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Is life meaningless?


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Life is about making other people happy.


So even if you aren't, you should try to make others happy and find out that you might end up happy yourself.


if I wasn't so cynical I'd try this

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if you think life is meaningless then you're an idiot and you don't deserve to be alive.

it's funny that nothing you ever say actually matters.


and i'm serious about that one lol!


ahahaha, how ironic!

and this from the guy i put on ignore more than 6 months ago!

because he talks utter bile-shite the whole time. :lol:

and i'm serious on that one!

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Like I said: define meaning, and you'll have your answer.



then meaning shall define your answer.

cos' meaning is lifeless.

I disagree. "Meaning" itself can only be understood by something that is alive, or life itself.

Without life, nothing has meaning.

so there's no meaning after death? then what's the porpoise of life?


interesting points.

and therefore the meaning/purpose of life would be to create new life and create more meaning.

or drink your life away like that angry bitch essines. lol


do or die.

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i feel like creating things gives life meaning. for me, that includes stuff like writing stories and imagining things. most people on here are music makers. that totally gives life meaning, don't you think? using your unique perspective and talents to make something that the world has never seen/heard/experienced before...


i agree, totally.

it can be art, music, writing, or even just growing and maintaining a garden. or cooking for your family. or having kids/nurturing new Human beings/life. but we kind of have enough of them already. so just make interesting art and music and make delicious food! and then go and see your family/friends. or do a job that gives life meaning and/or helps other living things in some way.

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I read a book about having self respect and self love. I'll give it a shot and if I'm not here anymore in a couple of weeks, than you'll know it worked!




Lol irl

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WE COME from a dark abyss, we end in a dark abyss, and we call the luminous interval life. As soon as we are born the return begins, at once the setting forth and the coming back; we die in every moment. Because of this many have cried out: The goal of life is death! But as soon as we are born we begin the struggle to create, to compose, to turn matter into life; we are born in every moment. Because of this many have cried out: The goal of ephemeral life is immortality! In the temporary living organism these two streams collide: (a) the ascent toward composition, toward life, toward immortality; (b) the descent toward decomposition, toward matter, toward death. Both streams well up from the depths of primordial essence. Life startles us at first; it seems somewhat beyond the law, somewhat contrary to nature, somewhat like a transitory counteraction to the dark eternal fountains; but deeper down we feel that Life is itself without beginning, an indestructible force of the Universe. Otherwise, from where did that superhuman strength come which hurls us from the unborn to the born and gives us - plants, animals, men - courage for the struggle? But both opposing forces are holy. It is our duty, therefore, to grasp that vision which can embrace and harmonize these two enormous, timeless, and indestructible forces, and with this vision to modulate our thinking and our action.



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This thread was really refreshing, thanks to whoever revived it. I read through the whole thing last night and I can't remember who said what, but there were a couple of things that stuck with me.


Someone said something to the effect that most of our history as a species has been spent struggling to simply survive, and it's a relatively new development to have so many of our physical needs met and to have so much free time to become existential and depressed. This was something I hadn't given much though to, at least not lately, and it says to me that when so many of your physical needs are met, boredom becomes a real evil.


Also someone talked about adventure, I think just in the context of riding their bike around, but adventure is a big deal. That's a great word for what gives life meaning, or makes it enjoyable or whatever you want to call it. I for one need more adventure in my life. I don't need to sail the world or anything, It's just an attitude toward new experiences and getting outside the comfort zone. Anything you haven't done before, that makes you at least a little vulnerable, that shakes you out of the illusion of control, that reminds you of the limits of your own existence, can be an adventure. Telling the unknown to bring it on.

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Since writing this thread I became inspired in the realm of qbasic games. I started making a huge game, but had to give up which sucked, but I made two small crappy games, and am hard at work on a game that I think will be very cool. If I could just figure out a efficient way to save data.


I read Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Nature" a couple of times. I've always had a deep love for nature so it's changed the way I look at it a little. Very beautiful essay, ya'll should read it if you haven't.


I've been smoking a lot less weed, but that's mostly because it's Winter, and I like to be out and about when I'm high. Weed is a fantastic drug and I can't say anything bad about it. But it's not something I shouldn't be doing nearly every day.


I play virtually no minecraft anymore, which is good. It's a fun game, but if I'm going to make art I should make art that matters. If you make something in minecraft, only people in the minecraft server can enjoy it. You can't really share it with others.


And also, I feel that no matter what happens right now, my future is going to be alright. As long as I have my girlfriend, we don't have a kid, we both have jobs that pay around 9 dollars an hour after college, and we have some place decent to live, I don't think I can be sad/in-content.


OP, where do you live in MN? I'm from WI originally, and know of some cool parks in MN you could explore. but wait for a sunny day--vitamin d does wonders for midwest winters!

I happen to be a huge nature person, and am confident that I have explored EVERY single park in Blue Earth, Nicollet, and Waseca counties (County parks, not city (boring) and state (not free) parks).


What's really really really really bothering me lately though is that no matter what park I explore, I ALWAYS hear highway noise. I'd really love to hear the sounds of nature, but all of these parks are built right off of a highway. Drives me crazy.

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And also, I feel that no matter what happens right now, my future is going to be alright. As long as I have my girlfriend, we don't have a kid, we both have jobs that pay around 9 dollars an hour after college, and we have some place decent to live, I don't think I can be sad/in-content.



I'm sorry, but I just have to comment on this - why would you go to college and settle for jobs that pay 9 dollars an hour?

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And also, I feel that no matter what happens right now, my future is going to be alright. As long as I have my girlfriend, we don't have a kid, we both have jobs that pay around 9 dollars an hour after college, and we have some place decent to live, I don't think I can be sad/in-content.



I'm sorry, but I just have to comment on this - why would you go to college and settle for jobs that pay 9 dollars an hour?


i know large amounts of people who are working mininum wage jobs after getting university degrees, it's the entire job market/economy for this generation of young people is fucked

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