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You hook it up to your projector, bring out the beer and crisps, unzip your pants and sink into your couch. I know you could do that with the pc as well, but fuck no.

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After watching a few reviews about this game, I think it looks fun.


Reminds me of borderlands + gears (if gears didn't take itself so seriously).


I'll probably rent it.

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I find Gears of War and now this, the adolescent hard-on for war, so depressing and creatively dead that sometimes I honestly just wish that the people who make these games and the people who enjoy them would just fucking die.


not you thehauntingsoul.


That's my review. :smile:

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Guest Mirezzi

I find Gears of War and now this, the adolescent hard-on for war, so depressing and creatively dead that sometimes I honestly just wish that the people who make these games and the people who enjoy them would just fucking die.



The Cliff Bleszinski and John Romero types in the video game industry have ruined countless big budget games with their mullet-inspired aesthetic tastes, which goes without mentioning the tedious gameplay. Gears of War is so. fucking. BORING.

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Guest Mirezzi

valve needs to get their act together and remind everyone how things should be done.

I would kill for Ep. 3 right now. Is it even happening anymore?

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because games have gone to fucking total shit. not as a whole, i'm talking big budget games.


if companies put more money into good ideas, they would make money. it's more of a risk, but the payoff is higher. they should see this. they don't, because the people who make money, and make the decisions are sociopaths. no creativity. just cocksucking sociopathic assholes.






valve is probably the last remaining example of full creativity in a big budget game creation. there are others but i have the most faith in valve. Nintendo seems to have taken a dip with Galaxy 2 which felt like a retread to me, which is fine, just not what i've come to expect from them.


there are more examples but they're generally short and simple indie titles.


and if i sound arrogant in my knowledge forgive me. i don't know much about games apart from the period between 1994 and 2006 or so. after that i stopped caring little by little until where i am now: pure Zero interest.

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xbox is a better experience for these types of games

Wrong. FPS games are always better on PC


I find Gears of War and now this, the adolescent hard-on for war, so depressing and creatively dead that sometimes I honestly just wish that the people who make these games and the people who enjoy them would just fucking die.


not you thehauntingsoul.


That's my review. :smile:

How is this creatively dead? I bet you're one of those people who thinks the COD series is somehow amazing and creative and original. I like Bulletstorm because it's not a typical boring ass war shooter. I find it pretty similar to Borderlands in a lot of ways, which was another outstanding game.

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I find Gears of War and now this, the adolescent hard-on for war, so depressing and creatively dead that sometimes I honestly just wish that the people who make these games and the people who enjoy them would just fucking die.



The Cliff Bleszinski and John Romero types in the video game industry have ruined countless big budget games with their mullet-inspired aesthetic tastes, which goes without mentioning the tedious gameplay. Gears of War is so. fucking. BORING.


I agree with you about gears of war (it sucks) and cliff bleszinski (toolbag) but John Romero sans Daikatana actually has an impressive resume (doom, quake)

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oK - so, besides the original poster - has anyone actually PLAYED this yet (other than the demo?).


Personally, gaming in general has lost its lustre, but this has definitely been on the radar as a potentially entertaining fare (in a Michael Bay things dun blown up good sorta way)

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xbox is a better experience for these types of games

Wrong. FPS games are always better on PC


I find Gears of War and now this, the adolescent hard-on for war, so depressing and creatively dead that sometimes I honestly just wish that the people who make these games and the people who enjoy them would just fucking die.


not you thehauntingsoul.


That's my review. :smile:

How is this creatively dead?


How is it not? Is this it then? You can't see beyond shooting ogres and scoring points? I'm thinking of the billion things that videogames can be while the 10 same things are being recycled endlessly. It's not creative within its genre unless you really try hard to pin point tiny additions that somehow change the game and the way you play it. Like say that whip you have, which isn't new but whatever, or that you can score points for kicking an enemy into the environment if there's some deadly rotating blades just sitting there. To me its creatively dead, character and level art design taken from Unreal and Gears of War (it would be, Epic are involved, but still), tweaked points system ripped from Borderlands. To me killing one ogre after another is a tedious grind, because it's always for the sake of it, rather than killing through fear or survival, or through mission objects, or through adventure, or mystery, or exploration, or the element of surprise. It's I'm going to waste a round by shooting this guy's face in. Okay, done, kill another. Wow I chainsawed through his skull, rawwwr, look at the blood splatter all over the screen. Somehow it becomes tactical by attributing points to the way you kill, and that's creative? What about Madworld on Wii as well? That was a game where you do just beat people up over and over, but there is an attempt to be creative and gratuitous but funny with the way you can kill them. I wouldn't say its creatively dead though because even though it's not any of the billion things I'd like videogames to be, it has been designed from the ground up and with the intention of being its own thing. A game like Bulletstorm is like the worst (or best) example of videogames becoming more homogeneous than ever before, especially big budget mega-selling ones.


