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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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My cat's appetite has shrunk, might be something wrong with the little bastard. He still chases feathers and purrs at the appropriate moments, so he's not totally fubar. (And he shits on the floor like clockwork.)

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Maybe he's horny. My cat goes into heat - I didn't know this happened to spayed/neutered cats but apparently so - once every couple of months or so. She stops eating and writhes around on the floor a whole lot, but shits like as usual (like she's had a fiesta at Five Guys) and generally is the same...

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At what point do you tell a friend their receding hairline is ridiculous and they need to shave that shit? Is there a good way to break this?

Edited by tec
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ordered 2 boxes from the Ren and Stimpy show, man i LOVED those cartoons as a kid, i still do! only 30euro deal of my life

First package arrives, total awesomeness, my childhood wetdream comes true! i couldn't wait for the other 2 arrive

then the second package arrives a few days later, i put it in the playstation and it says CAN NOT PLAY YOU HAVE THE WRONG REGION CODE YOU IDIOT :wtf:

turns out it's imported from the US ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :wtf:, no way to change it on ps3

so now i'm gonna have to go buy a goddamn region free dvdplayer and hook it up to my already chaos overdosed home system :facepalm:

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At what point do you tell a friend their receding hairline is ridiculous and they need to shave that shit? Is there a good way to break this?


I don't think there's really a good way to do this... You might wind up hurting his/her feelings for a long time..


I'm not sure.. =/


How good of a friend is this?

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ordered 2 boxes from the Ren and Stimpy show, man i LOVED those cartoons as a kid, i still do! only 30euro deal of my life

First package arrives, total awesomeness, my childhood wetdream comes true! i couldn't wait for the other 2 arrive

then the second package arrives a few days later, i put it in the playstation and it says CAN NOT PLAY YOU HAVE THE WRONG REGION CODE YOU IDIOT :wtf:

turns out it's imported from the US ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :wtf:, no way to change it on ps3

so now i'm gonna have to go buy a goddamn region free dvdplayer and hook it up to my already chaos overdosed home system :facepalm:


You have laptop?


VLC player d00d!


I have those box sets too, they're :emotawesomepm9:

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ordered 2 boxes from the Ren and Stimpy show, man i LOVED those cartoons as a kid, i still do! only 30euro deal of my life

First package arrives, total awesomeness, my childhood wetdream comes true! i couldn't wait for the other 2 arrive

then the second package arrives a few days later, i put it in the playstation and it says CAN NOT PLAY YOU HAVE THE WRONG REGION CODE YOU IDIOT :wtf:

turns out it's imported from the US ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :wtf:, no way to change it on ps3

so now i'm gonna have to go buy a goddamn region free dvdplayer and hook it up to my already chaos overdosed home system :facepalm:


You have laptop?


VLC player d00d!


I have those box sets too, they're :emotawesomepm9:


I think i'll go for a decent blueray/dvd player and hook my soundsystem amp and tv on it, i like to watch it with the miss and some friends while we smoke a joint and have a :beer:

Sick of my ps3! After YLOD on the first one (black ops) now the blueraylens is busted on the slim (2years old). Thanks black ops 2 and sony :dry:

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ordered 2 boxes from the Ren and Stimpy show, man i LOVED those cartoons as a kid, i still do! only 30euro deal of my life

First package arrives, total awesomeness, my childhood wetdream comes true! i couldn't wait for the other 2 arrive

then the second package arrives a few days later, i put it in the playstation and it says CAN NOT PLAY YOU HAVE THE WRONG REGION CODE YOU IDIOT :wtf:

turns out it's imported from the US ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :wtf:, no way to change it on ps3

so now i'm gonna have to go buy a goddamn region free dvdplayer and hook it up to my already chaos overdosed home system :facepalm:



"ask dr. stupid".. funniest shit i've watched.

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Maybe he's horny. My cat goes into heat - I didn't know this happened to spayed/neutered cats but apparently so - once every couple of months or so. She stops eating and writhes around on the floor a whole lot, but shits like as usual (like she's had a fiesta at Five Guys) and generally is the same...


I hope that's all it is, but I don't think male cat horniness is nearly as extreme as the female-in-heat kind... it probably wouldn't effect his appetite like that, just compel him to hump blankets or something.


FWP: writing a two chord song (that's actually good) is fucking hard.

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ordered 2 boxes from the Ren and Stimpy show, man i LOVED those cartoons as a kid, i still do! only 30euro deal of my life

First package arrives, total awesomeness, my childhood wetdream comes true! i couldn't wait for the other 2 arrive

then the second package arrives a few days later, i put it in the playstation and it says CAN NOT PLAY YOU HAVE THE WRONG REGION CODE YOU IDIOT :wtf:

turns out it's imported from the US ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :wtf:, no way to change it on ps3

so now i'm gonna have to go buy a goddamn region free dvdplayer and hook it up to my already chaos overdosed home system :facepalm:


or wait for the ps4

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I'm sure dvds and blu-ray movies will still be region locked. Different copyright holders for different regions makes it all a legal clusterfuck.

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At what point do you tell a friend their receding hairline is ridiculous and they need to shave that shit? Is there a good way to break this?


Shave his/her head while (s)he's sleeping



this is exactly what I was going to suggest. have a big night, get massively shitfaced, and when he passes out shave his head. then in the morning you can just pretend it was drunk antics instead of actually admitting the rather simple truth and forcing him to confront his impending age and all the male ego issues that go with that :cisfor:


don't actually do this






Sadly he is an alcoholic and hasn't touched a drop in a few years so even this is a no-no. Fuck it, my hair is long and stupid so maybe we make a good ying/yang pair.

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Fuck it, my hair is long and stupid so maybe we make a good ying/yang pair.



Good imagery going on.






Wait, where did the last four hours go? Why am I still in my pyjamas with a bloody mary?


Damn you WATMM.

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The question of how Al Bundy could afford a two story house on a shoe salesman's salary randomly popped into my head and now it's sort of bothering me. I haven't even seen that show since I was maybe 7. FML.

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The question of how Al Bundy could afford a two story house on a shoe salesman's salary randomly popped into my head and now it's sort of bothering me. I haven't even seen that show since I was maybe 7. FML.

he was a hilariously terrible shoe salesman at that.


that show was so great

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Mate just booked tickets to WHP with this lineup:




to learn my next exam is on that day and finishes at 5:30pm. Last year we left before 5 to get to Manchester and only just got there in good time (for shits and giggles).

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