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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Ugh, fleas everywhere in house. Advantage applied to cat neck. My ankles are bit to hell. It's always the ankles.


Thinking about dumping diatomaceous earth everywhere inside the house.


Never had a problem with fleas here before.

One little bastard is jumping around in the bed sheets but he's too quick for me.

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That sounds annoying. The cat would have brought them in somehow. Unless you've got mice. Then there's two problems. I wonder if they make a combination mouse and flea bomb.

The cat's strictly an indoor cat (because he's basically incompetent at being a cat). There are a ton of strays in the neighborhood, though. I think they jump from the shrubs and grass an' shit onto shoes or pants as people enter and then wait for the cat to bellyflop all over the floor looking for bellyrubs. as he does.


The Advantage spot treatment seems to be helping on the cat end, but there are probably eggs everywhere indoors now and they keep hatching. Apparently the diatomaceous earth shit is safe as long as you don't inhale it (it's basically just powder which is jagged on a microscopic scale) and good for shredding the little fuckers up as soon as they hatch, so's you can stop the life cycle. But I unno, I've never tried it.

Edited by baph
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I usually would start by saying... Hello. Or some other commonly accepted salutation.


Or the weather or something mundane like that to test the waters and see if she's even interested in talking.

Edited by StephenG
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I have failed too many times to talk to the girl on the train. I give in...

Eye contact, smile, say 'hi', avoid cliche like weather and pick up lines, pretend she's a dude and just talk about random shit that comes to mind, just have to find something to talk about, don't ask too many questions like where you work, what you do, imho those are too cliche. Some girls are good at carrying on conversations, you are luck if she's one of those. Also pay attention to her reactions and body language. If she seems not interested, 2min into the conversation, then might as well move on.

Your own body language is also very important too. Being relaxed and chill gives off a really good vibe, she'll feel relaxed and chill too, else you can make her uneasy too.

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Just ask her out on a date. That way you don't have to worry about any small talk after that and you can both get on with whatever you are doing on your phones. And then when you take her out sure it will be awkward but you are both stuck together for the duration of the date. She's also had plenty of time to mull over your existence in a bearer of date type context, this will help smooth things over, fill the silences with light.


Shame you didn't get her a valentines day card. Actually you could still do this, might be half lame but a cool move at the same time. "sorry i was too lame to make my move earlier, but you are so amazing i just have to do this. Will you be my valentines and go on a date with me, it can be our very own valentines day."


hyor velkumming.

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I have failed too many times to talk to the girl on the train. I give in...

Eye contact, smile, say 'hi', avoid cliche like weather and pick up lines, pretend she's a dude and just talk about random shit that comes to mind, just have to find something to talk about, don't ask too many questions like where you work, what you do, imho those are too cliche. Some girls are good at carrying on conversations, you are luck if she's one of those. Also pay attention to her reactions and body language. If she seems not interested, 2min into the conversation, then might as well move on.

Your own body language is also very important too. Being relaxed and chill gives off a really good vibe, she'll feel relaxed and chill too, else you can make her uneasy too.



why is life so complicated

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Just ask her out on a date. That way you don't have to worry about any small talk after that and you can both get on with whatever you are doing on your phones. And then when you take her out sure it will be awkward but you are both stuck together for the duration of the date. She's also had plenty of time to mull over your existence in a bearer of date type context, this will help smooth things over, fill the silences with light.


Shame you didn't get her a valentines day card. Actually you could still do this, might be half lame but a cool move at the same time. "sorry i was too lame to make my move earlier, but you are so amazing i just have to do this. Will you be my valentines and go on a date with me, it can be our very own valentines day."


hyor velkumming.

I was thinking the same thing but then if she's like "erm no wayz dude" i would have to continue catching the same train hahaha

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yo Russian hackers/NSA. You guys should stop transmitting the sound card driver packets through the network. I just started trying to use my Axiom 61 keyboard during the composition process. There is severe lag when I'm playing it in real time, and the lag disappears when I disconnect the network cable. Thanks.

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Ugh, fleas everywhere in house. Advantage applied to cat neck. My ankles are bit to hell. It's always the ankles.


Thinking about dumping diatomaceous earth everywhere inside the house.


Never had a problem with fleas here before.

One little bastard is jumping around in the bed sheets but he's too quick for me.

Had a serious flea infestation in our flat about 18 months ago. Our cat had fleas and I treated her with crap over the counter stuff which sort of worked. Then we went away for a fortnight with the cat and the fleas, now minus a "host", all came out of the woodwork, literally. When I returned to check post etc they jumped all over me, literally - they were in my socks, in my fucking bra, those bastards can JUMP - and we had to call an exterminator; he said he'd only seen infestations this bad in abandoned buildings. Got the cat to the vet for sone super anti-flea shot, exterminator sprayed every surface in the flat, and we were told not to let the cat back, or hoover, for about six weeks. And even then there were still some clinging on for dear life.


No idea where they came from as she's a house cat and we had her for almost a year before this fiasco, but apparently fleas can be brought in on your clothes/shoes etc and lie dormant for months.


I feel your pain. It was fucking horrible.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth


Just ask her out on a date. That way you don't have to worry about any small talk after that and you can both get on with whatever you are doing on your phones. And then when you take her out sure it will be awkward but you are both stuck together for the duration of the date. She's also had plenty of time to mull over your existence in a bearer of date type context, this will help smooth things over, fill the silences with light.


Shame you didn't get her a valentines day card. Actually you could still do this, might be half lame but a cool move at the same time. "sorry i was too lame to make my move earlier, but you are so amazing i just have to do this. Will you be my valentines and go on a date with me, it can be our very own valentines day."


hyor velkumming.

I was thinking the same thing but then if she's like "erm no wayz dude" i would have to continue catching the same train hahaha



From what you described I don't think she'll say no, def go for it. Nothing to lose

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Went to the dentist this morning for a cleaning, as I'd put it off way too long. Now my gums are sore as fuck cause of all the plaque and tartar the hygienist had to take off. And she's only done 3/4 of the bottom set of teeth, must go back to finish the bastards off in a fortnight.

Good news is my school insurance paid for most of it, and I only have one small cavity. So part FWS, but goddamn are my gums sore.

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periodontal cleaning? i've had three of four quadrants done in the last 9 months or so (by student dentists :wtf:) and yeah dude that's an odd feeling. just gotta be a man and take some blades to the gums from time to time i guess.


fwp: pagebreaks

Edited by luke viia
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Yeah exactly - some bone loss, (which is irreversible given our current technology), but doc is hopeful that the gum can reattach itself. I don't want to have to see a specialist!!

I suppose now is as good a time as any to quit smoking (which is only part-time anyways).

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