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i dunno about the right way, i've never fasted. not sure if one food-free day really counts as a fast though (if so, i occasionally fast out of forgetfulness, and all it does is make me tired and grumpy)

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i'm fucking starving. bastards are eating pastrami right in front of my face. i think i'll do this a few days.



i like to think that this fasting is a way to separate the me 'before' and the me 'after'


a symbolic gesture. if i go three days without eating during sunlight or at all


then it's like a reset button for my viewpoint on life

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Longest I went was 3 days, earlier this year. At the end I ate a large pizza, and I had stomach pains for a while as I defecated for the first time in days.


The thing about extended fasting is, you have to be really careful when you start eating again. David Blaine almost died after his famous 44 day fast, not from starvation, but from the dangerous process of being re-introduced to nutrition.

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David Blaine almost died after his famous 44 day fast, not from starvation, but from the dangerous process of being re-introduced to nutrition.
lol, this sounds suspiciously like something that came from the David Blaine hype machine. No way he went 44 days without food, and whatever he did, there's no way he did it without the best possible medical advice.
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