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Scorsese only directing 3D from now on

Rubin Farr

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Hugo wasn't bad for what I expected to be a kid's film. The old school low framerate silent film stuff was really cool.


But, yeah for realz, I'm onboard with the opinion that 3D is a fakking joke and it will never be legit. Especially after reading the reviews of The Hobbit 48 frames per second 3D which was claimed to be 3D done right. I don't think their is any hope for the whurld.

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Guest RadarJammer

Sometimes the effect is ok but it is never good enough to justify wearing cheap plastic shit on my face for 2 hours.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I saw Hugo on with my ex-girlfriend and her son because I thought it was the only movie at the 2 dollar theater that I wouldn't hate and maybe her kid would not turn a shit storm in boredom with. Boy was I wrong, he was fucking bored as shit and was running around the theater along with the other dozen of rugrat shitheads brought their. I guess with my minimal expectations, I made the most of it but, despite it being slow, again, I really dug the silent film old era style films they faked and Sacha Baren Cohen was slightly amusing.


It was to be honest a pretty fucking slow ass shit movie, I don't know how the fuck they could possibly put in an area code that kids might find entertaining.

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3D is totally new and amazing guys.


Hollywood needs some way to keep dimwits pumping money into theaters. They keep rehashing old movies and we've grown wise. 3D gives the morons "something new and amazing that you MUST SEE" and it allows them to keep re-doing old movies (shit... fuck redoing them, just add some 3d and re-release that shit!)





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i wear glasses and i need to wear the 3D glasses above my normal glasses. it makes all the movies blurry as shit. i've seen 4 or so movies in 3D because i had no other choice and it has always been a bummer. the only one where it was kind of decent was tintin, but 40% of the movie sorta blurry.


fuck 3D. it was cool when i was 10 and there was a movie on tv with sharks in 3D (red/cyan glasses) and the sharks came out of the tv. luckily enough for hollywood half of the population has a mind of a ten year old. i smell conspiracy, keep everyone dumb as fuck so you can sell em 3D bull.

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Only reason 3D hasn't really blown everyones mind yet has to do with why the Hobbit is shooting at 48fps.


Avatar 2 and 3 will be shot at 60fps.


Welcome to the new digital era of Film.


Especially after reading the reviews of The Hobbit 48 frames per second 3D which was claimed to be 3D done right. I don't think their is any hope for the whurld.


Why do you keep lying?


Heres another impression from the Hobbit:


RE: the 48 frames. I think it will take a bit of adjusting our expectations, but I've never a movie that jumps off the screen and immerses you in the film the way this 10 minute piece did.

RE: the performances. On par with Lord of the Rings, with Martin Freeman appearing to be the perfect Bilbo.


With every new major leap in film technology, there has always been tremendous backlash because it distorts with what we have grown accustom to.

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Scorsese compared 3-D to the rise of color movies. He said as a film student at New York University in the early 1960s, he was shocked when he heard predictions that all future movies would be filmed in color. He said anyone harboring doubts about the rising influence of 3-D technology should consider how color movies have taken over the industry.




To say 3D is a trick is bizarre, cinema is a trick. It reminds me of the people who say synthesizers aren't legitimate elements of popular music. The process of making a film is one whole big magic trick, 3D is just an additional layer of illusion.

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The only movie I've ever felt was improved by 3D was Avatar. I saw it at a 3D IMAX theater and it was like being in a different world, truly amazing. Every other film I've seen in 3D feels like it's an afterthought.






I'm sure it will get better in the future and we'll have more in depth, moving experiences but right now it's severely lacking imo.

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Scorsese compared 3-D to the rise of color movies. He said as a film student at New York University in the early 1960s, he was shocked when he heard predictions that all future movies would be filmed in color. He said anyone harboring doubts about the rising influence of 3-D technology should consider how color movies have taken over the industry.




To say 3D is a trick is bizarre, cinema is a trick. It reminds me of the people who say synthesizers aren't legitimate elements of popular music. The process of making a film is one whole big magic trick, 3D is just an additional layer of illusion.


3D died once. Let it die again.


The difference is I didn't have to wear a special pair of "color" glasses on my head to see films in color. I fucking hate the glasses.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Just got out of a 2 & 1/2 year relationship a while back, I wan't to be single for a long while and I'm not really wanting to fuck random bitches so, I guess a 3DTV strictly for porn, a pocket pussy or a fleshlight? Should be my next investments besides music gear. Anyone ever experience porn.... IN 3D?????????

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Scorsese compared 3-D to the rise of color movies. He said as a film student at New York University in the early 1960s, he was shocked when he heard predictions that all future movies would be filmed in color. He said anyone harboring doubts about the rising influence of 3-D technology should consider how color movies have taken over the industry.




To say 3D is a trick is bizarre, cinema is a trick. It reminds me of the people who say synthesizers aren't legitimate elements of popular music. The process of making a film is one whole big magic trick, 3D is just an additional layer of illusion.


3D died once. Let it die again.


The difference is I didn't have to wear a special pair of "color" glasses on my head to see films in color. I fucking hate the glasses.


Auto-stereoscopic is on its way.


If any has seen the Hubble 3D Imax film, you will know the power that 3D depth does to video. Avatar did have some very impressive sequences, generally anytime the camera pans or elements moved horizontally you would get this stuttering effect that takes you completely out of the depth. 3D is only impressive when it is consistent, at the moment pretty much all 3D films fail at this, but most will agree that there are moments of true depth and immersion.


Scorsese perhaps hasn't directed a film with a real interesting story lately, but he is the king in many ways and deserves respect. He is the master at graphically designing images and sequences. Watch Casino again sometime.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Just got out of a 2 & 1/2 year relationship a while back, I wan't to be single for a long while and I'm not really wanting to fuck random bitches so, I guess a 3DTV strictly for porn, a pocket pussy or a fleshlight? Should be my next investments besides music gear. Anyone ever experience porn.... IN 3D?????????

he hasn't been relevant for quite some time, this doesn't really bother me, hes old and seems content in self masturbation at this point

Dude, that's a fucked up thing to say about someone you hardly know. I thought we were facebook friends WTF dude?

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