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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Im lonely and there's no interesting women in my life


Something I've learned, late btw, is that there's always someone for you. But if you really want to get laid with her, you need to talk. Really! Recently there was a girl who's kinda austistic or something, and always used to ignore me. But, one day, I simply told her: "Hi!", and she started to talk with me again! Wow!


Did you get laid with her?

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Im lonely and there's no interesting women in my life


Something I've learned, late btw, is that there's always someone for you. But if you really want to get laid with her, you need to talk. Really! Recently there was a girl who's kinda austistic or something, and always used to ignore me. But, one day, I simply told her: "Hi!", and she started to talk with me again! Wow!


Did you get laid with her?


Not yet, though I just need to find the perfect moment to tell her how much I want to fuck her :3

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To crazy old grandmas :beer: I should visit mine more often...


I just had my first real fight in about 10 years. I went to some local party. The music and people were shit so I was messing about with some silly kid (18-20 years old) about video games. Apparently he couldn't appreciate my jests about his play style and console inferiority and he hit me in the forehead. I was a bit drunk and so I welcomed his act of aggression... I got a bruise on my forehead but I got him bleeding all over so I'm proud of my performance. Hitting a CoD kid on the nose repeatedly was worth the 10 km bike ride. :diablo:

Ha! Good job m8, I'm proud of you, that's what those filthy console bastards deserve.

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If I hear another person whine about the weather, I might have to headbutt someone.


I'm so sick of that shit.

Edited by Ceerial
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i'm sooo nervous about possibly being rejected for a new job i really want and that combined with the increasingly shitty situation at my present job is bumming me out hardcore.



I'm in the same boat! What's your new gig?


I'm trying to jump from one ladder to another, out of ops management into accounting. I'm sick and tired of being held accountable for others. =(


I wish you luck!


(Alcofribas interview review maybe?)

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omlol i should do interview reviews for everyone. i need to expand my horizons.


i won't say anything about anything yet until i hear the final word but i wish us both the best of luck and the lushest results. will report back in the fws thread....


see what i did there? :wink:

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To crazy old grandmas :beer: I should visit mine more often...


I just had my first real fight in about 10 years. I went to some local party. The music and people were shit so I was messing about with some silly kid (18-20 years old) about video games. Apparently he couldn't appreciate my jests about his play style and console inferiority and he hit me in the forehead. I was a bit drunk and so I welcomed his act of aggression... I got a bruise on my forehead but I got him bleeding all over so I'm proud of my performance. Hitting a CoD kid on the nose repeatedly was worth the 10 km bike ride. :diablo:



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omlol i should do interview reviews for everyone. i need to expand my horizons.


i won't say anything about anything yet until i hear the final word but i wish us both the best of luck and the lushest results. will report back in the fws thread....


see what i did there? :wink:


I see what you did there!


(I'll be watching for the most lusheshest interview review :wink: )

Edited by StephenG
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If I hear another person whine about the weather, I might have to headbutt someone.


I'm so sick of that shit.


fuck you holly fuck it is SO HOT here right now (relatively)


my landlord has banned all window AC units and every damn store in my neighborhood is sold out of fans and any portable AC units under $500. COMMON PEOPLE

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my landlord has banned all window AC units and every damn store in my neighborhood is sold out of fans and any portable AC units under $500. COMMON PEOPLE

what? Can that be legal?

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i dunno, I actually forgot to check the tenants association for the city. brb


edit: it might be too hot to read legal documents. i'll do this after night fall. good call to make sure it's legal though A/D, thanks!

Edited by luke viia
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Joined the 5 iphone club. I like it but putting it in my pocket upside down when I've got my headphones plugged in is slightly frustrating. Changing the volume while it's in my pocket is now just that little bit more difficult, zole.

Edited by modey
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i dunno, I actually forgot to check the tenants association for the city. brb


edit: it might be too hot to read legal documents. i'll do this after night fall. good call to make sure it's legal though A/D, thanks!


Most laws are going to read something like if the place is being caused to be uninhabitable or there is some risk to your health and well being that they can't deny you that activity unless it can be proven to create direct and immediate risk to the health of others. Unless there are shitty laws concerning renters in your state then he probably doesn't have a leg to stand on. Honestly, if you are requiring air conditioning and he has not provided it this seems to be negligent on the part of the property owner. Granted it would have to be scenario where physical health is being threatened due to an inability to cool yourself.

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Joined the 5 iphone club. I like it but putting it in my pocket upside down when I've got my headphones plugged in is slightly frustrating. Changing the volume while it's in my pocket is now just that little bit more difficult, zole.

I got an iPhone 5 yesterday and my old phones USB port is fucked so I had to sync my contacts manually
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I still can't find a job so I have to spend all my time DJing and writing badass tunes. It's gotten so out of hand I've written like 4 hours of music in 2013.

*high five*

Not getting work is the best/worst. I haven't been working enough for... a long time, and I've been pretty productive as a result. The bank account's certainly seen better days though. I'd have one month left of the freewheeling life were I not able to draw from sources that still owe me money. Being a near-inept-and-patient-as-fuck business man does have its rewards in a weird way, provided I get clients that are decent, honest people --so far it's been the case in all but one instance.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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I still can't find a job so I have to spend all my time DJing and writing badass tunes. It's gotten so out of hand I've written like 4 hours of music in 2013.

*high five*

Not getting work is the best/worst. I haven't been working enough for... a long time, and I've been pretty productive as a result. The bank account's certainly seen better days though. I'd have one month left of the freewheeling life were I not able to draw from sources that still owe me money. Being a near-inept-and-patient-as-fuck business man does have its rewards in a weird way, provided I get clients that are decent, honest people --so far it's been the case in all but one instance.


Now im curious about this "one instance"

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