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Billions of Planets just like ours

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Guest El_Chemso

In the comparison between Alien technology being superior and ours so vastly inferior that we would get wiped out. Could it be compared to say modern military might in use against fighters in Iraq/Afghanistan. Even though they have basically shit all, just some nokia 3310's , some old shells and a good assortment of both tea towels and AK47's they still seem to remain active and ongoing in the area, and this year has already seen the withdraw of a lot of the alien army. Its not like they've been wiped out even though the otherside has everything from Satelites to amazing hovering gunships that can see in the dark.


Couldn't we with out nucs and many billions of people fight of these alien suckers? If they wanted our resources they couldn't be to heavy handed in the same we we can't nuke the middle east to rid it of the unwanted ones.


Good work watmm btw, very interesting discussion.

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unless that means i will definitely get spaceship sex, fuck no


it does. you will.


[my answer is YES]

still on the fence here. will space weed exist?


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Guest RadarJammer

would you get on a space shuttle knowing that you're great great great great great great great great (however many lifetimes it would take us to fly there) grandson would one day meet intelligent life on another distant planet? but you would die on route (obviously)


As the ship approached its destination an android would raise and train some test tube babies and there would probably be a rapid human growth environment so they could skip those awkward pimply rebellious sex crazed teenage years and get straight to the sacrificial hardy boys extraterrestrial adventures.

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would you get on a space shuttle knowing that you're great great great great great great great great (however many lifetimes it would take us to fly there) grandson would one day meet intelligent life on another distant planet? but you would die on route (obviously)


I doesn't matter either way. Our technology right now wouldn't be able to sustain life in a shuttle for that long much less generations of people.


Also by the time your seed would get there, the aliens would probably kill him/her.

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Guest underscore

would you get on a space shuttle knowing that you're great great great great great great great great (however many lifetimes it would take us to fly there) grandson would one day meet intelligent life on another distant planet? but you would die on route (obviously)


in a heartbeat

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Guest yikes

the thing i find the most depressing is that we are still trapped by brute force propulsion for the most part.

we haven't been able to fold space and time yet,and are reliant upon explosive combustion to get stuff into orbit/space.

hopefully once the rubicon of anti matter/gravity is crossed IT WILL BE IMMEDIATELY WEAPONIZED and USED TO KILL OTHER HUMANS OVER OIL/GOLD AND REAL ESTATE far away from the proving grounds at SKUNKWORKS. :facepalm:

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lots of great discussion here. I don't think I'd board a spacecraft under the above scenario, space is a big cold nothing and you wouldn't even be sure if the destination would make it worth the trouble. Imagine at the end of the long journey your great great great grandkids discover a patch of moss. Talk about anticlimactic.


I don't worry that an alien civilization would want to destroy us. What would be the cause? The worm/bug analogy seems false, for 2 reasons: 1) a worm doesn't have any sense of self-awareness; 2) the more a species evolves, the more nuanced its moral understanding becomes (I'd argue). I assume that a more advanced/evolved species would be sensitive to the fact that we are a self-aware species, and their more advanced moral understanding would prevent them from destroying us. As the guy in the video hinted, there's probably a huge "filter" before any species can get to the spacefaring stage, so I'm assuming the aliens would have long ago learned to rein in their destructive impulses.


Also, and this is probably the main reason why it wouldn't make sense for them to destroy us, what would be the benefit? All the minerals, water, raw materials you might need are probably scattered in abundance across the universe. No need to get in a pissing match over our little blue marble...

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unless that means i will definitely get spaceship sex, fuck no


it does. you will.


[my answer is YES]

still on the fence here. will space weed exist?



you can smoke it in your helmet

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the thing i find the most depressing is that we are still trapped by brute force propulsion for the most part.

we haven't been able to fold space and time yet,and are reliant upon explosive combustion to get stuff into orbit/space.

hopefully once the rubicon of anti matter/gravity is crossed IT WILL BE IMMEDIATELY WEAPONIZED and USED TO KILL OTHER HUMANS OVER OIL/GOLD AND REAL ESTATE far away from the proving grounds at SKUNKWORKS. :facepalm:


Constructing a space elevator would probably the next best thing before any antimatter space folding technology. The space elevator technology is much easier to achieve than antimatter shenanigans. With an elevator we could build a space ship in orbit that would have a far better range than the inefficient space shuttle.