Even its title is lazy, like Motorstorm but bullet instead. I wish it didn't exist. I wish it wouldn't sell. I wish another game exactly like it wouldn't come out within the next 2 years, not including Gears of War 3.


I bet you're one of those people who thinks the COD series is somehow amazing and creative and original.


Who thinks that? I can't think anyone would. I think Limbo is all those things.

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this thread is making me want to go finish the Wiiware games I bought


Link to the Past

Super Metroid

Mario 64

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time


those are truly good games. I swear, what the fuck happened to platformers? you can integrate guns into it like Ratchet and Clank did and it's still the best kind of game. even make it first person or whatever...


imagine if you could fly like Spyro in first person... on the Artisans world or whatever.


first person Spider Man.

first person Super Man... flying through a beautifully rendered metropolis... huge bridges and buildings, to scale. new levels of 'mindblowage.' isn't that the FUCKING POINT OF THIS 'UPDATED' TECHNOLOGY? SHINY GRAPHICS AREN'T IT! WE NEED IMAGINATION





people have no balls.


example of first person shooter from past 10 years that wasn't totally derivative: Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

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first person platformer = mirrors edge?


yeah. there was another one for ps1 a long time back.


neither game was well received but mirror's edge was extremely interesting when i played it and i have more respect for it for the mere idea and ingenuity... and i would rather play it over just about anything else for the sheer feeling and atmosphere of it. not competitive, bad fighting, but beautifully crafted and smart.


i'm pretty enthusiastic about the idea of games as art, as you can see.


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i'm really sick of "scripted events" in games. like when he grabs the rope to go down, it's so scripted. they should render his hands and the physics. when they start doing that more maybe i'll find some time to turn on my xbox again.

because games have gone to fucking total shit. not as a whole, i'm talking big budget games.if companies put more money into good ideas, they would make money. it's more of a risk, but the payoff is higher.


Wrong. Even the most innovative games will make jack shit compared to call of duty 14 and halo 9. These games are produced this way because it is the most profitable market in the industry. All those "good" ideas you wish theyd put in your game? they thought of them. And then they decided not to waste time on features that cost millions take months and only please 10% of the market and royally piss of the other 90%. The risk is enormous and the payoff is shit.


they should see this. they don't, because the people who make money, and make the decisions are sociopaths. no creativity. just cocksucking sociopathic assholes.anyway...valve is probably the last remaining example of full creativity in a big budget game creation.


They do see it. They know exactly how much creative leeway they have in a tried-and-true franchise. Bottom line is when someone is giving you millions of dollars and a fixed time to make A SPECIFIC GAME it is NOT the time to bring up every half-baked idea you thought would be cool in a video game. Hence why most of the radical innovations in gameplay are taking place outside of the big budget game industry.

The same goes for film, look who's trying to innovate and look who's topping the boxoffice.

It doesnt mean you cant take risks in the big name industries, but there is a fucking mountain of mediocre games made by developers trying to bring something new to the scene. Dead and buried.

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i'm fully in agreement with your view on "reality." i'm not however complicit like you and so many others in it's miserable continuation. thus my refusal to purchase their shitty excuses for entertainment.


I'll save my money for Half Life 3 and whatever mini masterpiece the indie boys cook up next.

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Runman, Race Around The World (which I'm pretty sure I found from a poster's link on WATMM) brought a smile to my face that Call Of Duty: Chickenhawk Fantasy 12 never would.

I can hear the awesome old timey boogie/ragtime music bopping around my head right now - I love that game (though I'm rubbish at it)


EDIT: Hell I've got to post this now, it seems rude not to


And yeah, I've had more fun with that than I expect KickFighter - Shit Kickers (Shoot Harderer) would be.

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