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October Sucks


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It was 88 in Austin today, which in context is actually quite nice. We also had the first rain this weekend in forever (actually I think it's the first heavy rainfall since last year), and it was glorious. 90 days of 100+ degrees that concluded last month, beating the previous record of 69. Worst drought since the 50s, least amount of rainfall in Texas' recorded history.


This is my favorite month as well, in fact I got married this month last year. I want fucking fall weather NOW! Have pumpkins out on the porch, darker ales in the fridge, and shitty Halloween-esque films in my Netflix queue. I'm itchin' to bust out my sweaters and hoodies.


Move to Minnesota/Canada. January Sucks Thread coming soon.


Just the thought of that is brutal, my parents are thinking about moving/retiring to Wyoming and I'm really not sure my mom grasps how cold and dark it gets up there.

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if Halloween has weather that would be suited towards Halloween, I might be willing to forgive October for all this bullshit.


what, in your mind, would be suitable weather for Hallowseen?

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Guest Xenblake

Maybe its the fact that no matter what I wear to my job, I am covered in sweat within ten minutes.



Have you tried this festive October regalia to work?

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if Halloween has weather that would be suited towards Halloween, I might be willing to forgive October for all this bullshit.


what, in your mind, would be suitable weather for Hallowseen?

london is about 65°, sunny and bright with a stiff breeze. very nice indeed.



it is currently 76 degrees with 85% humidity. high of 80 later today. FML

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October is great.


And fuck complaining about the weather.



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we get 80 degree sunny days (last weekend ) that gets down to about 45 degrees at night, but now it's 60 degrees and raining.


2 octobers ago we got like 3 feet of snow unexpectedly. locals seem to be split evenly between frenetic hatred and childlike glee for octoderp

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hot weather doesnt sit well with me, it looks lovely and more people go out and sit in the park and its lovely, but the actual heat and feel of direct sunshine i find unpleasant. i like the autumn. i also dont get cold, even in the height of winter i only need a thin hoody to stay warm. hot blooded

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yeah. hot and humid is just plain uncomfortable/unbearable for me. i don't want to perspire unless im exercising or doing manual labor. waking up in october with a layer of sweat is unacceptable.

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Guest Xenblake

Autumn or "fall" has turned into my favourite season this year. So many clear, still crisp days. Besides, summer is becoming overrated.

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Fuck autumn. It lasted about 2 weeks. Rode my bike to school in 32° F/0° C Wind-chill. Bullshit.


:wtf: Fuuuuck. Today was literally the first day I had a reason to wear a jacket outside. Oh latitude.

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