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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Going to have half of my thyroid removed in a few weeks (preemptive move against what is most likely cancer). I will have an excellent team of people doing it and I have very good insurance, but even with all of that in place I'm still worried and not really looking forward to the recovery time and whatever the bill ends up being.

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Going to have half of my thyroid removed in a few weeks (preemptive move against what is most likely cancer). I will have an excellent team of people doing it and I have very good insurance, but even with all of that in place I'm still worried and not really looking forward to the recovery time and whatever the bill ends up being.

fuckin' hell man.


take care

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Going to have half of my thyroid removed in a few weeks (preemptive move against what is most likely cancer). I will have an excellent team of people doing it and I have very good insurance, but even with all of that in place I'm still worried and not really looking forward to the recovery time and whatever the bill ends up being.

pattpatt :(


take care

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I am stupid, nah i'm only stupid due to being brought up consistently told i am stupid by my father...  I come out with intentionally stupid comments and said once my dad has brain cancer (which was a JOKE, Never checked that you can actually have this which i suppose is a little stupid) ... Turns out he does have on top of lung cancer...


Real Question...Does cancer on the brain make you a little crazy or is he going senile due to old age, EG... everyone is after him, scamming him listening to his phone calls etc and he is a complete dick to my mother (the love of his life for 50 years)... Or is he just the same old dick he always was?


Growing tumours put pressure on the brain, so they can cause all kinds of effects. Read Do Not Harm by Dr. Marsh for a little insight into how much a tumour can affect the brain. And, also, how resilient the brain can be, even under such immense pressure.


Did you know: to operate on the brain, they do not use a scalpel, but a plastic sucker. Seeing as the brain is just goo, knives are not needed.



Had a ruff weekend and just coming back to realish world (Alcohol, Even though i only turned to that to block problems out, Selfish...YES but we are all human)... I will be reading what you said to but most of all thanks for reply...


I did knot know, and being honest/stupid i don't actually believe that...

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Going to have half of my thyroid removed in a few weeks (preemptive move against what is most likely cancer). I will have an excellent team of people doing it and I have very good insurance, but even with all of that in place I'm still worried and not really looking forward to the recovery time and whatever the bill ends up being.

hugs man, gl
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Going to have half of my thyroid removed in a few weeks (preemptive move against what is most likely cancer). I will have an excellent team of people doing it and I have very good insurance, but even with all of that in place I'm still worried and not really looking forward to the recovery time and whatever the bill ends up being.

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Going to have half of my thyroid removed in a few weeks (preemptive move against what is most likely cancer). I will have an excellent team of people doing it and I have very good insurance, but even with all of that in place I'm still worried and not really looking forward to the recovery time and whatever the bill ends up being.


godspeed. as unpleasant as it must be, hopefully you come out of the experience with more inspiration for your art (which I love).

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Thanks guys! It's a pretty routine procedure and my brother works at the hospital where it's being done so he'll make sure the best people are doing everything. Mostly just feeling whiney about the cost and the recovery time, hence being in this thread. Nonetheless I do appreciate the support.

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The operation is fine. It's waiting for it to come along that's the problem. I'm a huge worrier when I have a huge span of time between me and thing that cures me, so sympathies! Hope all goes well.


I'm halfway reading this thread for the 2nd (or 3d?) time iunno, is a great read

my current fwp rlly is im at a loss of things to do.. I have a very addictive personality and knowing this I have been systematically cutting off social media, games etc trying to get better habits but right now im having trouble finding new better things to fill the time... I did devour a series of books last week but going to sleep at 4am reading books doesn't seem that healthy a thing either (altough better than going to sleep at 4am watching YouTube shit... right? right?)

I should just focus on finishing my uni studies but ugh that don't fill me soul enough.. tru fwp

I'm doing fine otherwise rlly, got a lovely gf and future ahead of me.. maybs i just need more friends iunno ugh


Do little bit of work > play games > little bit of work > watch a video > little bit of work > etc


Or get some work done early in the day, so you can play games all you want and not have to worry about doing "better" things? "Better" for whom? Doing anything all day will kill you. Do a little bit of everything.


But I don't have an addictive personality, so perhaps it's not as easy as saying it. I love games, but if I play more than an hour or two, I start to get antsy.

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a simplified stream editor. take a file, perform filter commands on it like insert before/some string/string to insert. it uses a double linked-list as the underlying data structure (which we had to build from scratch obv, cos C).


this assignment has taken over my life the last few days, I've had maybe 15 hrs of sleep in that time total because I'm struggling to get it done (it's 2 days overdue now) and I don't have enough time in my days after work. my fault I guess, I should have started much earlier, but I always forget how much more work C is.


I'm down to the last bit where I have to finish an insert between/some string/some other string/string to insert command, and I was up til 4am last night trying to solve my broken logic for it. fucking around with bits of string/pointers and indices, all bleary-eyed and dead-brained, in the early hours of the AM before having to go to work :cisfor:

Edited by usagi
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someone is playing boards of canada records through the wall of the apartment next door & it's reminding me that i haven't listened to a full boards of canada record properly sense TH came out. the last half decade has just flown right by holy shit

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