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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Had to pay off bills. I'm left with about $9 for the rest of the month. It looks like I won't be getting Far Cry 3 'till next payday at the end of December. Fortunately I still have a few weeks of groceries left in the cupboards and fridge. Looks like I'll be rationing what's left. Sometimes I wish I was healthy enough to hold a job.



EDIT: AH! I forgot about my credit card. I have a few bucks left available on it. yay!

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Had to pay off bills. I'm left with about $9 for the rest of the month. It looks like I won't be getting Far Cry 3 'till next payday at the end of December. Fortunately I still have a few weeks of groceries left in the cupboards and fridge. Looks like I'll be rationing what's left. Sometimes I wish I was healthy enough to hold a job.



EDIT: AH! I forgot about my credit card. I have a few bucks left available on it. yay!


I thought about FC3, but part of me tells me I should exercise restraint in buying any more big game hits this year.

Only $9 for the remainder of the month though? I'm genuinely concerned for you, man.

One thing you might consider is selling stuff. Two years ago I sold seven Nintendo DS games and three PS3 games at Gamestop. Didn't earn nearly as much scratch as I'd hoped, but I think it was enough to live off of until the next paycheck.


Well, I paid my rent today. Turns out there was no late fee after all. Yay.

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Still have water in my ear, I think it's turning into an infection. No tricks work.

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Still have water in my ear, I think it's turning into an infection. No tricks work.


I'm no doctor. And this might sound counter-intuitive, but have you tried "rinsing" your ear in the shower?


Also, I would recommend ear wax removal drops. You might find them at your local drug store, unless you've already tried both methods I've mentioned.

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tabs dont show the title of the thread no more


oh great now i cant even search threads in my webhistory either





yeh they fixed it just now

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Still have water in my ear, I think it's turning into an infection. No tricks work.

it sounds like you might have fluid in your middle ear. Try this, tilt your head completely left, pinch your nose closed and blow. then do it with your head tilted to the right. itll push all the gunk out of your Eustachian tubes.

DONT DO THIS THOUGH IF YOU ALREADY HAVE AN INFECTION. cause then it can potentially lead to permanent ear damage.

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Thank you everyone, it's definitely still there, and I do think it's in my middle ear. The only thing I havent tried are the ear wax drops, I'll give that a shot before drilling a hole in my eardrum.

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Thank you everyone, it's definitely still there, and I do think it's in my middle ear. The only thing I havent tried are the ear wax drops, I'll give that a shot before drilling a hole in my eardrum.


my ears are clogged too. i can feel my eardrums vibrate and pulsate. it's really effecting my music listening.
i went to the doctor thinking i had built up earwax or something but he said my eardrums are "dull" because normally they're shiny/transparent when the middle ear is clear. he said to put a few drops of olive oil in them with an eye dropper. i don't understand how that would help relieve fluid in the middle ear but i guess i'll try it.
also try holding your ear over steam, from a cup of tea or something like that, to relieve some pressure.
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My lifelong dream when I was 2-12 years old was to be a scuba diver, but I always got ear infections after getting non-sterile water in my ears, and I couldn't equalize my ears very well below one atmosphere. I got certified as a "junior open water" scuba diver when I was approx. 12 years old, but that was about as far as I could take it. I planned to get re-certified as an adult, but the ear fuckups make it a painful and complicated process.


Anyway, after all my scuba lessons I had to put this vinegar concoction in my ears. This was on the advice of an ENT doc. It seemed to work a little.


At night, alone, I still dream of the sea, but the salt water of my tears provides no comfort....

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i've always wanted to get my scuba diving certification done. there's some amazing old shipwrecks near here, including the titanic, and the prospect of being able to take underwater photographs is mind-blowing.


can't you get scuba headgear that covers your ears? i wonder if you can also get some kind of gear to equalize the pressure for you. but it probably still isn't worth the risk of going deaf or something. heartbreaking :(

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Yeah, there are workarounds... just pricey. I should have just pursued my marine biology/oceanographic interests to the phd level and forced someone to give me a grant and drop me into an atmospheric diving suit, which would solve all of my problems! And look cool as fuck.


Someday when I have more time and money I'm definitely going to try again to get certified. I was only taught one method of pressure equalization (pinch nose and blow), and there must be something else that would work with a regulator in my gob. I have some trouble on planes but can eventually get things normal with yawning... it's harder at depth but there's got to be something. I never had much time to work it out. (Also, I was 12 and probably a bit of a pussy... but it really hurt trying to go below 33 feet without being able to equalize).


The swimmer's ear/infection stuff is probably treatable and maybe whatever was making me predisposed to that almost 20 years ago isn't a factor any longer? Who knows. I never got any sort of detailed diagnosis.


At the very worst, I can still do some light, occasional free diving/snorkeling down to 33 feet without blowing my ears out. I did a bit of this in hawaii a few years ago without too many problems-- got some swimmer's ear but it wasn't as horrible as the old days, possibly because I wasn't in the water for more than a little bit at a time. It was a pretty great experience. I still managed to practically bump into a reef shark. We scared the shit out of each other.


The big disappointment I guess isn't that I can never be a scuba diver, just that I got off track because of the early problems and ended up being a land-locked lawyer. But I'm 31 and never say never, etc.

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Oh man, also, I didn't mean to appropriate the whole ear-issue thing with an altogether separate first world prob, I was just trying to sympathize, particularly with the entirely not-fun weird-shit-in-ear remedies.


I might have cried myself to sleep when I was little over it, but that was a long time ago. The point is: ears are fucked up. My cousin has way worse ears than me and had to get multiple surgeries to avoid living in constant pain when she was like five years old. Her eustachian tubes were all a-twist or sommat, I unno I'm not a doctor. People used to make fun of her because she'd pull on her earlobes and bite on her thumb, and all she was doing was trying to not be in agony. Fucking ears, what the fuck. I hope everyone's ears feel better because ear pain is a really shitty type of pain.


I'm just another kid who didn't get to grow up to be what he wanted when he was 12... which is probably true of 99% of all kids. I still got to see a reef shark.

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I had tubes put in my ears when I was a wee one to prevent these horribly painful ear infections I used to get. It worked.


FWP: when asked about an idea I had for a background vocal on a client's track, I followed up the summary with "it'll sound lush." lol.

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I had tubes put in my ears when I was a wee one to prevent these horribly painful ear infections I used to get. It worked.




me too.


ear problems suck. i still have ear-related weirdness to this day.

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