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I was really hoping for more aggressive flirting between Keith and Madame Chaos tbqh

strap yourself to a spinal board and get your colleagues to move you around the office.


you'd think things like going to the toilet like this might be awkward, but it actually brings you closer together.


much much closer.

Hey Madame, why don't you come over and strap me to a spinal board and then play with my balls you sexy, sexy cunt.


Sorry, I'm not great at flirting.



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get someone to hit your back with a hammer while you pull on a washing machine


empty a toolkit into your bed and sleep on the tools


fold over a fence and violently shake your shoulders towards the ground

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get someone to hit your back with a hammer while you pull on a washing machine


empty a toolkit into your bed and sleep on the tools


fold over a fence and violently shake your shoulders towards the ground

Don't try this! He's trying to trick you!!!!!

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the idea behind not using the trail is that when your never quite on even footing you are constantly shifting the load to different muscle groups as your body tries to balance and correct its footing, some of them you NEVER get to use, especially while walking on a linear trail. walk .05 miles through a empty creek bed and you work out a shit ton of core muscles.


i don't think there is any exercise routine that comes remotely close to what you get when just navigating the wilderness with vigor.


I used to love as a little dleetr jogging from rock to stone to boulder to boulder to rock to stone to rock) up the dry creek beds of the dry tropics coastal national park we loved in. I'd probably be too top heavy for that now. hah haah [-;

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