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Do you eat a lot of meat ?


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it's pretty clearly not the best option [ethically] to eat meat, specifically when you're middle or upper class.


anyway, I eat meat but I know its wrong. I'm depressed and I'm fat and a food addict so I really cant be "arsed" to look up complex vegetarian recipes at this time. I've already got enough things going on, and it seems like its easier to get protein from meat than it is from beans and nuts. I plan to make a full transition to veganism some time in the future...


so basically my attitude is that when I die I'll have been a vegan for a long while.

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Maybe we need to reduce the population, not the amount of meat being eaten?




Really though! The world is grossly overpopulated. We keep trying to fix the negative impact humans have on the planet, might as well just stop it at the source.





i agree with this.


i'm going to eat fish for dinner. i do like meat, but i like seafood perhaps even more. if i ever stopped eating meat i would still eat tons of seafood.


i believe that chickens are born to be eaten and nobody should ever feel guilty for eating a chicken. for cows and pigs i can see why you'd feel sympathetic, and i agree it's terrible the way they're treated, but chickens? chickens are big, stupid, meaty creatures born to stumble into the jaws of a predator. chickens, to any carnivore, are like big juicy grapes on a vine - succulent lumps of flesh which the lifeforce has designed to act as food for other, and more important lifeforms.


but i agree they should definitely be treated better before they die. all animals should be treated kindly, and i hope people will realize that. i also hope that people will continue to kill and cook delicious, juicy chickens, in the most kind and respectful manner.

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Guest theSun

i'd like to just kill a deer once or twice a year and freeze the meat, but i'm too lazy and ignorant for that at this point

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judging by this thread it seems like the idea of meat eating as being ethically wrong has gained a lot of traction in the youth. that's kind of awesome, I mean if you read every post in here it seems like we're on the same page, even if we're not all putting our morality into practice.


good sign for the future either way, even if this is just a subset.

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Maybe we need to reduce the population, not the amount of meat being eaten?




Really though! The world is grossly overpopulated. We keep trying to fix the negative impact humans have on the planet, might as well just stop it at the source.





i agree with this.


are you guys talking about cannibalism?

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there's really no moral justification in eating meat nowdays, especially in first world problems countries, it really is as simple as troon said. luckily i have no problem with living through moral contradictions and enjoy glorious, meat infused, middle-eastern kitchen on a daily basis.

judging by this thread it seems like the idea of meat eating as being ethically wrong has gained a lot of traction in the youth. that's kind of awesome, I mean if you read every post in here it seems like we're on the same page, even if we're not all putting our morality into practice.


good sign for the future either way, even if this is just a subset.


agreed on both counts. I'd like to be vegetarian, but can't be arsed to make sure I'm getting proper nutrition (I think most vegetarians are malnourished), plus I love the taste of meat, plus my body can't handle lots of carbs...but it is cool to see so many people taking the moral stance, because I do believe it to be right...

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Maybe we need to reduce the population, not the amount of meat being eaten?




Really though! The world is grossly overpopulated. We keep trying to fix the negative impact humans have on the planet, might as well just stop it at the source.





i agree with this.


i'm going to eat fish for dinner. i do like meat, but i like seafood perhaps even more. if i ever stopped eating meat i would still eat tons of seafood.


i believe that chickens are born to be eaten and nobody should ever feel guilty for eating a chicken. for cows and pigs i can see why you'd feel sympathetic, and i agree it's terrible the way they're treated, but chickens? chickens are big, stupid, meaty creatures born to stumble into the jaws of a predator. chickens, to any carnivore, are like big juicy grapes on a vine - succulent lumps of flesh which the lifeforce has designed to act as food for other, and more important lifeforms.


but i agree they should definitely be treated better before they die. all animals should be treated kindly, and i hope people will realize that. i also hope that people will continue to kill and cook delicious, juicy chickens, in the most kind and respectful manner.




Maybe we need to reduce the population, not the amount of meat being eaten?




Really though! The world is grossly overpopulated. We keep trying to fix the negative impact humans have on the planet, might as well just stop it at the source.





i agree with this.


are you guys talking about cannibalism?


No lol ...

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i've stopped eating meat about two years ago...started out cause i was getting pretty sick fairly often from red meat (also i began developing a love/admiration for the awesomeness of cows and pigs), so i cut back to fish and chicken, then eventually cut back to just fish. I can't remember the last time I had fish, but damnnnn I misss sushi.


i dont think its too hard to become vegetarian, I dont even miss meat (besides sushi). If you spend a little bit of time learning to cook with soy/beans/eggplant/other protein based foods, you can make some killer dishes that practically taste like youre eating meat after you lather on some BBQ/teriyaki sauce/etc.. I'd say I eat much healthier due to my lack of meat eating, I've actually began paying more attention to nutrition and daily values of what I eat, something I would never have done back in my meat ingesting days.


i don't have a problem with people eating meat though, or even cooking it (for work), but every time i see meat nowadays i can't help thoughts that whoever is ingesting it is basically putting animal body in their mouth. it's weird, the correlation between how normal we consider something like sliced deli meats to the actual process/reality of what it is.


