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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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she could poke him in the asshole imo.


anyway i don't think i'm doing justice to either side here, she made a lot of posts about it and he did too on his fb that need proper translations, she posted screenshots of their sms exchanges BEFORE her public posts that began it all, where he claims that he didn't realize that she didn't want it but still feels sorry for what happened, she feels that she did make it very clear. it's a mess.

Edited by eugene
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The safe word should be to punch him in the nuts.



did you all wince at that



Did the guy go all pron deep throat rapinator on her? If he did well i'd be the first person to throw a tomato, or punch him in the nuts or whatever. But you said that they're still together, so it's complicated yes, and maybe none of those girls business, but on the other hand, we're all discussing it too now, his shame never ends. If he does feel shamed by it. I don't think that they should have been organising anything involving causing him physical harm or ringing his workplace or anything thats beyond just moaning about him on a messageboard.

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I just posted an update on Facebook about how depressing it is that 40% of Americans believe in creationism and rapture within their lifetime...and how depressing it is that culturally people are expected to 'respect' such beliefs.


....and someone reported my post and now it's gone and I'm really fucking creeped out.



and now it's back...


i'm really confused.

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hah really. Well it's your opinion, there's freedom of speech and you weren't using that freedom to attack or bully anyone personally. Maybe the automated thing nixed the post and then when it went to a pair of eyes, they put it back.

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hah really. Well it's your opinion, there's freedom of speech and you weren't using that freedom to attack or bully anyone personally. Maybe the automated thing nixed the post and then when it went to a pair of eyes, they put it back.


I'm very curious what sort of filter/algorithm thingie my post got snagged up in....


or does it require someone to manually report a post?


i know it's prolly a mundane little thing but i'm still kinda creeped out

that's never happened before

and it seems like a pretty huge coincidence to happen to the most controversial thing I've ever posted (probably)



i'm not one for flimsy dot-connecting but i'm mad buggin' yo

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If it wasn't up for very long it may not have been reported and there might have just been a different order of posts when you viewed your stream, so it appeared no longer there. If it was up for longer this still might have been the case. I'm not sure what their policy is after a report of abuse is made about a post, but i assume that it is automatically hidden, as you don't know what the hell some of these dumb dumbs post, so it's safer just to hide it until a moderator type can read the post. Be nice to know whom was the delightful chappy that reported your post, but ahh well, that ain't gonna happen. Well now that your post is back, perhaps they'll write something inflammatory in reply to your post, and you'll be like 'oh, there you are, spectacular'.

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If it wasn't up for very long it may not have been reported and there might have just been a different order of posts when you viewed your stream, so it appeared no longer there. If it was up for longer this still might have been the case. I'm not sure what their policy is after a report of abuse is made about a post, but i assume that it is automatically hidden, as you don't know what the hell some of these dumb dumbs post, so it's safer just to hide it until a moderator type can read the post. Be nice to know whom was the delightful chappy that reported your post, but ahh well, that ain't gonna happen. Well now that your post is back, perhaps they'll write something inflammatory in reply to your post, and you'll be like 'oh, there you are, spectacular'.


No I mean like I got a notification that some people had liked and commented on the post, so I clicked on the notification and it 404'd, saying "this page appears to be missing."


Sorry, I'm making a mighty fuss over this tiny little thing. It's a stupid problem that only a first-worlder would get upset about...

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If it wasn't up for very long it may not have been reported and there might have just been a different order of posts when you viewed your stream, so it appeared no longer there. If it was up for longer this still might have been the case. I'm not sure what their policy is after a report of abuse is made about a post, but i assume that it is automatically hidden, as you don't know what the hell some of these dumb dumbs post, so it's safer just to hide it until a moderator type can read the post. Be nice to know whom was the delightful chappy that reported your post, but ahh well, that ain't gonna happen. Well now that your post is back, perhaps they'll write something inflammatory in reply to your post, and you'll be like 'oh, there you are, spectacular'.


