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Let's see your videos WATMM


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Tried searching but couldn't find a topic like this, so if there is one, then feel free to close this down.


Post up videos you have made that you are willing to share that aren't monologues about your analord rekkids (mint condishhh wanking, etc.).

Sooooo like



Live concerts you been to,

cool shit you seent

hood shootings

gaypride parades

eating burritos

doing parkour on heroin



ok that pretty much sums up everything i wanna see


Youtube, vimeo, uhh whatever video sharing medium that exists that can be embedded here, lets see what you got WATMM


I have some vids, but i'll wait for someone else to set the lolbar.

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hood shootings

gaypride parades

eating burritos

doing parkour on heroin

osobotorot and/or theocide/lion videos


are those references to them?

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The most epic watmm video ever was probably the one where orubarasorot was driving around outside a an Autechre show in Chicago and none other than Sini flashed his Aphex Twin T-shirt and him then flipped him off.

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Guest Abstract Daddy



Two videos from archive.org edited together terribly.

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The most epic watmm video ever was probably the one where orubarasorot was driving around outside a an Autechre show in Chicago and none other than Sini flashed his Aphex Twin T-shirt and him then flipped him off.



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Those are beautiful Squee.




Haven't done any in a while, lost interest after Kdenlive kept giving me a hard time.


I'm trying to create a semi-procedural videoclip using realtime graphics but it's hard and taking forever.

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hood shootings

gaypride parades

eating burritos

doing parkour on heroin

osobotorot and/or theocide/lion videos


are those references to them?


just theocide's burrito one. great job!

dunno who osobotorot is?

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really dig the tune data! went to your bandcamp and downloaded a couple of your albums, thinking about using a couple tunes for my radio show over the summer.


squee, those vids are tight-ass.


braintree, i want to live inside your head is dank! my favorite of yours by far!



made this video using music made by chassis. i made a sexy mix for my radio show a few months ago and synced it with the movie 2046, and his song comes in during this scene, which goes quite well imo! its not perfect the whole way thru, but i like the vibe



then made a couple more from music that i used on the same mix. they're not pro or anything, but i enjoy watching them.



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hood shootings

gaypride parades

eating burritos

doing parkour on heroin

osobotorot and/or theocide/lion videos


are those references to them?


just theocide's burrito one. great job!

dunno who osobotorot is?

in one of osobotorots videos he was at a gay pride thing (or some kind of gay rights protest perhaps) and drew a goatse either on the ground or on a placard.



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Thanks, guys!


Pretty video #1

Super pretty video #2


Nice work bro. When I fist saw you posted vids, I thought "I hope there are naked girls in these".


The naked girls are all blurry!

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I review lot of TV movies at work so I made a pastiche of what the intro to seemingly every single one looks like (and sounds like) -


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Guest Mirezzi







Squee, did you make these? The pollen test is lovely. Very sharp edit.


The first one reminds me of computer artist James Whitney's stuff:


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