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Rare lungless amphibian found in Brazil

syd syside

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While you all are just tickled to death it looks like a penis, I'm more fascinated that the damn thing has no lungs - so basically it's skin is a huge lung, and obviously has the ability to absorb oxygen into it's bloodstream in a very efficient manner.

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oh the photoshopportunities!


*weeps for the watmm of old*


let's do this




I almost woke my house choking on the bite of cereal I was eating when I saw this. Fucking lol. I love the fur @ the base of the shaft, it looks like a wolly mammoth dong.

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We could call them the Drexciyans of penisses. Survivor parts from the slaves who got their penis cut-off while being shipped to the Americas. I've heard they tend to get aroused when listening to electro as well. Seems like an electrifying experience.


You must face the power of the black wave of Lardoass*cough*, before you can become a Drexciyan Wavehumper



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