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October Sucks


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Man, October sucks. I dunno where to begin. Maybe the fact that it is well into the middle of the month, and its still 78 degrees out with 90% humidity? Maybe. Maybe its the fact that my roommate has been diagnosed with strep throat, and I've been sweating at night over whether I am next. Maybe its the fact that no matter what I wear to my job, I am covered in sweat within ten minutes.


October is not meant to be warm, humid and sweaty. It is supposed to be cool, breezy, some fall showers and beautiful leaves falling as far as the I can see. Time for cheap homebrew and drink on a Friday night amidst a backdrop that reminds one of all those sentimental 80's "college life" movies.


Nah, instead my only dress shirts have sweat stains, and there is a good chance of calling out of work for 3 days.


Anyone hate this so-called "fall"?


With the weather we have been having, I wouldn't be surprised if it went immediately over to bone-chilling cold, energy sucking winter.

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October is awesome. Both my birthday and Halloween are in it. It's the best weather all year in the bay area, too. It's sunny and warm outside right now, when it's usually cold and foggy.

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Yeah, I'm also Canadian and October is the best month of the year. The air is cool and fresh, the leaves are turning beautiful colours, and the supermarkets are full of cheap and delicious varieties of squash.

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Guest disparaissant

where the hell do you live smetty that it is 80 degrees in october, bone chilling cold in winter, and cheese is 5 dollars a pound? i want to know so i can avoid it.

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Guest disparaissant

it rained all day but it was like 80 yesterday. cheese is cheap as hell. winters still suck, but hey. cheap cheese. move to wisconsin.

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where the hell do you live smetty that it is 80 degrees in october, bone chilling cold in winter, and cheese is 5 dollars a pound? i want to know so i can avoid it.



lol near DC, but in the boonies and very very conservative.

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