I also don't agree with the morals of modern day processing of meat, but I tend to ignore that aspect as it ends up making me very depressed.

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whoever said hunting a deer and freezing the meat is dead on. I want to learn how to hunt so I can at least say that the meat I consume was from an animal I hunted and cleaned myself. One deer's worth of meat can last a loooooooooooooong time, especially for one person.

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I feel like my meal is incomplete if I haven't had some meat. Love it and feel comfortable eating it because you and I are at the top of the food chain. It is also a great source of protein, which is something I don't get a lot of

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Guest zaphod

I dunno, just being vegetarian makes very little sense to me, if you're doing it for moral or health reasons. I would think being vegan is the way to go. I'm basically vegetarian out of my natural eating habits never really involving meat or dairy. But a good steak, good sashimi, and fucking bacon. I don't think I can give those things up.

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I think it's more about the statement rather than the logistics. Even though I'm vegetarian, I'm definitely still buying Monsanto products even though I don't even know it. That corporation is just as vile as any slaughter house.


There's only so much I can control as a consumer.

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I dunno, just being vegetarian makes very little sense to me, if you're doing it for moral or health reasons. I would think being vegan is the way to go.

I don't understand, explain? Why is vegetarian not the more moral option than meat eating, and why would veganism be superior to either?


Veganism is weird right, doesn't it say no eggs and no honey because it's bee torture? lol. Maybe I'm just laughing at a caricature of veganism tho, not the real thing...


Basically, what troon said, many of the animals we eat are intelligent and that's...bad. Fish and chickens? Meh, not so much. Although ducks are cool. I guess if I wanted to be ethical according to my own rules I could still include chickens and fish, because I don't think of them highly. And to be honest, anyone who has spent time around cows, well...But I love pig meat, and pigs are apparently quite smart. Tasty little Wilbur...

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because I don't think of them highly. And to be honest, anyone who has spent time around cows, well...


what, cows are awesome! not to mention their feces makes great spiritual enlightenment

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I'm not sure how I feel about this particular topic yet. On one hand I see what you all are saying RE them being intelligent etc. On the other, I really enjoy eating meat, it tastes great and for my body type, I need it.


Also, I think vegetarians/vegans etc reduce plant life to being lesser life forms than animals etc. I'm not sure I understand the logic that one cannot eat animals because they are "intelligent" (not so intelligent to avoid being eaten though?) but vegetables etc which are also life are fair game?


I'm probably missing something from the concept. Would be happy if it were explained to me.

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about half the time, only really at dinner for me. my mom is always telling me to eat more meat but i guess it's not THAT important if some of you guys go without it at all. it is great protein though ya gotta admit that much.

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Also, I think vegetarians/vegans etc reduce plant life to being lesser life forms than animals etc. I'm not sure I understand the logic that one cannot eat animals because they are "intelligent" (not so intelligent to avoid being eaten though?) but vegetables etc which are also life are fair game?


personally i think the difference is that you can grow to form a bond with an animal, unlike a plant...a cow can lick your face and would make noises of fear if something attacked it, they raise their young and develop loving bonds between the mother and calf...a lot of plants dont do either of those, and plants can have their fruit taken from them and not necessarily be killed. also plants pretty much die at the end of the season anyway, so it seems more like a natural cycle to live on plants, than raise an animal that has a life of a few years

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Also, I think vegetarians/vegans etc reduce plant life to being lesser life forms than animals etc. I'm not sure I understand the logic that one cannot eat animals because they are "intelligent" (not so intelligent to avoid being eaten though?) but vegetables etc which are also life are fair game?


personally i think the difference is that you can grow to form a bond with an animal, unlike a plant...a cow can lick your face and would make noises of fear if something attacked it, they raise their young and develop loving bonds between the mother and calf...a lot of plants dont do either of those, and plants can have their fruit taken from them and not necessarily be killed. also plants pretty much die at the end of the season anyway, so it seems more like a natural cycle to live on plants, than raise an animal that has a life of a few years


That makes sense.... That indicates a level of intelligence/self awareness right?


At what point is the line drawn that "this is dumb enough we can eat it" ?


Can we measure sentience? What if plants are sentient somehow? =/

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