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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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The DOD Thrash Master.... which I found! It was at a friend's house for some weird reason (I've never had cause to use it there, but maybe it got transferred along with some cables). Also found was my Marshal channel switching pedal, which I thought had been lost at a show a few months ago. Funny enough, since putting the thrash master back into the pedal array I've decided it doesn't actually improve things. So I subbed in my boss compressor pedal and that gave it the extra kick it needed. This should really be in the First World Success thread, but I'm here now.




All those DOD distortion pedals are amazing. I have a DOD Corrosion (black letters) that I use for 101 acid magic: I've never heard more gnarly textures in my life.

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I hate the current place I live. Got stuck with some crazy hag who's "babysitting" the place while the owner is out of town for a couple weeks. She rambles on about a bunch of meaningless "spiritual" bullshit and keeps wanting to give us hugs and massages. And her son recently committed suicide, right before I first met her.
So we all bolted for the weekend and she's there by herself. I'm glad it's only month-to-month rent, cuz I'm gonna GTFO as soon as I can. Fuck crazy old ladies.

Oh, hi guys.

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Yeah those DOD pedals are excellent. I have the Death Metal distortion; it's pretty brutal. I should start using it again actually.

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I have a DOD Grunge pedal from high school. The jack is a bit dwanky, but it's the easiest guitar distortion I like.

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I just did pretty good needle drops of the Steinvord EP and Skull Snap EP, but the highs are just slightly rolled off on my setup. Better than the peaky highs on the mp3s I'd found, but still. Also I can never normalize anything to sufficient loudness to mix with the rest of my digital files.

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I just did pretty good needle drops of the Steinvord EP and Skull Snap EP, but the highs are just slightly rolled off on my setup. Better than the peaky highs on the mp3s I'd found, but still. Also I can never normalize anything to sufficient loudness to mix with the rest of my digital files.

Check your low frequencies, perhaps? There might be some inaudible sub frequencies in there ruining it for everyone else.

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Guest disparaissant

i am a total dorkus and typo'd my own postal code on my order of tomorrow's harvest, meaning it will probably take me several weeks to receive it. ugh.

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I just did pretty good needle drops of the Steinvord EP and Skull Snap EP, but the highs are just slightly rolled off on my setup. Better than the peaky highs on the mp3s I'd found, but still. Also I can never normalize anything to sufficient loudness to mix with the rest of my digital files.

Check your low frequencies, perhaps? There might be some inaudible sub frequencies in there ruining it for everyone else.



I've got a high-pass filter on from my phono pre... I don't know, the bass sounds pretty good without any rumble.


Also, some component of my (cheap) turntable picks up high frequency noises (eg the cymbal crashes) and broadcasts it into the room acoustically, so there's always a loud hiss coming from the turntable even with the dust cover closed (the records have been cleaned--it's not that). Don't know if it's the tonearm not being damped properly (I don't know how this works) or the ATN3600L stylus or what? Wondering if having the highs go through as an acoustic vibration is contributing to the highs being rolled off coming from my pre-amp.


It all sounds pretty good through the speakers, just missing a tiny bit of sizzle. I mean, it's vinyl, though, right?

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Going to Sonar this week and needed to find a night to go to on Thursday when Sonar isn't on. Somebody made a decision and booked tickets to an event without me looking first. Now I'm missing Jon Hopkins and instead going somewhere where I've hardly heard of anyone playing.


Would this be good????


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finishing my student portfolio up as a final project assignment for a class that ends tomorrow... went above and beyond by creating an entire website portfolio (much more manageable imo, looks nice too), and now i realize that in order to turn this thing in online as homework, i have to make it into a single .doc or pdf. formatting nightmare, here i come. :wtf:

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My final for managerial accounting is in a week and a half and I have some major work to do and instead I'm drinking a sextuple rum and coke... or a triple 151 or whatever. lol

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My apartment building has a swimming pool but they are closing it for the next month or two to repair/resurface it.



top notch fwp here.

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Guest couch

I can't figure out how to change the forum background to a solid color rather than some instagram looking picture.


There doesn't seem to be a thread about it on the front page of gen ban either.


Oh I found "change theme" at the bottom. Crisis averted, consider my jimmies de-rustled.

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Guest couch


I can't figure out how to change the forum background to a solid color rather than some instagram looking picture.


There doesn't seem to be a thread about it on the front page of gen ban either.


Change Theme button at the bottom left of the page, duder. pick WATMM Classic (fluid width), best one imo.


Word I just saw it. Yah that's the one I like. high five

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I paid for an awesome Japanese meal only to throw it all up 5 hours later (along with a bunch of vanilla vodka). On the upside, when I got out of bed today I turned to my gf and said "I okonomiyakked last night" which got a lol.

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After an exam earlier today and 2 hours waiting at an airport to go to Sonar today, the flight was cancelled. Luckily got one from a different airport tomorrow, but I may miss the start of Sonar tomorrow. Plus gotta be up at half 2 to get there.


Seriously, fucking French protesters.

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Guest disparaissant

The most interaction I've had with my flatmate in the last few weeks is him shooting me a nasty glare just now. I have no idea what I've done to earn his ire, because he's too passive aggressive to say anything ever. I cannot wait to move.


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