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osx lion


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Oscillik - snide comments about the availability of software for an OS are never becoming, even more so from one who is a proponent of Linux.

For NI - you can run in 32 bit mode.


Also, this is watmm don't forget - someone has to be the annoying guy that pops in with snide comments that have absolutely no use whatsoever in the thread other than to infuriate those that actually like the product / music / burrtio. i guess in this thread, that guy is me.



Just this thread?


just kidding, I wubu.


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Oscillik - snide comments about the availability of software for an OS are never becoming, even more so from one who is a proponent of Linux.

For NI - you can run in 32 bit mode.

i'm not the only one who is irked by Apple's marketing.


Also, this is watmm don't forget - someone has to be the annoying guy that pops in with snide comments that have absolutely no use whatsoever in the thread other than to infuriate those that actually like the product / music / burrtio. i guess in this thread, that guy is me.


also, i'm not that big into Linux...i just use it occasionally and like to keep myself informed.


as it stands, i shall bow out now that someone has mentioned their distaste at my comments. i can take a hint!



I keep forgetting that text doesn't always convey tone - I wasn't being serious. Good lord, snide comments make up about 90% of the comment in GenBan...

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Oscillik - snide comments about the availability of software for an OS are never becoming, even more so from one who is a proponent of Linux.

For NI - you can run in 32 bit mode.

i'm not the only one who is irked by Apple's marketing.


Also, this is watmm don't forget - someone has to be the annoying guy that pops in with snide comments that have absolutely no use whatsoever in the thread other than to infuriate those that actually like the product / music / burrtio. i guess in this thread, that guy is me.


also, i'm not that big into Linux...i just use it occasionally and like to keep myself informed.


as it stands, i shall bow out now that someone has mentioned their distaste at my comments. i can take a hint!


I keep forgetting that text doesn't always convey tone - I wasn't being serious. Good lord, snide comments make up about 90% of the comment in GenBan...


ahhh, the watmm effect...i didn't smell it here! sorry

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Oscillik - snide comments about the availability of software for an OS are never becoming, even more so from one who is a proponent of Linux.

For NI - you can run in 32 bit mode.

i'm not the only one who is irked by Apple's marketing.


Also, this is watmm don't forget - someone has to be the annoying guy that pops in with snide comments that have absolutely no use whatsoever in the thread other than to infuriate those that actually like the product / music / burrtio. i guess in this thread, that guy is me.


also, i'm not that big into Linux...i just use it occasionally and like to keep myself informed.


as it stands, i shall bow out now that someone has mentioned their distaste at my comments. i can take a hint!


I keep forgetting that text doesn't always convey tone - I wasn't being serious. Good lord, snide comments make up about 90% of the comment in GenBan...


ahhh, the watmm effect...i didn't smell it here! sorry


Look, this is an emotional moment for all of us, okay? I know that. But, let's not make snap judgments, please.

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Oscillik - snide comments about the availability of software for an OS are never becoming, even more so from one who is a proponent of Linux.

For NI - you can run in 32 bit mode.

i'm not the only one who is irked by Apple's marketing.



Dude, if you don't have an iPhone well...... You don't have an iPhone.



fucking iPhoneless loser





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Lion magically broke my Apogee Duet, and Apogee is about as integrated with Core Audio as Siegfried's cock is with Roy's asshole.


edit: lol Lion get it

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I haven't upgraded yet, but probably will in a week or so. I really don't care for this Launchpad rubbish - how difficult is it to just type the name of the app in spotlight? Or what about putting it in the dock? You may be thinking "oh but what if you don't know the name of the app?"... would that EVER be the case?! Also, four finger pinch looks awkward.

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I have upgraded and am pleased to see the magic scroll-bars missing and reappearing.


First impressions are that Apple did their jobs in creating an actual release worthy new OS. (it works! and it works as expected as well!! this is magic!!!! LOL)

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I upgraded last night. Lion crashed on bootup (only safe mode workeD). Went into the spiffy recovery mode and did a repair install. Lion still kept crashing on bootup.


I decided to try unplugging things and booting.. did this until I got to my firewire m-audio card and then suddenly, with that unplugged, the system booted just fine, without audio.


