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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Or conversely what are the activities of your parents? Maybe they were the ones declared a risk by this arbitrary black mark machine. Do they live next door to some muslims that they invited over for tea. Are they green activists.

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Or conversely what are the activities of your parents? Maybe they were the ones declared a risk by this arbitrary black mark machine. Do they live next door to some muslims that they invited over for tea. Are they green activists.


lol no they aren't any of those. :cerious::emotawesomepm9:



Definitely try and get your story out there. It's a shit situation and whatever their reasons are for stopping it seems unreasonable. They haven't suggested a way for you to arrange it and make both you and your parents waste time and money getting your money back, the first time anyway. Absolute shitbags!


Thanks. I'm probably just falling within some sort of classification that they've determined with some algorithm to be a risk. I know they try and stop people from sending money to criminals or terrorists. So maybe somehow I've fallen into that description? Like maybe I've sent the money to Bixby but my parents pick it up in Tahlequah once or Locust Grove another time so it looks fishy or something? (They live out in the country so might pick it up from different locations out of convenience)


I don't know. I've been sending money for 2 years now maybe they figured noone has $900 a month to send for 2 years. =S



Not sure if this is politically incorrect somehow. But I have colleagues at work with family in Kenya and Somalia and they told me they've been sending $500 a month back home for 7 - 10 years with no problems.


And I'm somehow categorically more risky than that.... what the... ?

Edited by StephenG
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They probably make more money off the money transfer to africa.


I'd say that the algorithm thinks that you are distributing a regular cut of something illegal. This should be invalidated because of the fact that you are sending it to a family member. Perhaps you should just open an US bank account/trust and give your parents the money that way, or have you already looked into this.

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I broke up with my girlfriend. She is going to finish the lease there with the other roommates and I will be paying rent while living at my parents for free. I now have a 45 minute commute, gymbag with a pack of white t-shirts, two pairs of jeans, toiletries, two pairs of boxers and two pairs of socks... life is fucking dandy.


I love her as a person and truly want the best for her, but we cannot continue a relationship where there is so much co-dependency and distrust. She needs to learn to love herself before she feels the need to be in a relationship - the lying about talking with other guys, under the table drinking problem and low self-esteem is not working very well for her.... and I need to stop going for girls who need to be 'saved'.


I hope we can be friends after this, but it's on her if that is possible. It's been one of the hardest things I've had to do to walk away from her and feeling like I'm responsible for someone else's happiness... Audioblysk needs a hug.

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I'm gonna say good on you for having the guts to make that decision. of course only you know the gory details so I can't comment one way or the other on any of the particulars of your former relationship, but just having the guts to walk away from it if you feel you should have deserves some commendation at least. how long did it go for, if you don't mind me asking?

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I broke up with my girlfriend. She is going to finish the lease there with the other roommates and I will be paying rent while living at my parents for free. I now have a 45 minute commute, gymbag with a pack of white t-shirts, two pairs of jeans, toiletries, two pairs of boxers and two pairs of socks... life is fucking dandy.


I love her as a person and truly want the best for her, but we cannot continue a relationship where there is so much co-dependency and distrust. She needs to learn to love herself before she feels the need to be in a relationship - the lying about talking with other guys, under the table drinking problem and low self-esteem is not working very well for her.... and I need to stop going for girls who need to be 'saved'.


I hope we can be friends after this, but it's on her if that is possible. It's been one of the hardest things I've had to do to walk away from her and feeling like I'm responsible for someone else's happiness... Audioblysk needs a hug.


/hugs + She has to step up and pay rent now you've broken up does she not? It's real life isn't it? Whilst you still feel responsibility towards her, you are not her sugar da da. How long has the lease got to go, don't be too much of a masochist.

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It was 1.5 years of relationship usagi, not super long, but probably longer than I should have stayed around.


@ delet... I am only paying rent because we split a very large house with a few other people and have less than 2 payments left on the lease. I was the one to break it off, and my name is on the lease, so I chose to give a person who revels in being a victim no real way of being a victim because their life isn't changing besides me not being with them. Weird reasoning, but it's for the best so I don't screw my friends over too.


(accepts hugs with love)

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I faded out of dj'ing some 18 months ago; I was really sick of my non-non-compromising attitude, was in a weak spot, and really had to integrate all these new sounds that came my way. I had a great time 3 weeks ago at Derrick May, and subsequently came in touch with an old dj'ing buddy of mine, who's making name for himself in the Amsterdam club scene as a person behind the screens.


I am feeling invigorated to dj again, so i decided to surf the net for some new chunes.


3 days later, scouring through the lovely sounds of detroit musics, and house classics from chicago and NY, my cart is 100 euro's phat (about 17599,- american dollars or 3 feet and 17 inches), and it will probably only get bigger.


This is not a real problem, but I'm too much of a Scrooge to spend too much money on dem tunes.


Gotta flip dat switch again, man, but also gotta take care of my moneez.


Decisions, decisions. I'll probably just make a budget and try and keep it.

