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Blow my mind away with facts


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we breath through only one of our nostrils at a time, and the nostril we breath through changes during the course of the day. We breath through the right nostril when using the left-side of the brain and vice-versa.

you're trolling right?
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"Investigators have demonstrated that, in a normally functioning nose, while one nasal fossa is congested, its ciliary beating slows in frequency or even ceases, in order for moisture to accumulate in preparation for resuming the nasal functions when that side decongests as the other side congests. Physiologically speaking, a human has two noses (making necessary two nostrils) that work in concert to provide constant humidification, filtering, and warming. The turbinates also slow the flow of air through the nose by causing turbulence, allowing more time for these functions to take place."


oh ok

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If the Earth existed as a calendar as humans are used to, January through December, humans have only existed for the last ten seconds of December 31.

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fact: i just opened the second wine bottle


fact: Damo Suzuki and the rest of Can made the best *rock music ever


fact: i got 4 hours of slepp in three days


fact: I have never felt more whatever than now


fact: i'm drunk as hell


fact: i don't give a shit

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Guest RadarJammer

every day, the average person swallows about a quart of snot


When I was little someone told me that snot started as goo that surrounds the brain and then drains into the nasal region. Its a pretty good fact though its not true.

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In this ordinary universe, there is freedom of motion for masses and energies in space. Motion (momentum) is through three axes of space. Flow through time, however is restricted to a single linear dimension with three locations (position) ; past, present, and future. There is freedom in motion through space, and no freedom in motion through time, objectively. Space is on the outside, and each entity moves through space. Time is on the inside, and time moves through each entity.

In a black hole, matters are reversed.


Inside a black hole, time and space mathematically switch places. Instead of an entity being locked in a linear motion through time, in a black hole, travel through time is possible. Past, present, and future are all available axes of motion. Motion through space, however, is restricted to a linear one dimension as the point of the singularity moves through the three axes of ordinary space. All times are available to be at along that line of travel. All points on a line are potential nodes.



has that something to do with the idea of time travel being possible but only as an observer?
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The Pistol shrimp (measuring 1-2 inches in length) dispatches it's prey by sneaking up on them and using the hinge mechanism of it's proportionately huge claws to fire a 'cavitation bubble'. This bubble moves at 60 miles per hour and releases a sound reaching 218 decibels (among the loudest sounds produced by an animal). As the bubble collapses it produces a sonoluminescent flash and reaches temperatures nearly as hot as the surface of the sun (5,000 °C). All of this lasts approximately 1 millisecond. Needless to say the shock of this attack is enough to kill prey larger than itself if need be.


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every day, the average person swallows about a quart of snot


When I was little someone told me that snot started as goo that surrounds the brain and then drains into the nasal region. Its a pretty good fact though its not true.


if we had mucus membranes covering the entire surface of our skin, we could slide around, not unlike giant slugs. roads and pedestrian ways would be marked by goopy, layer of glistening sludge. i would like to be a mucus membrane. i would like to start a dried phlegm collection one day, meticulously dated and with detailed descriptions

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Not a fact, but:


What if there were a disease that got worse the more you thought about it?



that's called depression

ha, nice one


Ok how about this one: mathematics is never actually physically present in the fabric of space, it only manifests itself onto physical objects


This one is questionable. What if math is the very foundation of our universe? That the smallest "particles" are essentially just values operating on mathematical principles? As far as I've seen quantum physics seems to show that that is very possible. Also very related, a Josephson Junction works to reduce electricity in a system by reflecting electrons against walls, and some of the electrons will appear on the outside of the wall. Without ever interacting with it, or damaging the wall. They don't go "through" the wall, they just appear on the other side, because apparently the electron existed as a wave and didn't have to exist as a particle until it made it outside.



also this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_physics

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I've been wanting to see this film... And I still do even after having watched that!

maybe there's better ones out there, this one is presented in a bit of a silly way...


i love your avatar THISISMICHAELJACKSON !

make sure you watch the 2 new movies in at least 720p if you haven't yet...
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aybe there's better ones out there, this one is presented in a bit of a silly way...


i love your avatar THISISMICHAELJACKSON !

make sure you watch the 2 new movies in at least 720p if you haven't yet...


yepp i have. i don't want to wait 2 years till the next.. oh well!

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, its body turns into a sac of fluid and is reformed from scratch. despite this, they can remember things they learned as caterpillars.

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Guest RadarJammer

every day, the average person swallows about a quart of snot


When I was little someone told me that snot started as goo that surrounds the brain and then drains into the nasal region. Its a pretty good fact though its not true.


if we had mucus membranes covering the entire surface of our skin, we could slide around, not unlike giant slugs. roads and pedestrian ways would be marked by goopy, layer of glistening sludge. i would like to be a mucus membrane. i would like to start a dried phlegm collection one day, meticulously dated and with detailed descriptions



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when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, its body turns into a sac of fluid and is reformed from scratch. despite this, they can remember things they learned as caterpillars.


Not sure I believe the last bit, how could you tell? Still bloody amazing though, butterflies/caterpillars.

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