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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Oh god.  Ugandan Knuckles - this is like what Quake and ICQ was to me, for the current generation of high school kids.  I'm feeling the generational gap.  Big time.


FWP: I prefer dark beer, but I bought a 6 pack of IPA for the sake of my band mate since she was coming in to finish vox on our album.  She only ended up drinking one, so I've gone through almost an entire 6 pack of beer I don't care for.  Shoulda got the Winter Ale 6 pack for me + one big IPA for her.  C'est la vie.

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IPA is swill. i've never had one i liked. tried all the fancy ones the Pacific NW has to offer. poured out Pliny the Elder even though for an IPA it was really smooth.. not it doesn't matter because i got diagnosed w/celiac 4-5 years ago so can't drink beer.


FWP - my boss keeps booking events on days that i'm off so i have to come in thus interrupting my life. 

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There's a lot of talent in the electronic music scene here, but it's becoming more and more derivative. There are only a few people that have connections to clubs that will play experimental music and those guys keep rotating the same six or seven people in to play subpar techno or industrial that barely passes as experimental.


I love being a part of this scene, but I'm getting really tired of showing up to an IDM party and hearing boring electro all night.

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Better than here man, there is zero scene here. 


We occasionally get a big act but other than that......... No cool "regular" places, if that makes any sense. 

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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IPA is swill. i've never had one i liked. tried all the fancy ones the Pacific NW has to offer. poured out Pliny the Elder even though for an IPA it was really smooth.. not it doesn't matter because i got diagnosed w/celiac 4-5 years ago so can't drink beer.


I've seen a lot of Gluten free beer around here, and the couple I've tried were actually quite nice!  Both very mild.......... but I just did a search for gluten free beer and among my results was an article warning that it may still not be safe for people with celiac.  There's an ad at the bottom for Bard's beer, and an implication that it's safe... I think.  Pretty sure that is one of the ones i've seen in stores too.

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IPA is swill. i've never had one i liked. tried all the fancy ones the Pacific NW has to offer. poured out Pliny the Elder even though for an IPA it was really smooth.. not it doesn't matter because i got diagnosed w/celiac 4-5 years ago so can't drink beer.


I've seen a lot of Gluten free beer around here, and the couple I've tried were actually quite nice!  Both very mild.......... but I just did a search for gluten free beer and among my results was an article warning that it may still not be safe for people with celiac.  There's an ad at the bottom for Bard's beer, and an implication that it's safe... I think.  Pretty sure that is one of the ones i've seen in stores too.




it's not GF though. if you go the brewer's website it always has fine print "may contain some gluten" and to me is just not worth it when there's really good cider or wine around.   

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Ah yeah, that's a good call.



i miss beer though. LeftHand Brewing Milkstout on nitro is fucking heaven. also, so many good tsarweizen type things from heater allen and then the german stuff.. and so many local brews and nitro tap things in pubs.. fuck. pour some out for me homies.. 

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Oh god.  Ugandan Knuckles - this is like what Quake and ICQ was to me, for the current generation of high school kids.  I'm feeling the generational gap.  Big time.


I've been on the internet my entire life, ever since I was a young teenager.  I'm personally very horrified of some day realizing the internet isn't "my place" anymore, and instead it's "the place" of whoever is currently in elementary school.  Hopefully there will always be a place for oldfags (I'm only 24 right now)

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Oh god.  Ugandan Knuckles - this is like what Quake and ICQ was to me, for the current generation of high school kids.  I'm feeling the generational gap.  Big time.


I've been on the internet my entire life, ever since I was a young teenager.  I'm personally very horrified of some day realizing the internet isn't "my place" anymore, and instead it's "the place" of whoever is currently in elementary school.  Hopefully there will always be a place for oldfags (I'm only 24 right now)




It stopped being "my place" in 2008.

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Something I ate for lunch yesterday has given me constipation and intestinal problems. I ended up going home from work early today and slept the entire afternoon.

I'm about to make a grocery run in a few minutes. For the first time in my life I find myself legit needing prunes. Guess I'm officially old now.

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Something I ate for lunch yesterday has given me constipation and intestinal problems. I ended up going home from work early today and slept the entire afternoon.


