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Is it possible to grow older and not become cynical?


I think a bit of cynicism can be a good a thing, but there's obviously a level people can reach with cynicism that seems to suck all of the enjoyment out of things. I try not to be too cynical, but sometimes I can't help it, and I find this is particularly the case when it comes to politics, where all of the promises and best intentions seem to fall by the wayside so that people can hold on to their positions and get re-elected, and it just makes me want to disengage with the whole political process.


I suppose a lot of it has to do with not seeing the world in a child like way, where all of the magic can get sucked out of things. Afterall, familiarity often breeds contempt. It's a trap that cab be difficult not to fall into unless your mindful of it.

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it just makes me want to disengage with the whole political process.

I would suggest this, because thinking about politics is a waste of energy, at least here in America. Otherwise you'll just be angry like Smettingham all of the time.


Disengaging with the political process isn't a solution to cynicism though, because I for one am still very cynical. I think disengaging from society is the only solution.

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I find it hard to be cynical about things because I enjoy everything so much.


Except watmm, watmm is the cynical maker

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I've always been cynical, even at the age of 6, and I'm not happy about it. By now it has reached an autoconditioned acidic level, thats hard to stand even for myself. The older I get the less I lie to myself, the less I can stand people lying to themselves, and I mean lying in a productive and positive way, that occurs when people have hopes in their tiny lives and dreams and they don't want to look too close. My reaction to everything is: oh cmon forget it. Somethimes it bursts out of me, so thats what I tell them, and it makes me look like a bitter idiot, ah well :wink:

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Guest disparaissant

my mom is the least cynical person i know and she is 54


but she's also had like, severe brain damage a few times so make of that what you will


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Guest disparaissant

psh, nonviolence as a tactic exists solely to perpetuate the inherently racist liberal social order

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I'm feeling pretty cynical right now. Just frustrated and I always expect the worst from people. I'm isolated in a crowd, in a very Travis Bickle sort of way. No meaningful connection with other people at the moment, and the only friends who reach out to me I wish would go away.


Sorry, had to write that somewhere.

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Guest RadarJammer

Being stubborn and cynical is the perfect situation to go on a Peruvian Ayahuasca adventure.

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Cynicism is the easy way out.


good one.


Basically, people are big wussies. Be thankful you aren't hobbled from polio and lost half your family to the Spanish Flu.


The world is your oyster, etc. etc.


You want to live with Pocahontas? Why the hell not?? That's part of my plan. My girlfriend (who happens to have just turned 22, I'm 39, Pocahontas action going on there too) comes from a small farm in Guilin that is across a river with no car access. Have to take a boat to get there. They have ducks and fruit trees and fish from the river. When I burn out from my job (for the 6th or 7th time, probably when I get my first heart attack) imma going to retire there with her, maybe run a small coffeeshop or something. Will be able to feed geese and spend more time on watmm. Yay.

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The sad thing is that people call me a cynical when I'm in a good and positive mood. It's really weird. So I might be in a good mood when being cynical, or I'm not cynical but those people are just being stupid? That would actually be cynical. Talking about strange paths. (I love the Twin Peaks clip).

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You want to live with Pocahontas? Why the hell not?? That's part of my plan. My girlfriend (who happens to have just turned 22, I'm 39, Pocahontas action going on there too) comes from a small farm in Guilin that is across a river with no car access. Have to take a boat to get there. They have ducks and fruit trees and fish from the river. When I burn out from my job (for the 6th or 7th time, probably when I get my first heart attack) imma going to retire there with her, maybe run a small coffeeshop or something. Will be able to feed geese and spend more time on watmm. Yay.

I look forward to aspects of my future, such as living with my girlfriend out in the country and all that. But shit like television and most of the people I meet bug me.

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I'm feeling pretty cynical right now. Just frustrated and I always expect the worst from people. I'm isolated in a crowd, in a very Travis Bickle sort of way. No meaningful connection with other people at the moment, and the only friends who reach out to me I wish would go away.


Sorry, had to write that somewhere.


i hope for your own sake that you get out of that. 'cause it ain't very fun being there for a while. easing to the heart in many ways (to me at least) but not what i would call fun.

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I'm feeling pretty cynical right now. Just frustrated and I always expect the worst from people. I'm isolated in a crowd, in a very Travis Bickle sort of way. No meaningful connection with other people at the moment, and the only friends who reach out to me I wish would go away.


Sorry, had to write that somewhere.


i hope for your own sake that you get out of that. 'cause it ain't very fun being there for a while. easing to the heart in many ways (to me at least) but not what i would call fun.

Yeah, don't push your friends away from you. I did that a few years ago and was pretty much completely "friendless" for a few years. It might seem really cool during the first months or so, to have all that time for yourself, but believe me, it doesn't last long. Being alone isn't fun.
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