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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I'm super tired and kinda feel like shit in general today, but it's Midterm week and today is review day when we find out what exactly's being covered later this week... gotta be here. At least I have caffeine.

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My boss screamed at me today lol, repeatedly said "whos the boss?"and didn't rest till i said "you are", very bizarre moment in my life, laughed all the way tru it cause it was like your typical COCA-head rant you see in the movies (he is an actual cocaine user too but i didnt know he did it this early)


my days are counted for sure, yellow card.


for those wondering why he was screaming at me, the section i do today is closed due to the Chris Columbus massacre celebrations so i decided to take the day off since i have to go to the dentists today i was gonna cut my day short anyways (was gonna work 3 hours today, probably was gonna do fuck all), he didnt like this thats for sure.

sounds like a fucking knob to me. Good on you for not losing your shit on him or going down to his level.

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A little update, just entered panic mode right now, i know there is no way this will end well so i started looking for a new job but then i realised FUCK THIS SHIT, this is what my life is gonna be hopping from unskilled job to unskilled job hating every minute of it waking up every morning saying today is gonna be different then two years later its all the same, what the fuck man, this is trutly an insane way of living , my time is running out, there is so much a man can take and im a pussy so my treshhold is very low, wonder what happens when one reaches boiling point, i like to think i have all the senses with me and nothing bad will happen but i dont know, i dont want to go crazy, i refuse to be beaten but fuck man im walking on a wire.

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I also dont want to be mirserable for the benefit of everybody else, its started to show on my face,my mom asked me if i was depressed, that was a game changer, i have a little brother and i know this shit sticks (meaning if you are down you can bring evryone selse with you)half my family are a bunch of miserables fucks and everybody else just have to live with that cause love i guess but i dont want to become THAT guy,i want my brother to look at my face and see someone who happy with life and that shit get better and all that. We have zero role models and right now im starting to see the effects of that and i just dont want anyone i love to end up misersable,

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My boss screamed at me today lol, repeatedly said "whos the boss?"and didn't rest till i said "you are", very bizarre moment in my life, laughed all the way tru it cause it was like your typical COCA-head rant you see in the movies (he is an actual cocaine user too but i didnt know he did it this early)


my days are counted for sure, yellow card.


for those wondering why he was screaming at me, the section i do today is closed due to the Chris Columbus massacre celebrations so i decided to take the day off since i have to go to the dentists today i was gonna cut my day short anyways (was gonna work 3 hours today, probably was gonna do fuck all), he didnt like this thats for sure.

Is your boss Colin Ferral from Horrible bosses?


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Hahah yes that who I was thinking , just a bit older and Italian and brags about fucking the elderly secretary (no joke) lol

Your boss sounds like a straight-up asshole. I'd jump ship as soon as possible.

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Hahah yes that who I was thinking , just a bit older and Italian and brags about fucking the elderly secretary (no joke) lol

Your boss sounds like a straight-up asshole. I'd jump ship as soon as possible.




Don't even let him fire you. Take your stuff and leave.

What do you exactly?

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garbage man so its your typical new jersey blue collar faggot this nigger that mexicans and the other but instead of everybody beng this way only the two bosses (father and son) are like this, everyone else is really friendly and nice.


My dream job (other than my actual dream) is to work in animal care or around nature like a park ranger or something like that so ill looks for those kind of jobs no matter what, enough with the bullshit (hopefully)

Edited by Deer
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My blood pressure is stupidly high lately. Been testing daily and it's usually around 160/110.


Just took it now and it's 166/116. I'm only 26...


I'm taking meds for that. The best advice they gave me was to walk regularly. It seems to help.

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My blood pressure is stupidly high lately. Been testing daily and it's usually around 160/110.


Just took it now and it's 166/116. I'm only 26...


I'm taking meds for that. The best advice they gave me was to walk regularly. It seems to help.


Are the meds working?


I basically walk all day at my job (I'm a plant supervisor), 10-25KM daily (my phone tracks distance).


I imagine it's long term effects from past serious alcohol problem. My diet is great, I generally eat just whole foods (meat/veg etc)...


It's actually kind of scary... I bought a BP machine and will be tracking it regularly.

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My blood pressure is stupidly high lately. Been testing daily and it's usually around 160/110.


Just took it now and it's 166/116. I'm only 26...


I'm taking meds for that. The best advice they gave me was to walk regularly. It seems to help.


Are the meds working?


I basically walk all day at my job (I'm a plant supervisor), 10-25KM daily (my phone tracks distance).


I imagine it's long term effects from past serious alcohol problem. My diet is great, I generally eat just whole foods (meat/veg etc)...


It's actually kind of scary... I bought a BP machine and will be tracking it regularly.



The meds work psychsomatically at least. As far as the alcohol, they told me I can drink in moderation. If you're worried, I would obviously have a professional look into it.

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Thanks man... I was always fairly high functioning as an alcoholic (able to go to work, get good grades in Uni etc), so the health effects never hit home for me. Now that I'm seeing first hand that it's going to kill me I think I'll take greater strides to protect myself...

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stressing over a mid-term and a final for a half-semester class... I should be all right in the 1/2 semester though, but the other one idk.

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I'm in doubt as to whether I should continue to make music. Just finished a 7:32 trac yesterday with Fruity, which took over a week, but the "validation" factor is almost non-existent. But I couldn't care less about making coin off of it.

Butthurt aside, maybe I've reached my limits with FL anyway. Time to look into Ableton or Max, maybe? I wonder which is more widely recommended.

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I'm in doubt as to whether I should continue to make music. Just finished a 7:32 trac yesterday with Fruity, which took over a week, but the "validation" factor is almost non-existent. But I couldn't care less about making coin off of it.


Butthurt aside, maybe I've reached my limits with FL anyway. Time to look into Ableton or Max, maybe? I wonder which is more widely recommended.


fucking yes go to Ableton + Max.


The sample mangling is always creativity fuel.

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