I'm about to make a grocery run in a few minutes. For the first time in my life I find myself legit needing prunes. Guess I'm officially old now.



did you have "PF Chang's mostly"? 


check out some of the papaya enzyme chewable tablets.  helps settle the stomach and digest things for me. actually works. 


drink some coffee.. eat a bran muffin. 

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Oh god. Ugandan Knuckles - this is like what Quake and ICQ was to me, for the current generation of high school kids. I'm feeling the generational gap. Big time.

I've been on the internet my entire life, ever since I was a young teenager. I'm personally very horrified of some day realizing the internet isn't "my place" anymore, and instead it's "the place" of whoever is currently in elementary school. Hopefully there will always be a place for oldfags (I'm only 24 right now)

How can you be so bitter toward women at only 24? I’m not trolling or baiting, I honestly can’t understand.

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Something I ate for lunch yesterday has given me constipation and intestinal problems. I ended up going home from work early today and slept the entire afternoon.


I'm about to make a grocery run in a few minutes. For the first time in my life I find myself legit needing prunes. Guess I'm officially old now.



did you have "PF Chang's mostly"? 


check out some of the papaya enzyme chewable tablets.  helps settle the stomach and digest things for me. actually works. 


drink some coffee.. eat a bran muffin. 


lol no. PF Chang's tastes like cardboard compared to proper Asian cuisine. It was either the sausage or the chili I had yesterday. We had a big work luncheon.


Might look into the papaya tablets next time. I just took a couple of swigs of prune juice though.

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the papaya enzyme tablets do work pretty well for me.  supposed to help digestion.  i got them at my local rocery store that has a pretty decent natural alternative section for shampoo, soap, lip balm etc.. also has a bunch of supplements which i think are mostly bullshit aside from a couple vitamins, the papaya enzyme and probiotics stuff.  i tend to avoid supplements as ya never know what's in them since there's no regulation. 

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Oh god. Ugandan Knuckles - this is like what Quake and ICQ was to me, for the current generation of high school kids. I'm feeling the generational gap. Big time.

I've been on the internet my entire life, ever since I was a young teenager. I'm personally very horrified of some day realizing the internet isn't "my place" anymore, and instead it's "the place" of whoever is currently in elementary school. Hopefully there will always be a place for oldfags (I'm only 24 right now)

How can you be so bitter toward women at only 24? I’m not trolling or baiting, I honestly can’t understand.



I don't see how that even remotely relates to my post.  And I'm not "bitter towards women" I'm bitter towards a society which simultaneously grants women countless advantages while also completely denying that those advantages exist, and on top of that also  denying that men as a group face any disadvantages despite the completely well known and vetted statistics which support this being the case.


Dispute the validity of claims that the male vs. female wage gap statistic only indicate discrimination against women?  YOU'RE A SEXIST


Bring up the workplace death rate gap, suicide rate gap, and assault victimization gap?  You're being a pussy


Bring up the biases in favor of "women and children" in family court which sometimes leave men penniless based on false or vague accusations of domestic abuse which taint the jury's conscience?  YOU'RE A SEXIST


Bring up well understood psychological tendencies like the "women are wonderful" effect?  SEXIST


I just want to be able to talk about it in the right context without immediately being shut down and called a sexist.  I just want gender biased analysis of issues to go away in favor of humanist analysis, where the actual issue itself is analyzed instead of female-specific disadvantages it causes.  For instance, the claim that women are discriminated against because they're, as a broad group, not as assertive and less capable of wage negotiation.  While that may seem true on the surface, it's really a "shy vs. not shy" people problem, not a "female vs. not female" problem as most would have you believe.  And this ignores the males who are affected by that particular issue


The lack of any real in-depth discussion regarding topics like these, and the immediate reversion to insults and calling people sexist, is what I'm bitter against.


On top of this, I also hate the lack of sympathy society gives towards male victims of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse at the hands of women in relationships in comparison to the large amounts of sympathy it gives to women who have experienced that situation.

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Women are given a pass for everything because people as a whole are more sympathetic towards their causes.  Women do the majority of personal spending on themselves, yet the broad and misleading wage gap statistic is held up as the superior statistic to describe the situation.  Furthermore, men are encouraged by society to forgive female infidelity much more than women are encouraged to forgive male infidelity, even though female infidelity is the only one that can't result, for the female, in accidentally raising a child that isn't yours - since they know it came out of their vagina.  And in France for instance paternity tests by suspicious "fathers" are illegal because "keeping the peace" of the public is more important than men getting to know whether "their" kids are actually theirs.


