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what cigarette brands do you smoke watmm


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idk, it varies highly by state. american spirits i've seen for $5.60 here in florida. in chicago, you can't get anything under like $10 (at least, in the shitty places i looked). the taxes vary a lot, basically.

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Here in WA they're like $8 or even upwards of $10 depending on the store.

I go to the reservation in Idaho to get them and they're only like $5 or $6. I only smoke like a pack a week, plus there's this awesome Vietnamese restaurant nearby, so it's actually pretty economical to do this every 2-4 weeks.

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Guest AcrossCanyons



I don't smoke any more bar very rare occasions and joints but GV is always the way to go. I used to smoke Drum for a while because it smells like BBQ sauce but I went off the taste and back to GV.

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B & H Silver or Mayfair Smooth.


Dunhill Blues on payday.










these look like Patrick Bateman's first choice


man, mine must be shitty because I can't even find a picture online.... granted I only looked for about a minute, but still...


Anyhow, Edgefield Menthol.




my b/f is half native american or something and i feel that by smoking american spirits i am supporting the traditions of his people.



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I don't smoke but those "smoking is harmful" notices are so stupid

The warnings on Canadian cigarettes are pretty obnoxious. I remember there was one warning that has since been discontinued that highlighted various death statistics from 1996. Tobacco related being the highest of course, but just beneath was suicides which outnumbered both homicides and car accidents and seemed far more interesting than the tobacco related statistic.


I smoke these guys because I am a hipster and because they hurt babies.


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geez ,i just pick something with a nice color, usually it's a pack camel or lucky strike, i think. i take the big boxes with 21 cigs, usually.


starting to smoke quite a lot of baccy these days, dammit, and not just in spliffs.



that was a useless post.



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I jest I jest, used to smoke the Lucky Strike.... mostly just Golden Virginia with my niceties now (no more "Cigarettes" or smoke in general without the green for me, Tobacco alone just isn't worth it)

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Anyone have these coconut shell filters?




I did for a while. I thought they were a rip-off cause I couldn't tell the difference but it turned out they were always cheaper than standard ones so my anger was contained. Although there is the obligatory waste when you show someone that there is something inside by ripping the buggers apart.

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I jest I jest, used to smoke the Lucky Strike.... mostly just Golden Virginia with my niceties now (no more "Cigarettes" or smoke in general without the green for me, Tobacco alone just isn't worth it)


Bidi's. Shmooked a few of those in India. Shmoked a few other things too while I was there. Splutter, splutter

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Guest Coalbucket PI



I also have been known to purchase many other brands though. Has anyone ever splashed out on those swanky Davidoff bastards? I felt like a fucking king


edit: also I rather liked those bidis for a while, I think they are made by kids though

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I jest I jest, used to smoke the Lucky Strike.... mostly just Golden Virginia with my niceties now (no more "Cigarettes" or smoke in general without the green for me, Tobacco alone just isn't worth it)


Bidi's. Shmooked a few of those in India. Shmoked a few other things too while I was there. Splutter, splutter


mate of mine brought me back a pack, it has this hilarious lad with an oversized afro on the cover... next time I'm down I'll scan this cig pack for great justice (couldn't find it on googles image search :( )


Note the actual cigs themselves have little purple ribbons rolled around them so you know when to stop smoking them :P

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I also have been known to purchase many other brands though. Has anyone ever splashed out on those swanky Davidoff bastards? I felt like a fucking kin


had one off a girl


i think


later i noticed she was reusing the box

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