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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I don't know about smetty, but I love doing this kind of work. If I could get paid to do it I would be over the moon.



I think we are in agreement here, but the trick is to actually stop daydreaming and surmising about how brilliant the paper is going to be and suck it up and WRITE the damn thing already.


At least, that's my problem.



Luckily one of my term papers is on deconstructing a historical manuscript, and I think in all the insanity of trying to "figure" this book out, Ive cracked the puzzle. Currently preparing a presentation that will either make me look fantastic, or like a crack-addled madman. I am, at this point, comfortable with either.

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half the time I think smart means brilliant and good times.



the other half I just imagine myself pontificating about minutiae in my mind, whereas my corporeal body is submerged in my own filth, while people actually contributing to society walk by in disgust.














(but thanks for the compliment) :biggrin:

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You and Chen sound like pretty smart guys.


If I were smart i would have gotten an MBA years ago, become upper management by this age (39) and been snorting gigantic lines of the purest cocaine off of one of my many mistress's (who are only with me for the money, but that's ok, i'm only with them for the sex) asses.


Instead I'll be lucky to crack 12,000 gross this year and still another 6 months of school left before the MA is mine.


Smetty - shoot for crack-addled madman - you could become the Zizek of historical analysis!





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Maybe I used the wrong words...


I'm financially successful, but find this is a result of circumstance/luck or whatever. Or maybe I don't have the confidence to recognize my own efforts or something I don't know.


Whereas, I find through these forums that you and smetty, you two are genuinely intelligent...


I wish you both great success though in your lifetime! I'm still only halfway through my accounting degree, nowhere NEAR a masters lol!


Also, that avatar is fantastic Chen lol. For some reason the face is reminding me of a tim burton production.



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You and Chen sound like pretty smart guys.



Smetty - shoot for crack-addled madman - you could become the Zizek Rob Ford of historical analysis!




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wow Stephen, thanks! Thats a genuinely awesome statement and im...not quite sure how to react to kindness actually appearing on WATMM.


Ive Im ever in Canada, the three of us should have a drink!

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Maybe I used the wrong words...


I'm financially successful, but find this is a result of circumstance/luck or whatever. Or maybe I don't have the confidence to recognize my own efforts or something I don't know.


Whereas, I find through these forums that you and smetty, you two are genuinely intelligent...


I wish you both great success though in your lifetime! I'm still only halfway through my accounting degree, nowhere NEAR a masters lol!


Also, that avatar is fantastic Chen lol. For some reason the face is reminding me of a tim burton production.



I'll trade you intelligence for money;)


A/D did a fine jerb on the avatar :woot:

wow Stephen, thanks! Thats a genuinely awesome statement and im...not quite sure how to react to kindness actually appearing on WATMM.


Ive Im ever in Canada, the three of us should have a drink!

Lol a drink of coffee!!

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my phone alarm stopped working randomly last week (well only did the vibrate ring) so i set up my old iPhone instead.


now it has miraculously started working again, giving me 4 alarms every morning. stupid computers!!!

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I can't concentrate in one thing at once. I have plenty of stuff in my mind which drives me insane and, therefore, unproductive. I think the main problem is my habit of being worried about what's happening around me all the time. I wish I could crawl back into my own world again... But now, how?

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I can't concentrate in one thing at once. I have plenty of stuff in my mind which drives me insane and, therefore, unproductive. I think the main problem is my habit of being worried about what's happening around me all the time. I wish I could crawl back into my own world again... But now, how?


I have this problem when I'm studying.


Do you know anything about coloured noise? I've tried some therapy with different coloured noise when studying and it works (at least for me)...

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please explain, and whilst i realise that synaesthesia wouldn't be a required to appreciate coloured noise hehe, i'd still like to know from you, as opposed to the net, what you mean. And please don't tell me fennesz.

What's fennesz?

I'm just referring to using different frequencies of drone/static and ambient noises with isochronic tones etc to help you focus. I use this vid off youtube most often but I also have some .wav files as well.



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fennesz is ambient music guy. also i muted my post as i was always going to, heh.



I really don't see the point of listening to his music, really. It's just basic mucking around, who gives a shit, make a song out of it you bum. (sorry, i'll probably mute this post too, hah)

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PS thanks for the link, the sound in my headphones is actually making me super tense !! So maybe this colour thing isn't for me.




No worries. At first I found the sound really jarring and it made me anxious. But now it really helps with my ADD tendencies when I'm studying. I find if I study with it on, I only have to read my textbook once (vs before where I was re-reading the same paragraph 4-5 times) and I don't come on watmm or check my e-mail 100 times or whatever lol.

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So maybe it's doing something then, the part of your brain that will seek other stimuli is distracted by and focused on that sound, leaving you free to study. I hate reading and not retaining, being easily distracted all that, pissa me off. But that sound seriously i started to feel ill. Probably doesn't help how tired i am, so mentally fragile.

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fennesz is ambient music guy. also i muted my post as i was always going to, heh.



I really don't see the point of listening to his music, really. It's just basic mucking around, who gives a shit, make a song out of it you bum. (sorry, i'll probably mute this post too, hah)

zole, oh you.


Fennesz is awesome! Sure, his stuff is pretty meandering, but isn't that the point of ambient music?

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zole, in what world is fennesz ambient music?

saw him live and it was the loudest concert I've ever been to lol


his name sounds like finesse so he has to be the abients

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