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Oh also, my piece of shit employer didn't give me the proper wage this month. Gotta call and get politely obnoxious about where my money's at.

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I ate so much I feel like I am sick.


Not enough room to store all of my vehicles.


I dont know whether to sell my stock know or wait until I can get more money.


I dont like having more than one extra pouch on my backpack and the graphing calculator takes up lots of room.

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I ate so much I feel like I am sick.


Not enough room to store all of my vehicles.


I dont know whether to sell my stock know or wait until I can get more money.


I dont like having more than one extra pouch on my backpack and the graphing calculator takes up lots of room.


True FWPs up in here.

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I was in a meeting yesterday in a work related setting. And it was a first for me someone was present who I had been in a sexual relationship with.


It's one of those things which tend to seem like it's easy to imagine what it's like, but when you finally do experience it....WTF

Edited by goDel
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I didn't get to talk to her directly, because I arrived right at the start. And afterwards I was talking to some people and she was as well, until she left. Not much I contact though. Only one instance and she seemed awfully stressed. She was in a bit in a rough spot though, because she was in the center of attention for a large part of the session. We exchanged some sms's afterwards but nothing to interesting. (I offered her a ride and she said thanks...and that was it)


Truth of the matter is, the thing happened a month ago and the relationship went pretty rocky soon afterwards. So there were still some relational tensions in the air.


It's still a bit awkward atm. Before the meeting I'd sent her a mail saying (warning) her I'd be present as well. I knew it was a pretty important session for her and I don't think she'd like these kinds of surprises. She didn't reply, btw. (which is not a surprise, but that's a whole lot of back story to cover..in short: she got serious man-issues (dad died when she was young...) - which makes me sound like a total jerk, i know. so, i'll admit to have womens issues as well. which is kind of a trivial statement...!?)

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Guest disparaissant

I hit some kind of weird social anxiety ceiling with my job. called in the last two days because I was having panic attacks just thinking about having to deal with hundreds of pissy customers. meds ain't helping either. blahhhhhh.


hopefully this other job works out.

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I jerked off using my ipad and got it on myself so I had to take a shower.


I made pasta and forget to taste test it. It wasnt cooked to my liking so I threw it out.


Cut myself making hashbrowns so it took about 10 more minutes for me to eat breakfast once I bandaged up.


My watch leaves a slightly less tan part on my wrist.


I always lose lighters.


Have so many videogames that I end up playing just one or two.


Having to look at people that arent at least wearing semi-casual clothes anywhere.


Forgoetting my ice cold beverage in the kitchen as I bring my hot meal into my room.


Being too full to eat dessert.


Leftovers not tasting as good as I had hoped so I throw it out..


my life is basically hell

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Replacing the plug socket front plates in my house, and the new plates are slightly deeper which means the screws do not very easily meet the tapped brackets on the back plate. Reet pain in the ass getting them to line up - and in one case I think I need some longer screws.

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I lost my beaten up Sony 700 headphones, which despite being beaten-up are still great phones. I had already bought a pair to replace them at the studio, but I was going to continue using these ones as an extra reference and for personal use. Fuck fuck fuck. Worst idiot move I've made in a while. (I make idiot moves all the time, but they don't usually bother me much afterwards.)

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Or conversely what are the activities of your parents? Maybe they were the ones declared a risk by this arbitrary black mark machine. Do they live next door to some muslims that they invited over for tea. Are they green activists.
lol no they aren't any of those. :cerious::emotawesomepm9:


Definitely try and get your story out there. It's a shit situation and whatever their reasons are for stopping it seems unreasonable. They haven't suggested a way for you to arrange it and make both you and your parents waste time and money getting your money back, the first time anyway. Absolute shitbags!
Thanks. I'm probably just falling within some sort of classification that they've determined with some algorithm to be a risk. I know they try and stop people from sending money to criminals or terrorists. So maybe somehow I've fallen into that description? Like maybe I've sent the money to Bixby but my parents pick it up in Tahlequah once or Locust Grove another time so it looks fishy or something? (They live out in the country so might pick it up from different locations out of convenience) I don't know. I've been sending money for 2 years now maybe they figured noone has $900 a month to send for 2 years. =S Not sure if this is politically incorrect somehow. But I have colleagues at work with family in Kenya and Somalia and they told me they've been sending $500 a month back home for 7 - 10 years with no problems. And I'm somehow categorically more risky than that.... what the... ?
This is most likely the case. I worked for money gram (a similar service) for a while, and repeat customers who sent large amounts of money regularly eventually got flagged. Usually we would call the help desk or whatever and they would ask to speak to the customer. The customer would answers a few questions and then usually they would lift the block. Sorry you're having so much trouble with this, man. Edited by Sprigg
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Thanks man! I was thinking I might switch over to moneygram, hopefully they handle things a bit better than western union. I think more than anything I'm mad that they don't even give an opportunity to respond, they are just heavy handed and say NOPE, not letting you send money anymore.


In the meantime my dad is trying to set up a bank account and then I'll just wire money directly.

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