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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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For some reason I don't get the last post viewed thingy on the left of threads. I've tried a few times for the last few days to no avail. It's only when I'm logged in and different browsers and cache deleting doesn't seem to work. It's becoming damn annoying, I'm avoiding threads because of it. Also the top logo is just a alternative text link called "logo".


Is this a known problem, I'm sure somebody has had this problem before but can't remember what the outcome was??

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I keep running into micrograph annotation software that has no undo function. WTF is this shit? image editing without undo is like building a house with no spare nails. get it together, scientists.

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was just browsing my professors' facebook profiles and found out that the professor i'm working with liked a fake "sex tape" page of a popular israeli celebrity. (the title reads: Sex tape of Yehuda Levi - click here to view!")


he's a gay activist and studies sexuality so there's a small chance that he's aware that it's public and perhaps he's making some kind of point (perhaps foucalt's anti-"forbidden speech") but most probably he just goofed because he's clueless about internet and computers (he recently discovered that modern computer mice have a middle button with my help). so i'm not sure how to approach this, whether to notify him or not.

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was just browsing my professors' facebook profiles and found out that the professor i'm working with liked a fake "sex tape" page of a popular israeli celebrity. (the title reads: Sex tape of Yehuda Levi - click here to view!")


he's a gay activist and studies sexuality so there's a small chance that he's aware that it's public and perhaps he's making some kind of point (perhaps foucalt's anti-"forbidden speech") but most probably he just goofed because he's clueless about internet and computers (he recently discovered that modern computer mice have a middle button with my help). so i'm not sure how to approach this, whether to notify him or not.


I think he don't know it's public. I also have some people in my FB list who have absolutely no shame "liking" hardcore porn pages/photos.

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was just browsing my professors' facebook profiles and found out that the professor i'm working with liked a fake "sex tape" page of a popular israeli celebrity. (the title reads: Sex tape of Yehuda Levi - click here to view!")


he's a gay activist and studies sexuality so there's a small chance that he's aware that it's public and perhaps he's making some kind of point (perhaps foucalt's anti-"forbidden speech") but most probably he just goofed because he's clueless about internet and computers (he recently discovered that modern computer mice have a middle button with my help). so i'm not sure how to approach this, whether to notify him or not.


I think he don't know it's public. I also have some people in my FB list who have absolutely no shame "liking" hardcore porn pages/photos.



People actually "like" porn sites? Damn

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Had to listen to some overgrown spectacled fat Ewok bitch with his girlfriend about the Chinese soul food restaurant I just ate lunch at as he tried to make his complaining sound all intellectual. Reminds me of the way some WATMMers act. I, for one, enjoyed my spicy seafood noodle soup. I was so happy when he waddled his whiny scrubby fat ass out of the restaurant.

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Guest disparaissant

20 pages of intense research and analysis on the departure of lesbian feminists from the gay liberation movement, due wednesday morning.

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about to turn 30, balding, owning it

Yeah, I'm 30 in a few months, and thinning out at the front. Considering a buzzcut all over, since my beard is getting quite majestic and I'll probably look pretty metal, even with my lack of height. I'll miss the quiff though :/ Edited by modey
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I'm trying to fix very hissy/noisy dialogue in a feature, which one would think would have good production audio. It doesn't. I gave a substantial ADR list (whole scenes I feel need to be redone) and the producer wants me to try to cut some actors and lines out because it's gonna go over budget. So I will need to figure out what I can fix and what I can't in very minimal time. This will probably mean I will have to work during xmas vacation.

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Isn't film work very haphazard as far as getting jobs goes, so when you're on you're on. Or do you work for a post production place that is working all the time?


I work in a post-production studio where there's usually always something to work on year round. I'm on salary and not free-lancing. We mostly work on docu series or docu features. With the amount of broadcasters available they are always hungry for new content to air whether it's good or not, so there's always some short doc series on whatever subject being produced by independent producers. Once or twice per year, we'll have a feature length film to work on which is a fun change of pace. Except when the audio is shit and I have to fix it with multiple people looking over my shoulder with their own personal interpretation of what's good and what's shit. That's when I usually just take over, tell everyone to let me deal with it and wait for the final product.

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Yeah, but as they say: post-audio is where musicians go to die. ;) (another 1st world problem?)

I really miss making music as much as I used to, which is why I'm hanging out here these days. I missed the braindance! And the quality of the majority of music people are posting on here is nothing short of awesome. I'll sneak a few listens of some soundcloud accounts while I work to keep the endorphins flowing. :)

As a side note, last I heard Esem was also doing post-audio. Which is probably why we haven't had a release from him in so long. It's unfortunate, I'm a big fan of his work.

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Where u at paranerd? I do location audio for film, mostly doc and corporate stuff. I'm based in NYC but I'm currently on a reality show in Michigan until March. Your workload sounds like an NYC house.

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Where u at paranerd? I do location audio for film, mostly doc and corporate stuff. I'm based in NYC but I'm currently on a reality show in Michigan until March. Your workload sounds like an NYC house.


Cool, A/D! :) That's a fun part of doing location: the travel. I've done location a handful of times, but I'm more comfortable in front of a mixing console.


I'm in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. We do a lot work similar to a NYC post-house, yes. From what I'm told anyway. I haven't had the chance to visit other post-houses outside of Canada honestly. This is our website.

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Guest disparaissant


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