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good films involving pest / infection / virii


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as if two versions of the movie were mashed together


this sounds about right, you jump from a scene with Jason Lee making poop and fart jokes to him getting his hand bitten off by an alien in a span of less than 10 minutes




edit: basically i want more over the top expensive CGI spectacle horror movies, the studios realized after silent hill and dreamcatcher that it was a dead-end so they went back to low budget stuff. I really enjoyed the Silent Hill movie but i know im in the minority here.

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If you like cheesy stuff then there's always Cabin Fever. Tits and infection fest.

[REC] is also really, really good but do not watch the awful American remake, 'Quarantine'.


I haven't seen Cabin Fever but I am giving out a warning that this is a movie by Eli Roth who is currently competing with Tom Six for the position of Worst Director Ever in my book.


How bad exactly IS Quarantine ... ?


The Others. Nicole Kidman is a total pest in that.


She is, but it's a great and absolutely spine chilling movie and I highly recommend it, although no infection.


dreamcatcher sucked me in for like 20 minutes and then i don't know what happened


EXACTLY what I thought.


I really enjoyed the Silent Hill movie but i know im in the minority here.


you so are!

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I'm gonnie watch the Silent Hill movie, no high expectations but I just wanna see how they spun the game franchise into a movie.




I love this movie. so strange, the idea of a memetic language virus as a being unto itself.


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I second Phase IV and add Hellstrom Chronicles to the list. Great depections of insect warfare vs. us.


For a virus movie, try Plague a/k/a M3 the Gemini Strain. Very downbeat.

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i liked this movie, mixes horror and comedy in just the right amounts for me


i don't know how high the budget was on Slither but i remember a great scene from the movie where you flashback to the alien home planet and just see all these weird slug creatures interacting



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night of the living dead. dawn of the dead. return of the living dead. Alien. I haven't watched contagion yet, but I figure that'll be ok. already mentioned 28 days/weeks and andromeda strain are pretty cool films.

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dreamcatcher sucked me in for like 20 minutes and then i don't know what happened

you probably realized you were watching a terrible film. The fly (cronenberg).

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ugh, "I am legend". I prefer the Omega Man, but that's not very good either, the last man on earth is ok I guess.

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If you like cheesy stuff then there's always Cabin Fever. Tits and infection fest.

[REC] is also really, really good but do not watch the awful American remake, 'Quarantine'.


I haven't seen Cabin Fever but I am giving out a warning that this is a movie by Eli Roth who is currently competing with Tom Six for the position of Worst Director Ever in my book.


How bad exactly IS Quarantine ... ?


Cabin Fever knows it's bad so that's why it works. Also...




If Quarantine hadn't been a remake I guess it would have been ok, but knowing how creepy the original is (especially the ending) it doesn't really have a lot of things going for it.

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i liked this movie, mixes horror and comedy in just the right amounts for me


i don't know how high the budget was on Slither but i remember a great scene from the movie where you flashback to the alien home planet and just see all these weird slug creatures interacting




only 15 mil. I think they used their budget extraordinarily well.

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just watched Contagion. For a 2011 Hollywood thing it was good enough i suppose. It had multiple iPhone ads embedded which was lol considering the topic.

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This is the first time I've ever vehemently disagreed with you, I think.



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