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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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A girl I'be only known for 4 days replied to "you alright?" with two long paragraphs about how she feels like she "should've been aborted" and all this other white


No idea how to reply. The fuck happened to being cheery at this time of year?


Edit: no can touch screen keyboard

Edited by isaki
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i just got angry with my brother because he was talking some shit about 9/11 being controlled demolitions and stuff where i dont know fuck all abuot construction engineering demolitions etc neither does he

i dont know how u can tell sopmeone something is obvious when neither of u know anuything abuot the fucking sitatuion other than god damn fucking conspiracy shit fuck

Edited by RichieBees
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I'm about to do a to-do list for 2013 (i've never done a list like that) because im celebrating new years all alone watching youtube videos i need a big change in my life.

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I just realized my facebook was synced to my soundcloud, in my timeline it has soundcloud links to reddit gone wild audio orgasms, my family and all friends know i listen to women having orgasms.




I should move to the mountains.

Edited by YO303
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Somehow I called my outlaws with phone in pocket while explaining to a friend how boring the last 3 days spent with outlaws was. I have no idea what they heard.

Also I'm last man stnding at hogmanay party and shouldbgo to bed but not tired.

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I just realized my facebook was synced to my soundcloud, in my timeline it has soundcloud links to reddit gone wild audio orgasms, my family and all friends know i listen to women having orgasms.




I should move to the mountains.

holy shit that's terrifying., like real bad. tell them you got hacked...

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I just realized my facebook was synced to my soundcloud, in my timeline it has soundcloud links to reddit gone wild audio orgasms, my family and all friends know i listen to women having orgasms.




I should move to the mountains.



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I just realized my facebook was synced to my soundcloud, in my timeline it has soundcloud links to reddit gone wild audio orgasms, my family and all friends know i listen to women having orgasms.




I should move to the mountains.



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That's like all my internet nightmares come true.


I feel like I didn't experience an entire day today or yesterday. I woke up, went out for some brief social gathering/dinner, then it's pretty much time to go back to bed. Where did all the middle portions of my days go?

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I just realized my facebook was synced to my soundcloud, in my timeline it has soundcloud links to reddit gone wild audio orgasms, my family and all friends know i listen to women having orgasms.




I should move to the mountains.


Ok, instead of just laughing at your situation, I'm gonna give you some advice...

Install this app


It'll make sure that no website can track you nor link anything to your Facebook.


Also, ALWAYS make sure to log out of Facebook. ALWAYS!

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Had a good NYE party at a mates house. Mixture of 30 odd people and a decent hired system. Most people there only go so far as to enjoy House (which bores me, mostly) and garage (which I've never liked). That's not the problem. I was fine listening to it from 7pm till 3am. I thought I'd wait until it petered out a bit before putting something different on. I was going through a few things and most people were enjoying it. I remember playing Mr. Mukatsuku (below) when I was rudely interrupted by some bitch I've spoken to once or twice before. "If you're gonna play RnB at least play something we all know" "let someone else go" "this is terrible". This fucking enraged me. I have to put up with bland shit all night then get slated for playing anything different. I know, what did I expect. A few minutes later after I'd ignored her and she'd come back in from her fag outside, I whacked on Venus No. 17 and got off there delighted in her disgusted staring at me.






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Had a good NYE party at a mates house. Mixture of 30 odd people and a decent hired system. Most people there only go so far as to enjoy House (which bores me, mostly) and garage (which I've never liked). That's not the problem. I was fine listening to it from 7pm till 3am. I thought I'd wait until it petered out a bit before putting something different on. I was going through a few things and most people were enjoying it. I remember playing Mr. Mukatsuku (below) when I was rudely interrupted by some bitch I've spoken to once or twice before. "If you're gonna play RnB at least play something we all know" "let someone else go" "this is terrible". This fucking enraged me. I have to put up with bland shit all night then get slated for playing anything different. I know, what did I expect. A few minutes later after I'd ignored her and she'd come back in from her fag outside, I whacked on Venus No. 17 and got off there delighted in her disgusted staring at me.








Mr mukatsuku, RnB?!


I don't even...


no... what?



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the jeans i just bought have a hole in them.. i didn't notice when i tried them on. it's not a fake hole either because they were quite expensive.

edit: it's sort of fake because it didn't occur naturally but what i mean is the hole actually goes through

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New years eve was again a miserable experience this year. Way too many drunken idiots everywhere.


Or maybe I'm just miserable.. I don't know.


But fuck new years eve... seriously.

Edited by Npoess
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mate i just slept through it. hiding from the loneliness. there must have been loads of fireworks seeing as theere's fireworks pretty much all the time around here anyway but i just slept through. then i hit the sales, for clothes, which was shit.. i think the sales are only good for girls..the only happy people i saw were the girls in topshop..everywhere else was dead so topshop must be the shit. the only thing i found in the topman clearance bit that i liked was a misplaced hoodie (it was still the same price)

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Caught myself thinking the word "irregardless" today and felt a cold chill through my soul.



But I sorta asked for it.


Irregardless of that, did you have a good morning? happy new year

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Caught myself thinking the word "irregardless" today and felt a cold chill through my soul.



But I sorta asked for it.


Irregardless of that, did you have a good morning? happy new year

For all intensive purposes, I did.




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That's like all my internet nightmares come true.


I feel like I didn't experience an entire day today or yesterday. I woke up, went out for some brief social gathering/dinner, then it's pretty much time to go back to bed. Where did all the middle portions of my days go?

your sleep patterns are not very lush my friend

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That's like all my internet nightmares come true.


I feel like I didn't experience an entire day today or yesterday. I woke up, went out for some brief social gathering/dinner, then it's pretty much time to go back to bed. Where did all the middle portions of my days go?

your sleep patterns are not very lush my friend

yep, they need to be lushened.

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