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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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it was because of a stupid mistake. i forgot to take an online exam (several reasons why, not that excuses are relevant) and the teacher wouldn't give me a chance to make it up in any way, so the highest grade i could get was an 87.5%. i got an 86.5%. whatever.

Edited by Hoodie
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Guest disparaissant

dealing with a huge mental health crisis and i have a 15 page paper to write and a final on wednesday and i can't ddo this

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I need to go to the bathroom but i share it with 3 fat people who are constantly having diarrhea and its always occupied, i had to pee in a bottle multiple times, its crazy.

Now I understand why you hate fat people. I would too.


I spent half my vacation playing Fallout 3. Got jack shit accomplished. Feeling dirty. Now I remember why I avoid video games.

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I went to an all-night warehouse party and hooked up with two very cute girls on Friday (never have I made out with two women in one evening, so that was neat), but didn't realize until today that there was a good chance one (or both) wanted me to take them home with me.


I don't know how to do one night stands. The thought literally took three days to cross my mind. My confidence too far in the shitter to even approach one night stands as a feasible option.


Instead I got their numbers and sheepishly asked them out for drinks later this week, and no response(s). BACK TO SQUARE ONE


oh great and my post started a new page, fucking great

Edited by KY
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I don't know how to do one night stands. The thought literally took three days to cross my mind. My confidence too far in the shitter to even approach one night stands as a feasible option.
yup, I'm the same. ARGH
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sorta similar fwp met a fucking awesome girl in da clubz i would like to see again, got her number but to scared to call. nearly had a panic attach earlier when i was about to ring her.


nearly hooked up with her that night, but she said i was too young for her, but wants to hang out again.

i want to meet her bad. i can't even remember the last time i met a human i actually wanted to talk to.


@KY jus meet both of them them and feed them drugs but do less than they do.

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well if someone is incapacitated they can't really give consent, which probably explains why they aren't responding now that they're sober... so you're probably better off.

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it is definitely a grey area. if you're both drunk it isn't as clear. but if the other person was taking advantage of their state, and feeding them drinks and drugs, then that's definitely rapey.


sorry to be a bummer

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it's ok to joke about nonconsent as long as there are no women around. JEEZ GLUNK WHY U RUIN ALL THE FUNNY?


ps I personally believe that emotional issues are usually FAR more incapacitating than average drug/alcohol use. However one can lead to the other so there's some correlation.

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I went to an all-night warehouse party and hooked up with two very cute girls on Friday (never have I made out with two women in one evening, so that was neat), but didn't realize until today that there was a good chance one (or both) wanted me to take them home with me.


I don't know how to do one night stands. The thought literally took three days to cross my mind. My confidence too far in the shitter to even approach one night stands as a feasible option.


Instead I got their numbers and sheepishly asked them out for drinks later this week, and no response(s). BACK TO SQUARE ONE


oh great and my post started a new page, fucking great

i feel ya bro, been there one too many times

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Akai S612. It arrived basically DOA, a bit poorly packed. Fortunately there was a big chunky capacitor just lolling around on the pcb. Soldered it back in place and full functionality restored! Lofi achieved.


Now to get all the MIDI things talking to each other . .

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Akai S612. It arrived basically DOA, a bit poorly packed. Fortunately there was a big chunky capacitor just lolling around on the pcb. Soldered it back in place and full functionality restored! Lofi achieved.


Now to get all the MIDI things talking to each other . .


Sweet sweet Akai 12-bit crunchiness. Congrats, my friend.


How's the sequencer?

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