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Guest enxyme

Saw them once... I just remember the lights going out and rednecks starting to run and scream...


My best friend in high school tattooed "By Demons" on his arm with a sewing needle the day after one of their shows in 92... RAISE HELL MAN - - WHEEEEEEEWWWWW

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Guest enxyme

Hell yeah man, I've seen 'em twice, the most memorable being the tour with WHite Zombie back in the day.





Yea... That tour IS legendary... Seriously HARD tour...


I saw White Zombie and The Obsessed on a tour that same year... People have no idea how kids were flipping out to that record...


Another legendary tour in that era was the Ministry-Helmet-Sepultura tour... Jesus

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I never got to see them, but Dimebag was shot in my home town the same night I saw Ministry. I actually almost went to see him, but it was at the Al Rosa Villa, and that place is a shithole.


The last minute of this track gets me fucking pumped every time.



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Pantera was DEFINITELY metal. Essines is nuts.


I saw Pantera on the Vulgar tour and twice on the Far Beyond tour. The first time was crazy. I think Sepultura was opening. We got there a little late. Someone in the pit got jacked in the face with spikes from a jacket or a gauntlet. I saw him get carried out on a stretcher. His eyeball was ripped open and his face was all bloody.

Pantera shows were famous for basically being marijuana festivals. People used to throw dime bags on stage and Phil would smoke a huge joint prop. Best show to catch as a youngster :)




Here I am after getting Pantera's autograph at a record store in Chicago around the time of the release of FBD...


62408_10100103268336229_820414_54374477_2344855_n.jpg <- Samhain shirt.



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here is the video from the end of the madonna clip...




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I couldn't make it far into that album. It's like the blew their load on the first few tracks and the rest is filler. A New Level just made me think of the main riff in Seasons in the Abyss after the intro, the song that is.


Phil is a huge Suffocation fan though so I can't hate him.

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Pantera was DEFINITELY metal. Essines is nuts.


I saw Pantera on the Vulgar tour and twice on the Far Beyond tour. The first time was crazy. I think Sepultura was opening. We got there a little late. Someone in the pit got jacked in the face with spikes from a jacket or a gauntlet. I saw him get carried out on a stretcher. His eyeball was ripped open and his face was all bloody.

Pantera shows were famous for basically being marijuana festivals. People used to throw dime bags on stage and Phil would smoke a huge joint prop. Best show to catch as a youngster :)




Here I am after getting Pantera's autograph at a record store in Chicago around the time of the release of FBD...


62408_10100103268336229_820414_54374477_2344855_n.jpg <- Samhain shirt.



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here is the video from the end of the madonna clip...







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pantera wasn't metal? wha? come on. you guys and your genres. :cerious:





People only say that because they were popular, and a lot of twats happen to be pantera fans. Also, pantera had more "groove" than a lot of metal imo, especially trendkill. "Re-inventing the steel" never got more than 1 listen from me however.

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That song is so awful.


Let's see you do better, numbnuts.


You guys are just flame-baiting now. Keep it up and you'll get reported.

































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Growing up, I mostly knew of Pantera as the band that rehearsed in my dad's neighborhood in Arlinton, TX. They used rec room at small city pool and he mostly remembers them playing Van Halen covers before they got decent and started touring. There were two guys who only played with the band from 81'-82 and my dad knew one of them. I'll have to ask him about it again. Map of the place they rehearsed... http://maps.google.c...m.panoramio.all

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Pantera was my favorite metal band in high school. They combine the best of both pummeling and accessible riffs, the drumming is explosive, and Dime's solos are masterful. That's what Eddie Van Halen is supposed to sound like!


What I don't get, for those who think Pantera is 'weak' or 'not metal,' what is so much more 'metal' about any other band? Unless it's just genre hair-splitting, which is fine. But I would call this music purely in the spirit of FUCKIN METALLLLLLLLLL


*sets shit on fire*

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