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Wiki & Leaks is closing it's doors

Cazador Mod Unit

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So... I read today that Wiki & Leaks is closing it's doors and I guess we have the following agencies to thank and send regards for this new attack on fun and everything that is cool in the Interverse:


- Oback Barama aka the US Government

- US Puppet Governments from around the world

- The Guardian

- Bank of America Corp

- Visa Inc

- MasterCard Inc

- eBay Inc unit

- PayPal

- Western Union Co


"If WikiLeaks does not find a way to remove this blockade, given our current levels of expenditure, we will simply not be able to continue by the turn of the year," Assange told a news conference.


In July, WikiLeaks filed a complaint to the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission, saying Visa and MasterCard had breached antitrust provisions set out by the EU Treaty.


Assange, who is fighting extradition from Britain to Sweden, where he faces allegations of sexual misconduct, said he hoped the European Commission would make a decision to hold a full investigation by mid-November.



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I dont think this is awful news. The fight for freedon of information will continue through more radical and diverse forms. Wikileaks and assange made great progress, for whih I am grateful, but as a long term insitution they could only hamper this progress by being a scapegoat for the us govt/media etc. (for example: attacks on assanges person as opposed to real discussion of the issue.) there are other outlets like openleaks or whatever. This is a short term victory for the short sighted Agencies listed above but a long term inevitability for people interested in democracy.

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Oback Barama a couple of days ago


Look at the faces here around you, and you see an America that is more fair and more free and more just than the one Dr. King addressed that day. We are right to savor that slow but certain progress — progress that’s expressed itself in a million ways, large and small, across this nation every single day, as people of all colors and creeds live together, and work together, and fight alongside one another, and learn together, and build together, and love one another.




I'm so moved with joy and freedom I want to cry tears of happiness

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Hey guys,

Remember that one time when wikileaks leaked absolutely incredible secret information about the world and the New World Order that turned the world upside down? No? Lol, neither do I.


Goodnight everybody!

*finger kisses*

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/speculation on .....


I think that w.l wasn't serving it's purpose. As in no one was trusting enough to send it any juicy information, lest they be exposing themselves to the government via the wiki proxy. We need a clearing house for information surely, and it doesn't even need people redacting names, because government and corporate secrecy is anti-humanity in the long run. Or you could have the person uploading it scanning for names and pulling them out, should they desire.


As for openleaks. Maybe it was a hopeful project that they constructed after wikileaks, which still fails to deliver any high level leakers into their hands.



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I disagree that redaction isn't necessary - would you want anyone getting injured/killed as a result of information that you leaked? I'm not saying it has happened (I don't believe the nonsense that the US DOD spouted about harming troops, all the information was based on old troop movements, locales) but the possibility surely exists.

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what the hell is with the retarded thread title?


Sounds like a clothing store. heh. Maybe that's what it'll have to morph into. In the press release they did say that they accept posted cash or cheques. So they might not be done for, it just won't be as easy to send them monies.

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Wiki & Leaks


Damn, i can't put a border around the lettering or anything. Neither can i be bothered opening Gimp.


I was really looking forward to their next release, Julian Assrange 6-36 :sad:


Hah. bumppabumpBOMP.

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I disagree that redaction isn't necessary - would you want anyone getting injured/killed as a result of information that you leaked? I'm not saying it has happened (I don't believe the nonsense that the US DOD spouted about harming troops, all the information was based on old troop movements, locales) but the possibility surely exists.

well what about the ppl who die cuz its NOT revacuated like ppl in another country blown up from bombs of a evil corporation or ppl in the USA dying from sickness cuz corrupted politians stay in power and dont make free health care. u will never know either way. its just 1 side is the lyar

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too bad the sole operator is a douche.. i dont care what you think of assange, the general philosophy of the project is sound.. short of funding genuine terrorism, people should be able to give money to whatever they want.


its not like assange is the end of this sort of thing. the cats out of the bag.. fuck em

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