No I mean like I got a notification that some people had liked and commented on the post, so I clicked on the notification and it 404'd, saying "this page appears to be missing."


Sorry, I'm making a mighty fuss over this tiny little thing. It's a stupid problem that only a first-worlder would get upset about...


your name is now in a tiny folder in the Pentagon...

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A certain arrogant 81-year-old prick won a 22nd term as the sole House of Representatives member of our state. A couple of weeks ago ago he went to a high school as a guest speaker regarding the topic of suicide and said something along the lines that it was the parents' fault that that student committed suicide because they didn't raise him properly. Apparently he also called another student an asshole simply for stating his opinion. Shows that more than half of this state's demographic are idiots - the ones who voted him back in.

But at least it looks like marijuana will finally get legalized, taxed, and regulated here for recreational consumption.

Aight, peace.

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Given that most people in the US don't vote, I don't think that you can blame more than half of the state's voting age population for that guy. The Australian prime minister on the other hand, I'm looking around me at a lot of cunts.

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emergency update from the israeli facebook feminist wars.


this is one of the comments to a blog post related to the case:
"The only reason the male sex tolerates this bullshit is because we need you (women) for procreation and comfort. Once people invent an alternative way to multiply, and virtual porn becomes realistic enough (or homosexuality becomes acceptable enough), XX chromosome combination will go extinct."


i'm fucking floling for hours straight going through that stuff that multiplies constantly, all kinds of semi-celebrities joining in..it's ridiculous.

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My big old laptop which I ripped CDs from and did drawings on has seemingly died: the screen won't come on but the lights all turn on. Nothing of major importance lost but my ability to rip CDs. I was about to embark on a comic drawing spree but it seems it will have to wait.


RIP Oversized HP Pavilion Laptop with majorly broken power supply 2009-2014


Plus side: I get to shop around for a newer, better laptop! :emotawesomepm9:

Edited by Bechuga
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I have "stage fright" when I piss in a public toilet around other people. It is absolutely nothing to do with any kind of fear - it's just that the weewee doesn't come out. You just stand there, needing a piss, and making all the usual motions, but it just doesn't come out, for no reason at all. Why does it happen?!

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I have "stage fright" when I piss in a public toilet around other people. It is absolutely nothing to do with any kind of fear - it's just that the weewee doesn't come out. You just stand there, needing a piss, and making all the usual motions, but it just doesn't come out, for no reason at all. Why does it happen?!

You need to bash your head against the urinal until you cease all circular analysis re: whether this time the piss will come: for in wondering if you can do it you are preventing yourself from doing it, and then wondering what is wrong with you, and if the guy next to you knows, and if it's better to zip up now when you've made no audible trickle or will that just broadcast your ineffectuality, or is it better to stand there interminably like a dipshit, eyes pointed slightly heavenward as if the flickering of the fluorescent will somehow bless you, calm you enough to just fucking piss already, etc.

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load up on beer beforehand, then it'll come out, it'll positively burst forth through that psychological wall, smacking on to the porcelain backing of the urinal like lightening unleashed from a thunderhead, steam billowing up from the point of impact, joy of relief reverberating through your body.


There you go, that was your problem, lack of beer. Beer, what can't it help with.


[do not drink beer unless you have a medical condition similar to the one described above, and only take as directed by a qualified dleetrboi]

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it's just ticked 2am. I am at work, sitting at my desk, working on these industry reports.




I'm still here because I find writing things excruciatingly slow and difficult, and this shit needs to be done by tomorrow. I'm effectively locked in because if I step outside the doors, I can't come back in, as I don't have a 24 hour pass. I'm hungry so I've walked around seeing what disowned food I can scrounge. best I could manage was a crumbly old sponge roll that's been sitting in the common fridge for a few days. I could've made coffee with what was lying around but the hot water is turned off after hours and so are the microwaves.


I hate writing. bane of my existence.

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