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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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self-pity time:


I am such a poor candiate for small talk and making new contacts because:


I don't care about cars or sports, plus alcohol is not really working for me.

I can't absorb it probery, geneticly I mean, so if I drink 2 beer I'm ready to hit the bed.

With wine etc its even worse, so I have to combine it with ritalin or something similar.

Makes it a bit complicated everytime.


Another big problem is:

if I join a smalltalk situation, I always have the feeling,

that the flow and the maintenance is on me. I have the ego centered feeling that I have to be

the anchorman, because if I don't say anything, nothing will happen. Well maybe

most ppl are simply not interested in a conversation with me.

If I get bored - happens quickly in a standard smalltalk situation

I get abstract and/or I start to talk about things that do not qualify for smalltalk at all.

Its like provoking the smalltalkpartner to get him out of his comfortzone, just to see

how he reacts. I do sometimes overcompensate with this for my shyness.

shit why must life be such a struggle

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I am such a poor candiate for small talk and making new contacts because:


I don't care about cars or sports,

Talk to women.

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self-pity time:


I am such a poor candiate for small talk and making new contacts because:


I don't care about cars or sports, plus alcohol is not really working for me.

I can't absorb it probery, geneticly I mean, so if I drink 2 beer I'm ready to hit the bed.

With wine etc its even worse, so I have to combine it with ritalin or something similar.

Makes it a bit complicated everytime.


Another big problem is:

if I join a smalltalk situation, I always have the feeling,

that the flow and the maintenance is on me. I have the ego centered feeling that I have to be

the anchorman, because if I don't say anything, nothing will happen. Well maybe

most ppl are simply not interested in a conversation with me.

If I get bored - happens quickly in a standard smalltalk situation

I get abstract and/or I start to talk about things that do not qualify for smalltalk at all.

Its like provoking the smalltalkpartner to get him out of his comfortzone, just to see

how he reacts. I do sometimes overcompensate with this for my shyness.

shit why must life be such a struggle



I find that the most successful small talk involves taking the piss out of anyone and everyone that you or the other person knows. People seem to come alive when the topic turns to rabid gossip of this sort.


It's quite tedious and best avoided, as are most humans.




Feel better.

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my girlfriend of five years wants to take a step back and be really good friends. we're not mortal enemies now, and we'd still see each other almost every day—i'm just not really sure what this means.

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whoa. sorry dude. i've been on the other end of that, and with me it meant i wanted to break up. everybody's different. i actually just went back to being friends with a girl I dated for a long time after 2 years of basically no contact, we just both needed the distance. maybe you are meant to be friends . . maybe lovers . . maybe nothing at all. if she's willing to talk, maybe you can get to the bottom of it, but she might just need her space. (that's what happened to me - we got too close and I wasn't growing as a person)

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yeah, also sorry to hear that KY. like A/D, i've been on the other end of that story, and i'm actually feeling like i gotta tell my gf that any day now. to me it basically means, i dig you but the love index is asymmetrical =/


oh yeah and my housemate apologized for eating my food and replaced some of the stuff he snuck :sup:

Edited by luke viia
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Thanks, guys. I don't know where she wants us to be in the future, if she wants "us" to be at all—I mean, we moved from Philadelphia to New York two years ago, and in that amount of time, we've spent almost every day together. So I can definitely understand why space is needed on both ends, since we never made time for ourselves to have our own social lives, especially after moving to such a city.


And personally, I know there are nights I want to spend on my own or making new friends etc, rather than watching Bridezillas or whatever.


But it's still weird to me—then again, we just had the discussion last night, so it's definitely still sinking in.

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ime it can only really be 1 of 3 things KY...


as you said you need to spend some quality time apart in order to appreciate time together...




she's getting cold feet about the inevitable "taking things to the next level" that all couples consider after approx 5 years and newly living together. she might just realise with you is where she's meant to be, before doing anything rash/final...




she wants to end it but is trying to soften the blow, thus prolonging the misery and confusion and eventually causing more pain and suffering in the long run.


g'luck dood!

Edited by keltoi
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ime it can only really be 1 of 3 things KY...


as you said you need to spend some quality time apart in order to appreciate time together...




she's getting cold feet about the inevitable "taking things to the next level" that all couples consider after approx 5 years and newly living together. she might just realise with you is where she's meant to be, before doing anything rash/final...




she wants to end it but is trying to soften the blow, thus prolonging the misery and confusion and eventually causing more pain and suffering in the long run.


g'luck dood!

I don't want to give myself any false hope, but I don't think it's option 3.


In talking about this decision, she made the point that we're at the time in our relationship where we can either get really serious—my best friend, for example, is getting married to his girlfriend, who he's been with for maybe a year longer than me and my ex?—or we can take it easy.


And while she said that if she were to get married to anybody, it'd be me, it's definitely not time for that. But here's to hoping for the best, regardless what happens between us.

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yeah seriously, taking a few months off/sleeping with a few people/realizing it's super rare to meet anyone you can stand for longer than a few hours can be great for a relationship. good luck to you sir.

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Well, I guess we'll see.


Sidenote: I've had a weird rash on my ankle for at least a month now...I was hanging out right in front of the Hudson river with my ex when it seemed like a bug(s?) bit me. Do you guys know what this is? It doesn't really itch. Should I go to a doctor?



Edited by KY
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Well, I guess we'll see.


Sidenote: I've had a weird rash on my ankle for at least a month now...I was hanging out right in front of the Hudson river with my ex when it seemed like a bug(s?) bit me. Do you guys know what this is? It doesn't really itch. Should I go to a doctor?




Who knows what's been in/flooded out of that river over the last couple of months. But if you have a rash that won't go away, i'd say have it checked out. Is it fungal, or a reaction to something else? Or have you picked up some exotic nematode from the deepest congo, that is currently burrowing it's way towards your brain?

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self-pity time:


I am such a poor candiate for small talk and making new contacts because:




I find that the most successful small talk involves taking the piss out of anyone and everyone that you or the other person knows. People seem to come alive when the topic turns to rabid gossip of this sort.


It's quite tedious and best avoided, as are most humans.




Feel better.

ok man !

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Most of this anti-euro stuff is propaganda to keep the US dollar from tanking. As for the prepared for a crash thing It's worth asking, is that guy heavily into gold or silver? What's his angle? We (the little people) don't know what the real power is gonna do, what their plan is.One thing worth noting though is that huge new players have emerged in the last 20 years that are beyond the control of the old money elite, like China and Brazil. They're rocks, you could tie you ship to.

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Well, I guess we'll see.


Sidenote: I've had a weird rash on my ankle for at least a month now...I was hanging out right in front of the Hudson river with my ex when it seemed like a bug(s?) bit me. Do you guys know what this is? It doesn't really itch. Should I go to a doctor?




Who knows what's been in/flooded out of that river over the last couple of months. But if you have a rash that won't go away, i'd say have it checked out. Is it fungal, or a reaction to something else? Or have you picked up some exotic nematode from the deepest congo, that is currently burrowing it's way towards your brain?


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