-edit- yeah the new interface (I literally had five minutes to look at it between getting Lion to boot and having to run to work) does look kind of nice, will see how usable it actually is once I have a chance to work with it.

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yeah my 2006 MBP is just a core duo - runs snow leopard fine, but no lion for me.


Oscillik - snide comments about the availability of software for an OS are never becoming, even more so from one who is a proponent of Linux.

For NI - you can run in 32 bit mode.


Yeah, me too Chen - my 2006 iMac is in the same boat.


Also, there is no 32-bit mode in Lion - it's 64 bit all the way (hence why people like me and Chen who can't afford to buy a new mac every year are stuck with 32-bit processors), right?

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yeah my 2006 MBP is just a core duo - runs snow leopard fine, but no lion for me.


Oscillik - snide comments about the availability of software for an OS are never becoming, even more so from one who is a proponent of Linux.

For NI - you can run in 32 bit mode.


Yeah, me too Chen - my 2006 iMac is in the same boat.


Also, there is no 32-bit mode in Lion - it's 64 bit all the way (hence why people like me and Chen who can't afford to buy a new mac every year are stuck with 32-bit processors), right?


I've had my mac for four years and aside from a bunch of trackpad gestures and airdrop it runs Lion. The Core 2 Duos came out in 2006.

This is a pretty good usability lifespan for a computer (especially a laptop!).

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This is a pretty good usability lifespan for a computer (especially a laptop!).


..tell me about it. i still remember the era where spending less than $3000 on a computer meant it would be an obsolete paperweight within 18 months of purchase.

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I haven't upgraded yet, but probably will in a week or so. I really don't care for this Launchpad rubbish - how difficult is it to just type the name of the app in spotlight? Or what about putting it in the dock? You may be thinking "oh but what if you don't know the name of the app?"... would that EVER be the case?! Also, four finger pinch looks awkward.


it's mostly a feature for kids / grandmas, i think. it's also handy to rediscover stuff you should have uninstalled a long time ago.

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This is a pretty good usability lifespan for a computer (especially a laptop!).


..tell me about it. i still remember the era where spending less than $3000 on a computer meant it would be an obsolete paperweight within 18 months of purchase.


To be honest, if I didn't want to play Portal 2 (etc) so badly, I could probably milk another 2 years out of this thing (edit: assuming no catastrophic failures--fingers crossed). And that's really only because the graphics card is just now at the minimum requirements for that game. It's incredible.


The Toshiba I bought in 2004 lasted about 6 months before it started showing its age/failing/making horrible noises/overheating/becoming the subject of a class action lawsuit.

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yeah my 2006 MBP is just a core duo - runs snow leopard fine, but no lion for me.


Oscillik - snide comments about the availability of software for an OS are never becoming, even more so from one who is a proponent of Linux.

For NI - you can run in 32 bit mode.


Yeah, me too Chen - my 2006 iMac is in the same boat.


Also, there is no 32-bit mode in Lion - it's 64 bit all the way (hence why people like me and Chen who can't afford to buy a new mac every year are stuck with 32-bit processors), right?


i've read that you can put a core 2 duo into core duo machines and they work fine, however it's a right ballache requiring the use of a reflow station to remove the original cpu.

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have you noticed that the temporary scrollbars within Safari will be a light gray if you're on a website with dark background, and vice versa?

nice touch..

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yeah my 2006 MBP is just a core duo - runs snow leopard fine, but no lion for me.


Oscillik - snide comments about the availability of software for an OS are never becoming, even more so from one who is a proponent of Linux.

For NI - you can run in 32 bit mode.


Yeah, me too Chen - my 2006 iMac is in the same boat.


Also, there is no 32-bit mode in Lion - it's 64 bit all the way (hence why people like me and Chen who can't afford to buy a new mac every year are stuck with 32-bit processors), right?




That being said, Lion still includes the 32-bit OS X kernel, and will use it on machines that don’t support the 64-bit kernel – you can still make full use of 64-bit apps and more than 4GB of RAM, even though the OS kernel itself can’t.





I still want a new mac though...lol

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