, religiously) i live very near a very blighted city with tons of barrens and murder and other crime. The USA is a very dog eat dog place, very much fuck the neighbor as long as i'm doing good. and i am ok with that. survival of the fittest right? anyway... the usa seems very polarized to me, either the people will give you their last buck and the shirt of their back, or they'll slit your throat for a couple bills to buy the next rock. In the usa it feel like we are just talking at each other, instead of talking to each other when there are differing opinions. i've never been anywhere else and really don't want too. I am getting sick of all the whining though.. it's like EVERYONE WANTS TOO BLAME SOME OUTSIDE SOURCE FOR THEIR INSIDE PROBLEM, especially when it come to the debate about the way to properly educate our children.


anyway, fuck it, the usa is probably not all that different than anywhere else, most of us are assholes.

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I will Speak for southern Minnesota. *AHEM*


What is the culture like? Uptight? Laid back?

Here in Minnesota we have what is called "Minnesota Nice". Everybody pretends to be nice to everyone and then they talk behind oneanother's back. People will turn on you in an instant. My best friends at work are from Iowa and Colorado, this happened unintentionally. It definitely depends what state/area you're in.


Where would be the best place to stay for a prolonged period?

Depends what you're after. Minnesota sucks for winters if you're not used to them. Probably should stick to big cities. Small towns, in my experience are full of ignorant bible bangers who have only seen black people on their mission trips to Africa.


What is the electronic music scene like?

In the bigger towns of southern Minnesota (Mankato Pop 40,000 and Rochester Pop 80,000) the music scenes are.

Mankato: Hipster Folk, but still a scene nonetheless.

Rochester: Cover bands, I have friend from Portland who moved there, and he's not very happy about that.


Is it difficult to find a job?

Yes, our economy sucks. I know a guy who just lost his job because the branch shut down. It's not a good time to look for a career. Excellent time to buy a house though. If you want to invest money, buy a bunch of houses in America and sell them back when the housing market gets better.


How is the night life?

I've heard of the occasional rave happening in the metropolitan area, can't imagine good music happening. It's all bar hoppers down here though.


I appreciate all the useful info you can share with me, watmm

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i live in "new england" northeast area and the weather is horrible, however I would not be disappointed to see it secede from the rest of the country. ive been to the west coast, texas, southern US and lots of the bad stereotypes about americans that europeans get hard on dont seem to apply as much here as they do in those places. definitely a huge amount of dumb assholes down south/mid west

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Guest fiznuthian

wtf, watmm. I provide a very non-clever parody and you guys fuck it all up with niceties and useful information.




dude, we're american. we're important okay?

we'll tell you all sorts of things about ourselves

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I lived in New England for almost a year and had a great time. Short, mild winters. Lots of awesome accents, some practically unintelligible to my ears. Also when you go out to the bar and ask for a whiskey, instead of measuring it out to the milliliter using some contraption, they put ice in a glass, and fill the glass, and hand it to you.

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I lived in New England for almost a year and had a great time. Short, mild winters. Lots of awesome accents, some practically unintelligible to my ears. Also when you go out to the bar and ask for a whiskey, instead of measuring it out to the milliliter using some contraption, they put ice in a glass, and fill the glass, and hand it to you.


lol, I lived in New England for 25 years and the phrase "short, mild winters" is... misleading, to say the least.

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Guest hahathhat

definitely a huge amount of dumb assholes down south/mid west

and thus, an old joke:


america: for best results, stay north of the mason dixon line.


however, new england winters are definitely not mild. it's not winnipeg... most days. i do love the variety, though. all the seasons in equal measure, with a larger dollop of winter than everything else. if i could trade that for a long summer, it'd be ideal. but then, what is?

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such arrogance. Its not true that cities are the only place to meet cool people. There are plenty of little towns with liberal arts colleges everywhere. I live in one. It's boring, yes, but there are very cool people to meet. Lots of them enjoy being in a quiet place in a pleasant surrounding. Cities scare some people. It's not all hunting/ Palin loving rednecks in rural places.

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