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in china im a monkey.


horoscopes are the most useless thing in the world though, srrssly.


sometimes i like to lie down on the floor and pretend im a carrot

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Libra, the only inanimate sign. (go assburgers!!! ;p)


@ data: you clearly haven't understood the deeper meaning behind horoscopes -> which is reframing

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You may have had a tendency to go about your daily routine lethargically lately, Gemini. But today the alarm clock wakes you up. You may understand that your help is urgently needed and there's no time to waste. You can expect to pour a great deal of energy into a single, well-defined goal. If you usually wander from project to project, this will be a change for you.


that didn't happen today, but i have been lethargic in my daily routine, but also, it's sunday

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Virgo/Water Monkey

The misuse of personal power, dominating or manipulating others, and the subtle ways you try to control situations or other people are issues. The tyrant in you comes out, or you find yourself dealing with the more difficult, dark, tyrannical side in other people.
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Guest hahathhat

talkin 'bout the taurus, talkin' 'bout the bully bull bull


forget what style of music that is but that makes me want to go do a track like that !! just realized the pianos are doing boogie-woogie blues progression in between that minor descending chorus which is really what i mean, but i guess it's blues.


edit II: taurus is good, virgo has a nice beatles fing going on, libra is ok, the rest of these are ghastly.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

I've noticed recently how many girls look disapointed when they learn I'm a cancer. They do not even try to hide it, as if cancers were the most terrible sign ever. They just do not know the truth.

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Guest hahathhat

I've noticed recently how many girls look disapointed when they learn I'm a cancer. They do not even try to hide it, as if cancers were the most terrible sign ever. They just do not know the truth.


wat truth?



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