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someone w/photoshop skills please put a noose on this motherfucking

Guest yikes

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LOL, do you even think the people you see in public are the ones who make the decisions? Those are just figureheads... the real deathmongers and villians are never seen - only their puppets, of which the Bush family has served them well.

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Guest Helper ET

man, this board is so illuminati / nwo / conspiracy themed now days. when i ranted about this type of thing two years nobody cared, and called me paranoid. now it seems every few days, someone starts a thread about ufos, our rights being taken away, the nwo takeover, and general conspiracy, and now everyone is an expert (i dont care). joyrex and chengod have even stopped using it for humor, and now actually post truthful information in the threads too. shits changing


im just glad to finally see some discussion on all this. i like to think i may have had a small effect on this board. i think though this is more an effect of the population waking up as a whole (as zbigniew brzezinski described to the CFR last year in canada), but ultimately i think alex jones and the like have been the main carrier of this new awakening


ive done years of research into these matters, and ive come to the conclusion, as have many other researchers and analysts, that the most important aspect of the grand conspiracy, for us an individuals, at the present time, is the protection of our health, from food, water, and other environmental exposures, brought on by the globalists. no amount of denial changes the fact that our food and water supply, has been intentionally poisoned, for the purpose of controlling the population and keeping us dumbed down, as to further control us. say what will about ufos, the bush family, the federal reserve, the cia, the nwo / illuminati, none of these things have such a direct influence on our lives at the current time, than does the issue of our food and water (and now our air, as well as many other environmental dangers)

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im just glad to finally see some discussion on all this.


yeah if you call "discussion" spouting paragraphs of paranoid bullshit and then refuse to address the people that call you out on your logical and factual fallacies

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Guest ezkerraldean

the lines of work of the rich and powerful obviously bring them into contact with eachother. plus they'll obviously have lots in common so they get along. the decisions they make together, in and out of work, will have far-reaching consequences. that's all it is. there's no evil conspiracy. just fat cats

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Guest ezkerraldean

you always bring up the water supply but a huge number of people get their water from wells, and i always wondered how that factors in?

me included - my old farm had its own well. plus the place i've been working lately has its own water supply. huzzah, must mean i'm not brainwashed! unless the evil government has contaminated the world's groundwater, i'd like to see someone try and claim that
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Guest Helper ET

the point is that lots of people drink city tap water, it doesnt have to attack everyone for it to be effective. its just one of their many tools


it doesnt matter, the real issue is that the fluoride is in almost all of the food (and in extremely high concentrations in most toothpaste). so even if youre drink nothing but pure bottled spring water from mount fuji, all the food youre eating has usually been grown with fluoridated water, is sprayed with fluoride and other toxins as a pesticide, is genetically modified, and is more often then not and almost always, covered in chemical additives which has been proven time after time to be completely deadly, if not just incredibly dangerous and harmful


and thats just the food. they have been attacking us from all angles for a very long time. weve just been hit so hard, that we dont realize how low we are. they hit us bad, all of us. our minds and bodies. thats why i say the food and water issue is the most important, because it is the most immediate

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he ain't lying but …...


i don't think these guys are smart enough to plan it out

it's just a natural by product of greed/the corporate business model






"Virtually all pregnant women in the U.S. carry multiple chemicals in their bodies. This chemical load includes some banned since the 1970's, as well as others used in common products such as non-stick cookware, processed foods and personal care products.


A new study marks the first time that the number of chemicals to which pregnant women are exposed has been counted.


Researchers analyzed data for more than 160 chemicals and detected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides, perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), phenols, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and perchlorate in 99 to 100 percent of pregnant women."


Virtually All Pregnant Women are Walking Chemical Cocktails


The new study analyzed data for 163 chemicals and detected a veritable chemical cocktail in 99-100 percent of pregnant women. This included:


Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs): An industrial chemical linked to cancer and impaired fetal brain development that has been banned in the United States for decades, yet is a persistent organic pollutant that's still present in your environment.

