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Film id please


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Hey babe,


Saw Demdike Stare at the weekend, who were awesome. Their film reel began with a scene of an old man in cloak (bit obi wanish) walking across a desert type landscape towards an oversized sun. Swirling clouds then form across the horizon, followed by clouds of ash. Out of this appears a figure in bandages(?) walking towards the old man. The wind blows away the swadling to reveal a female child who has ashen, flaking skin.


What was I watching?




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Guest futuregirlfriend

I'm interested in finding out too. Haven't seen it but he did play Jesus in The Greatest Story Ever Told. '65 so he wasn't old, but I dunno, robes, deserts and the sick? Sounds quite Jesusy.


Colour or black and white, how old d'you reckon?

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Another striking thing about Demdike Stare are your visuals. Your album covers are very definite presence and also when you play live, you tend to have some visuals with you. How do you go about creating the visuals and how do they play off the music?

I work closely with a friend of mine called Johnny Redmond, who’s big on gialloor poliziesco, which are Italian crime and drama movies. Dario Argento is a key person, and the way we work with the visuals is very similar to the way to the way we’d work with a sample based track. It’s taking certain parts of a movie that we really like, and having a palate of different footage from a whole load of movies, just like you’d have a kick from that record, or a snare from another record. It’s pretty much visually sampling. For me personally, it’s a key thing because when we go out live, we’re kind of running through bits of gear and laptops and we’re kind of doing live sampling. The visuals are just to make it more interesting for the audience really, so they can lock in, so they can see something other than just two dudes behind a couple of laptops.


So my guess is that it's from some Dario Argento movie.

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Another striking thing about Demdike Stare are your visuals. Your album covers are very definite presence and also when you play live, you tend to have some visuals with you. How do you go about creating the visuals and how do they play off the music?

I work closely with a friend of mine called Johnny Redmond, who’s big on gialloor poliziesco, which are Italian crime and drama movies. Dario Argento is a key person, and the way we work with the visuals is very similar to the way to the way we’d work with a sample based track. It’s taking certain parts of a movie that we really like, and having a palate of different footage from a whole load of movies, just like you’d have a kick from that record, or a snare from another record. It’s pretty much visually sampling. For me personally, it’s a key thing because when we go out live, we’re kind of running through bits of gear and laptops and we’re kind of doing live sampling. The visuals are just to make it more interesting for the audience really, so they can lock in, so they can see something other than just two dudes behind a couple of laptops.


So my guess is that it's from some Dario Argento movie.

nah, i'd wager it's unfortunately not as simple as that—they really do pull from a lot of non-italian 1960s-1970s b-movie stuff from the live set i saw. granted, i'm not familiar with all of argento's earlier, pre-deep red stuff, but they're definitely more eclectic than i'd have guessed.

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