I could go on and on.  But I only brought up this topic because you specifically asked.


Oh, and the homelessness rate gap.  Does anyone treat that like a gendered issue?  No - issues are only gendered if they're gendered to the disadvantage of females.  Because only disadvantages that are female-specific get any special treatment as issues, even when other male-specific issues which are far worse still exist and are ignored or not properly acknowledged



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I want feminism to disappear and be replaced by humanism, and have every issue facing humanity be acknowledged and treated with equal importance relative to how many people they affect and how serious they are, with no preference towards ones facing females.


Feminists claim to want gender equality but I don't see them acting that way


Then on a lesser note complain about a lack of women in high positions but they don't complain about a lack of women in coal miner and lumberjack positions.  They want the advantages they perceive men to have without taking on the disadvantages that are in general faced by men alone, even when the vast majority of men don't have those high positions they claim are male-exclusive for reasons of sexism alone.

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can of worms here.. but these complaints you have about society are there because of systems put in place by men over centuries. patriarchy is a thing. power structures are a thing. men run the power structures. this is just a fact.  i don't see advantages that women have. they play the cards they're dealt and many overcome them and break the molds that society tries to put them in.. but it's a patriarchy, it's a racist patriarchy and it's by design and it started a long time ago. 


if you find something unfair in the world it's more than likely it's because a man made it that way.  or it's there through bureaucratic evolution or something.. but mostly it's the world shaped a way.


yes, many men and women share many of the same problems in modern capitalism and that is generally lead to exploitation but it's often far harder for the average woman to exist in this society than it is for the average man.  should we talk about people of color in this? if we're talking about change.. who life has historically (in america anyways) been most difficult for.. we don't have to look far 


there's no way i can answer all the questions and pull all the threads.. i don't have all the answers.. like everyone else i'm just trying to figure shit out and get through as best i can and 'sort myself' and 'clean my room' but women only got th eright to vote a fucking blink of an eye ago and until the powers that be at the top are more or less equally shared by women then we're not going to real solutions to any of these issues or even progress really. 


i don't think society has ever been actually fair. expectations placed on people to behave certain ways only changes slowly through the generations.. our grandfathers and their fathers wouldn't even talk about this kind of shit. assumptions about gender roles weren't assumptions.. they were the way things were and if someone broke out of that assigned role all kinds of statements were made about the person to frame their character as tomboy or light in the loafers but an ok guy etc etc etc.. 


blah blah blah.. red wine. 



edit: we can't have feminism be replaced by humanism until femenisim as a movement is no longer necessary or no longer a separate movement. 


if you want to see feminism disappear then you should support femenists. 


edit: female coal miner's perspective




also you can't just pull shit out of a hat like that.. some professions have been marketed and pushed on one gender or another.. think how many mail teachers you had before you were 12?  i think i had 1.  most teachers i had were female.  why is that? 


why is it that lumberjacks are historically mostly men? why aren't they lumberjills (they are actually)?


so.. put the brakes on a minute and don't rame your argument based on an incomplete picture of history or of reality. if you're curious about why the make of one preofession or another is more male or more female then you should look into that. 


lumberjack isn't much of profession anymore is it? i mean.. not like it was.. and is coal miner? not really.  


but there are plenty of women doing jobs that are traditionally male professions.. women only just got out of the home as home makers in a big way during WWII at least in the USA.. i mean. sure there have always been professionals who worked in all kinds of jobs in every industry and often didn't get the credit they deserved especially when it becomes historically relevant but for the most part in western culture women were limited to a few positions in the business world.. that's just 70 years ago. 


ugh.. blah.. red wine ok moving on.. 

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think about it this way...  every social change is a fight. asshole old white racists are still trying to roll back voting laws that were fought for during the civil rights movement.. the battle is constant here.  change happens and then some old fucko tries to roll it back and the fight goes on.. women have been fighting a long time too and it's 2 steps forward one step back.. same as anything positive.. and culturally it's like trying to fucking plow the high seas. 

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