Organochlorine pesticides: These are primarily insecticides and include the now-banned toxin DDT. Residues are common in U.S. food supplies, even for those chemicals that have been banned for decades. These toxins break down slowly and build up in our fatty tissues where they remain in the body for long periods of time.


They've been linked to cancer, neurological damage, Parkinson's disease, birth defects, respiratory illness, and abnormal immune system function. Many are also known hormone disrupters that cmay lead to reproductive and immune system damage to the developing fetus.


Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs): PFOS and PFOA, a chemical used to make non-stick cookware (Teflon, etc.), has been linked to lower birth weights among newborns.


In one study of the blood of 300 newborns, the higher the infants' level of exposure to PFOA, the lower their birth weight and head size. The Environmental Protection Agency later made a statement, based on a risk assessment study done on animals, that exposure to PFOA creates a potential risk of developmental and other adverse effects.


Phenols: Used in personal care products and household detergents, studies have linked phenols to damage to your respiratory and circulatory systems, heart damage, respiratory problems, and damage to your liver, kidneys and eyes. They're also known endocrine disrupters that can harm your endocrine system, reproduction and fertility.

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs): These flame retardant chemicals are used in televisions, computers, toasters, sofas and countless other household goods. Not only do they disrupt mechanisms that are responsible for releasing hormones in the body, but PBDEs also alter calcium signaling in the brain, which is a critical mechanism for learning and memory.

Phthalates: A potent endocrine disrupter, exposure to phthalates can lead to incomplete testicular descent in fetuses. Phthalates are found in vinyl flooring, detergents, automotive plastics, soap, shampoo, deodorants, fragrances, hair spray, nail polish, plastic bags, food packaging, garden hoses, inflatable toys, blood-storage bags, and intravenous medical tubing.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): This group of highly carcinogenic chemicals are released when certain substances, like garbage and gasoline, are burned.

Perchlorate: Perchlorates are salts derived from perchloric acid, which are used in the defense- and pyrotechnics industries. The military has used perchlorate since the early 1900's, and it's a component of solid rocket fuel, among other things.


Unfortunately, most perchlorate salts are water soluble, and we're now experiencing widespread land and water contamination in many areas of the world. Perchlorate is known to disrupt thyroid function and hormone production by inhibiting your thyroid gland's iodine uptake. At high doses perchlorates may affect fetal development, so the mother's toxic load can place an unborn child at risk.


In addition, the plastics chemical bisphenol-A (BPA), an endocrine disrupter that can lead to chromosomal errors in the developing fetus, triggering spontaneous miscarriages and genetic damage, was found in 96 percent of the pregnant women tested.


Developing Babies and Children at Risk from Mom's Chemical Exposures


No one knows what health toll exposure to the toxic chemical cocktail listed above will cause to an adult, let alone a developing baby. Unfortunately, it is our future generations who will likely pay the heftiest price for this lack of safety concern, as an embryo and fetus develop at a much faster rate than adults.


While this development occurs, cell division and growth is rapid -- and these rapid changes provide many opportunities for mistakes to occur.

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Guest Ranky Redlof

i drink tap water all the time and im the most authority hating fuck i know

is it only in the US? or is it like homeopathy in that it works only if you believe in it and the smaller the dosage the better?

maybe if i double my dose i will turn into a demostic terrorist wich would also be beneficial to them...

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Holy shit. While researching whether or not George Soros owns mediamatters.org (which was not featuring Glenn Beck, they were using video to mock him) I came across this! Open US torture in the USA


Of course I found the results using Google, so they might be suspect.


My god, I had no idea.

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ive done years of research into these matters

is the protection of our health, from food, water, and other environmental exposures, brought on by the globalists.



no amount of denial changes the fact that our food and water supply, has been intentionally poisoned, for the purpose of controlling the population and keeping us dumbed down,






ive done years of research into these matters
ive done years of research into these matters
ive done years of research into these matters




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