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The team of astronauts would probably go nuts after 6 generations, lose sight of their original mission, and either kill eachother or go feral and turn around and nuke us all.


Jus' sayin like

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In the comparison between Alien technology being superior and ours so vastly inferior that we would get wiped out. Could it be compared to say modern military might in use against fighters in Iraq/Afghanistan. Even though they have basically shit all, just some nokia 3310's , some old shells and a good assortment of both tea towels and AK47's they still seem to remain active and ongoing in the area, and this year has already seen the withdraw of a lot of the alien army. Its not like they've been wiped out even though the otherside has everything from Satelites to amazing hovering gunships that can see in the dark.


Couldn't we with out nucs and many billions of people fight of these alien suckers? If they wanted our resources they couldn't be to heavy handed in the same we we can't nuke the middle east to rid it of the unwanted ones.


Good work watmm btw, very interesting discussion.


They would just use nanotechnology to remove everything they dont want. You can't fight nanorobots with ak-47

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It's probably not feasible yet, but it ought to be right around the corner with the advancements in nanotechnology and metamaterials.


Yeah carbon nanotubes and whatnot ain't it?


The grand grand grand grand grand grand grandchild scenario is an interesting one. I can't help but feel that by the time that generation makes it to their destination it might as well be a different species by that point.

Someone stayed in orbit for a month or so as an experiment, or maybe it was three months, but after that stretch of time they were showing clear mental strain. Travelling such a long distance for such a long time creates some very complicated scenarios that we would need to overcome.

Two important things we need to consider are sex and entertainment.

It's not feasible to keep people in a small ship, it would need to be huge, somewhere with recreational activities like running, tennis, etc etc. There would have to be some sort of biological environment on board, like they've been experimenting with in Cornwall. The eden project I think it's called. Just to not be in such a sterile environment all the time.

Most importantly you would need to be able to just walk away from everybody because being around the same people for so long would be torture.

So basically you would need a generation ship, something massive really if you were making a real drawn out voyage.


Then there are the psychological implications on the next generation of the crew. You literally have to have a system whereby a child is assigned a job which they have to train towards so they can carry on the duties of running the ship. A certain amount of kids would have to be pilots, navigators etc. Removing this freedom of choice and reminding the kids that their entire lives are pointless exercises in getting from a-b for several generations are going to create the odd fruitcake here and there. Which means you need a prison on board.


I could and probably will go on later...

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Guest RadarJammer

Someone stayed in orbit for a month or so as an experiment, or maybe it was three months, but after that stretch of time they were showing clear mental strain. Travelling such a long distance for such a long time creates some very complicated scenarios that we would need to overcome.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_spaceflight_records#Ten_longest_human_space_flights people go up there for way longer than 3 months.


Those are tiny cramped ships though with crappy ghetto bird bath showers and occasional fecal popcorning (when a turd bounces loose into the cabin and you have to go after it with a mini lacross stick) so I get that they would get cabin fever after awhile.


Future ships will have a holodeck though so you can go jogging with virtual Jessica Alba and get your ass handed to you at a put put course by a virtual Tiger Woods.

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Someone stayed in orbit for a month or so as an experiment, or maybe it was three months, but after that stretch of time they were showing clear mental strain. Travelling such a long distance for such a long time creates some very complicated scenarios that we would need to overcome.


Future ships will have a holodeck though so you can go jogging with virtual Jessica Alba and get your ass handed to you at a put put course by a virtual Tiger Woods.


Yeah, Aliens Directors Cut when Ripley is sat in a forest.

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Guest RadarJammer

Will that cut it though?


One thing that comes to mind would be taking libido out of the equation. Putting the core of man at a permanent baseline but giving the mental surface tons of ups and downs (but a perfect bowl movement every time, and always on schedule). How long can you keep a man alive though? If science could prolong a life by 100's or 1000's of years could a man learn to meditate for months and surf the hypnagogic miracles of the mind? WWSD? (what would spock do)

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