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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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ugh... my next accounting course... 80% of the grade is based on two closed book exams. =(

Is there any other way to do an exam?



Some courses let you bring in a cheat sheet. Like one page of typed up formulas and stuff. Also some accounting courses have exams that use a set of online virtual ledgers and virtual "books" where you post all your transactions and calculations and these exams are often written at home, online (where you can use your textbook).


It's not so much the closed book part that has me down. It's the 80% weighting of the two combined. I'll do ok I think, but it's still a lot of extra anxiety lol.

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i don't want to bore you with the details, but i'm struggling to get my film finished and it's kind of driving me insane.

I think details would be interesting, but I know fuck all about filmmaking. Pls only go good kind of insane, though.

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i don't want to bore you with the details, but i'm struggling to get my film finished and it's kind of driving me insane.

I think details would be interesting, but I know fuck all about filmmaking. Pls only go good kind of insane, though.


it's just the way things work, people say yes to a project then disappear with you hard drive and rushes. other people drop out from other commitments...

Edited by MadameChaos
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You should get a local watmm posse together and rough them up. One guy should have a fake Italian-American accent and keep saying "you want I should break some legs boss?"


(I have crappy solutions for dealing with other people who can't keep commitments because ugh nothing ever works.)

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ps i know I should just relax, be grateful for having a chance to play for people and try to enjoy myself. but i suck at that. instead I'm just a ball of nerves feeling totally anxious and like everything is pointless.

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Midsemester has got me stressed out. I feel like theres never any time to calm down...always some assignment or book to read. My gf is long-distance, shes visiting in a week but other than that and classes Im pretty much a hermit.


I can only hope that as I get further acclimated to the pace of reading and writing that I am far more efficient in time management.


Im almost positive that I am going to die of a stress-induced heart attack.

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Guest disparaissant

my girlfriend made an offhand comment that has made me realize how absolutely ludicrous most depeche mode lyrics are :(

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my girlfriend made an offhand comment that has made me realize how absolutely ludicrous most depeche mode lyrics are :(

You should have reminded her that words are very unnecessary.

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Idiot at work has some if those geek glasses with nonprescription lenses. FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST YOU'RE 33 YEARS OLD!!!

i do not understand the problem with this. glasses are a fashion accessory just like anything else. that's why they come in like a billion different colors, shapes, materials etc -- bc people who wear them care about how they look. anything goes in the realm of dress imo.


that's not to discount the fact that lots of people who wear non-prescription glasses are fucking twats. but I have no problem with this on principle.


my fwp is that I really need a new prescription for stronger lenses but have no money/insurance to go to the doctor.

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Guest disparaissant

not sure if this is available where you are but i got my glazzies for like 12 bucks from zenni optical. they look decent, and they've lasted over a year now with no problems.

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The winter has made me crave noise and metal music, but that random Fact magazine article threw me into the Aphex Twin discography vortex and I am stuck there for another couple weeks at least. Tons of noisy net releases are accumulating on my hard drive in the meantime, all unheard.

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I like to have a lazy wank sometimes while in chatmm, get off on the human interaction while tacitly pleasuring myself. But I'm just not feeling it at the moment, and having problems getting it up.

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