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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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In between work, setting up another work location, hanging out with friends, going on vacations, playing with my two new synths (DSI PRO-2 and Roland Jx-3p+pg200 & kiwi mod), doing various recreational drugs and banging a foreign devil every other night or so while ingesting said recreational drugs in varying quantities--- I'm averaging 5 hours of sleep a night... I feel that my sanity may be dipping with the lack of sleep. I don't even have enough time to properly waste time on WATMM lately... :cerious:


Also, my scotch globe broke, and somewhere in hell - my alcoholic Irish Grandfather is yelling at me for it.


(sighs) getting those off my chest helps, thanks 1st world problems thread.

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In between work, setting up another work location, hanging out with friends, going on vacations, playing with my two new synths (DSI PRO-2 and Roland Jx-3p+pg200 & kiwi mod), doing various recreational drugs and banging a foreign devil every other night or so while ingesting said recreational drugs in varying quantities--- I'm averaging 5 hours of sleep a night... I feel that my sanity may be dipping with the lack of sleep. I don't even have enough time to properly waste time on WATMM lately... :cerious:


Also, my scotch globe broke, and somewhere in hell - my alcoholic Irish Grandfather is yelling at me for it.


(sighs) getting those off my chest helps, thanks 1st world problems thread.

What's a scotch globe mr?


Do you feel you need more than 5hrs a night? Me and you are around the same age.... I find I only need 5hrs a night unless I've physically exerted myself a LOT....



Actually now that I think of it, psychadelic "episodes" have a huge mental tax on me as well, so perhaps the drug use is tiring you out.... I sleep like a baby after some tryptamines too lol..

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In between work, setting up another work location, hanging out with friends, going on vacations, playing with my two new synths (DSI PRO-2 and Roland Jx-3p+pg200 & kiwi mod), doing various recreational drugs and banging a foreign devil every other night or so while ingesting said recreational drugs in varying quantities--- I'm averaging 5 hours of sleep a night... I feel that my sanity may be dipping with the lack of sleep. I don't even have

enough time to properly waste time on WATMM lately... :cerious:

Also, my scotch globe broke, and somewhere in hell - my alcoholic Irish Grandfather is yelling at me for it.

(sighs) getting those off my chest helps, thanks 1st world problems thread.

What's a scotch globe mr?

Do you feel you need more than 5hrs a night? Me and you are around the same age.... I find I only need 5hrs a night unless I've physically exerted myself a LOT....

Actually now that I think of it, psychadelic "episodes" have a huge mental tax on me as well, so perhaps the drug use is tiring you out.... I sleep like a baby after some tryptamines too lol..


Exhibit A: Something no man should be without. People think it's just a classy, non functional globe, but alas, a real man will know that it contains booze - scotch booze.



I need more sleep than that methinks. I get kindof short-fused when I'm tired, or I'm just a vacuous zombie. You really only sleep 5 hours a night?


That's incredibly manly of you :emotawesomepm9: Might I suggest a scotch globe?

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oh good, i was hoping that it would be alright, scratch what i said in the other thread then. /trips over scotch globe smashing contents within, ruins party for everyone. uses shirt to filter scotch from glass, no one wants to drink resultant "see it's alright everyone" brew. Gets fucking hammered and ends up in a corner telling someone that he's the greatest electronic musician in the universe because everyone else is terrible in some way.

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Grinding my teeth in my sleep a lot lately... nervous about whether or not I got this logistics manager job.... I want out of my current job so bad it's not even funny...


I really hope I have a chance at this position.. I know I can handle it but sometimes my age puts potential employers off, I can tell. One HR woman was so incredibly rude to me, she laughed at me when I gave her my resume and wouldn't even shake my hand. Even though my resume is more extensive than hers lol.


Do you mean because you are too young? Move to Vancouver, they love youth there.



my own FWP in a third-world country - my stomach has become too soft....can't fight off bacteria like I used to. For three days this week every time I went to take a shit it was literally like pissing out of my arse. And I was full of gas cause I was scared to fart for fear of sharting all over the office.

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Some unknown caller called me this morning with a local area code. Their response was something like "hello, aabbjeebujah...hello". Couldn't tell if they were drunk or what, but I hung up after a few seconds.

Should've ignored it.

Edited by ambermonk
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stupid fucking teenage miner bird keeps muther fucking chirping, 'here i am mum and dad' it goes as it hops about form place to place. It's like an avian location tag, which is an interesting idea until you hear it and realise that it's probably going to make going to sleep involve putting a pillow over my ear again, -sie-ro.


It's funny, i've never known before i just looked it up for this post that the species is actually called the "NOISY MINER" bird. lol.



Fledglings utter 85 to 100 'chip' calls in a minute.


If you check out the wiki you can note that they are super aggressive towards other birds, usually ganging up on them. I remember on a bushwalk once this poor dove, a dove of all things, natures peaceful plodder, was getting dive bombed whilst roosting on a dried branch. It incensed me so much that i threw a pebble in their direction, did little to distract their attack though. I mean they don't compete for the same food and the dove isn't a predator, nasty fuckers. Why was the dove just sitting their and taking it you say, well there are two possible reasons, firstly it could be that it already been followed from point to point through the bushland, these minerbirds are persistent pests. Secondly it could be that it is so used to these nuisance neighbours that it decided just to sit it out and wait till they got bored or distracted and went away.


Another time a chick had fallen from a nest located high up in a tall eucalypt and was chirping away whilst clumsily moving about on the tarmac of the street that i was walking up. I could hear distress in the elevated calling of the miner birds that were perched on the branches above me, so they must have known about this poor little one's ordeal. Sadly some part of me didn't give a fuck, this was weird, i'm a guy that will step over a column of ants and likewise not crush a weed growing on the path. For my emotions not to have been touched by the sight of a defenceless chick surely in it's last hours, these bloody birds and their bad behaviour must have gotten to me over the years,.

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I'm starting to think about why I don't have a girlfriend. Like really, wtf am I doing wrong? Even stupidier/lazier folks than me have better luck. I'm consider myself normal in appearance and dude common I always fucking try hard to do my best and be outstanding. But then again, girls prefer other guys.


Its a pretty long story but yeah I'm starting to get worried.


first world teenage problems

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Are you in university? If you can't get sex there, there's no hope for you my friend. Start saving up for that android. heeh.


Yeah, I'm at university. But it's not about getting laid and having my dick squeezed, I'm talking about real "love". It might sound arrogant but the only reason why I still don't have a gf is cuz i don't want to. There are zillions of girls, I can pick any one and with some clever tricks get laid and have a relationship, but that's the problem, i don't want "anyone", I want the real perfect one for me. Am I asking too much? Should I conform myself? Like I already said, I can "get in love" with any girl, at least in the sexual part, but I have always thought that the girl that's perfect for me is the one that gets in love with me, and that's hard LOL. Fuck.

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no, but really. i have some plants lying around and i found a chrysalis under a leaf. i was chuffed!

i could see the caterpillar through the cocoon, it was green, and eventually it started to turn brown and to shrink. yesterday i found the cocoon had a hole, so i missed the moment the moth hatches. but wait, this morning i'm looking at the empty cocoon, moving it with my finger, and suddenly a moth flies! it hadn't actually hatched and the transformation is only half complete. i'm really sorry, i really hope the moth doesn't die! it's now standing upside-down on (under?) a door lintel.


also logakght, i think it's easier to fall in love if you actually flirt with girls you just sorta like. ymmv i guess

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